AIRS 2013 Work Plan FINAL

This document contains the goals and objectives of AIRS for 2013 as initially approved by the AIRS Board, and as adjusted over the course of the year to reflect additional projects, needs and opportunities.

Responsibility / Objectives/Deliverables and Status
Board/Executive Committee
Chair: Joan Phelps
Members: David Jobe, Georgia Sales, John Thompson, Bob McKown, Bridget Wolf / Overall objective
To exercise the powers of the Board when the Board is not in session, except those powers that the bylaws of the Board require to be exercised by the Board itself. To oversee the strategic planning process, responsibility for which is delegated to the Vice President/President Elect. To coordinate activities of AIRS Committees
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To conduct ongoing review of the performance of AIRS contractual staff and organizations against contractual responsibilities (including conducting annual membership customer service survey around October)
Status/Activities: Complete
To develop/confirm any new contracts with vendors in time for 2014 budget and activities
Status/Activities: Complete
Staff support: Clive Jones / To encourage and facilitate continued development of 211 US in partnership with the 211US Steering Committee, the United Way Worldwide, the 2-1-1 state directors group and all 2-1-1 providers.
Status/Activities: Changes in UWW staffing have resulted in AIRS providing more support to the monthly meetings of both the 211US Steering Committee and the 211 State Directors group. Attended 211US meeting in Atlanta. AIRS also involved in 211US Quality Assurance and Technology committees. Completed the 211 Big Count in March. Created system to measure changes in 211 national coverage by county. Coordinated 2013 Mystery Calls. AIRS also continues to maintain the website and hosts the website. In addition, we provided the 211US Steering Committee with a position document regarding the relationship AIRS would want with any incorporated 211US entity. Complete
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To address any issues that emerge relating to AIRS name, logo, trademark, copyright.
Status/Activities: Ongoing
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To ensure that all legal requirements for non-profit corporate registration are undertaken:
·  D&O Insurance (February)
·  General Liability Insurance (February)
·  Corporate Tax Filing (May)
·  Annual Incorporation Report to Arizona Corporate Commission (October)
Status/Activities: Complete
Staff support: Clive Jones / To compile and analyze the membership information details (e.g. total contacts, total staff, types of I&R programs, etc.) that are requested during the renewal process
Status/Activities: Complete
Staff support: Clive Jones / To continue to expand the AIRS Networker social media application with goal of having 2,000 discussion postings (1,676 in 2012), 500 unique contributors in open forum (355 in 2012), 700 participants with 2+ contacts (578 in 2012) and 45,000 total logins (36,492 in 2012)
Status/Activities: Final totals were 2,321 discussion postings, 837 unique contributions to Open Forum, 14,656 library downloads and 31,506 library entries viewed, 698 participants with 2+ contacts and 61,310 total logins. Complete
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To review Succession Plan towards end of 2013 to ensure accuracy and relevance
Status/Activities: Complete
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To create Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for AIRS
Status/Activities: Complete
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To finalize scanning of AIRS materials into Cloud system (SugarSync)
Status/Activities: Complete
Board Development Committee
Chair: Bob McKown
Members: Angela Fisher, Steve Nagel, Georgia Sales, Joan Phelps / Overall objective
To select and place for nomination at the annual business meeting of the membership or by previous correspondence to the membership, a slate of candidates to fill vacancies occurring on the Board.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes and Clive Jones / To enhance Board and Committee recruitment through the implementation of recommendations from AIRS Executive Committee and Board.
Status/Activities: Board Development Committee met to begin the process to develop the 2014 slate of new Board members to be completed in the first 3 months of next year. Complete
Public Policy Committee
Chair: John Thompson
Members: Bob McKown, Daphne Van Tiem, Lucinda Nord, Michael Mershanon, Steve Nagel, Edward D’Angelo, Catherine Dunning / Overall objective
To develop a national presence for AIRS that develops Federal relationships and enhances the potential to secure major funding for AIRS members within the I&R movement.
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from any members of the Affiliates Council, 211 US and the aging/disability sector
Status/Activities: Complete
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To implement terms of 2013 contract with consultants to include deliverables/initiatives and timeframes.
Status/Activities: Complete
To identify key legislation and departments relevant to I&R and to develop relationships with staff, politicians and other national organizations (with input from other AIRS Committees where required). We are particularly interested in areas that promote and/or recognize the AIRS Standards
Status/Activities: Provided information on funding opportunities related to Affordable Care Act.
To identify key areas on which position statements need to be created and to develop processes on how to create those policies and quickly make those decisions when required.
Status/Activities: Ongoing
Staff support: Charlene Hipes, Clive Jones / To maintain or develop relationships with national associations (e.g. AAS, 211US, FEMA, NACCRRA, n4a, NENA, NVOAD, NASUAD, InformCanada) whose members provide specialized I&R or related work (with communication to other AIRS Committees).
Status/Activities: 211US collaboration outlined earlier in Work Plan; AIRS sent two representatives to NVOAD conference; AIRS also attended and exhibited at n4a conference; also exploring discussions with AAS; n4a and NASUAD continue to have special Board positions. We are also reviewing our MOU with InformCanada. Our relationships with ADRCs and NASUAD is also bringing us more within the radar of the National Council on Independent Living. NCIL has also been contracted to write a new section of our ABCs of I&R. Complete
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To resume work on the Older Americans Act Reauthorization (which starts over with the new Congress), to involve AIRS in any activities of the Administration or Congress related to the reauthorization process and to assist in the development of an AIRS agenda for this legislation, such as the inclusion of the AIRS Standards.
Status/Activities: Reviewed initial legislative wording but it appears that we are not going to be able to get the language we were looking for included.
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To renew efforts on a new I&R Day Resolution through redrafting the language to obtain it for more than a one-year designation.
Status/Activities: Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) is interested in introducing a National I&R Services Day Resolution for November 2013, and the resolution has been drafted. Currently, they are in talks with several Senate offices to co-sponsor the resolution
Staff support: Charlene Hipes / To work at integrating I&R and AIRS in future implementation work related to the Affordable Care Act.
Status/Activities: Provided information to members on CMS Navigator funding opportunities. Also worked with CMS to host webinar for I&R sector on ACA
Membership Committee
Chair: Nancy Findeisen, Vice Chair: Micki Thompson
Members: Pam Hillier, Barbara Bernstein, John Plonski, Meg Storer, Sandy Markwood, Camelia Bobb, Lucinda Lorei, Tracy Hays / Overall objective
To provide input to the Board of Directors and guidance to the staff on internal and external communications, organizational image, and marketing of products and services.
Staff support: Charlene Kloos, Clive Jones and Charlene Hipes / To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible
Status/Activities: Complete
Staff support: Charlene Kloos / To create an AIRS Marketing Plan
Status/Activities: Templates and timetable created for individual committees to focus on their specific products and services. Discussions held within committees. Final report developed for Board review. Complete
Staff support: Charlene Kloos / To promote the Annual Conference and all AIRS products and services.
Status/Activities: Complete
Staff support: Charlene Kloos / To increase our presence on social media through YouTube, videos, conference photos, Facebook and Twitter.
Status/Activities: Complete
Staff support: Charlene Kloos, Clive Jones, Moayad Zahralddin / To generate gross membership revenue of $325,000 with an approximate breakdown of 130 members at $50; 426 at $75; 60 at $250; 142 at $375 and 365 at $575 for a total of 1,123 U.S. members, plus 80 Canadian members
Status/Activities: Gross membership revenue of $332,317 with an approximate breakdown of 165 members at $50; 447 at $75; 73 at $250; 121 at $375 and 398 at $575 for a total of 1,206 U.S. members, plus 73 Canadian members. Complete
Staff support: Charlene Kloos, Clive Jones / To conduct an average of 2 mailings or contacts (via email) to AIRS members each month in addition to the receipt of the AIRS Newsletter
Status/Activities: Ongoing and meeting schedule. There have been 38 direct emails to AIRS member. Complete
Staff support: Charlene Kloos, Clive Jones / To maintain AIRS website with view to completing an annual audit and then having “News” feature changes an average of every week via Twitter feed.
Status/Activities: Annual page-by-page review of website completed in January. Twitter updates occur regularly. In the process of making the AIRS website mobile. Complete
Staff Support: Clive Jones / To conduct I&R salary survey update for members (April).
Status/Activities: Complete
Staff Support: Charlene Kloos, Charlene Hipes, Clive Jones / To market accreditation to non-accredited agencies
Status/Activities: Conference presentation complete. New membership renewal marketing material developed and distributed to members in November. Complete
Staff support: Charlene Kloos, Charlene Hipes/Clive Jones / To complete Annual Report (July)
Status/Activities: Complete
Staff Support: Clive Jones, Moayad Zahralddin / To promote ABCs to non-members and to those members who are outside of the higher membership tiers at a base price of $450 for an electronic/print version, for a total value of $4,000.
Status/Activities: We have a larger number of Premium members than previous years. In 2013, we secured $6,300 in additional ABC sales. Complete
Staff support: Charlene Kloos / To produce and distribute 11 editions of the AIRS newsletter and advise on content (focus on news, membership information and human interest stories)
Status/Activities: Ongoing according to schedule
To secure newsletter advertising to the value of $1,500
Status/Activities: In 2013, we secured $1,312 in advertising sales.
Standards Committee
Chair: Bob McKown
Members: Beth Wick, Cathleen Kelly, Anne Fogoros, Fred Koss, Georgia Sales, Randy Nicklaus, Charlotte McHenry, Bridget Wolf, Mary Osborn, Linda Daily / Overall objective
The Standards Committee shall establish Standards which define the expected practices within the field of I&R and provide guidelines that communities or other jurisdictions can utilize in developing an I&R program.
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from the Affiliates Council if possible
Status/Activities: Complete
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes/ Clive Jones / To complete the review of received feedback, to publish and to promote the new version of the AIRS Standards!
Status/Activities: Complete!!
Staff Support: Clive Jones / To convene two work groups as requested by members. One is looking at I&R outcomes while another is looking at advanced issues for resource specialists.
Status/Activities: Both groups were set up following the conference and are reviewing materials and developing recommendations
Accreditation Commission
Chair: Bridget Wolf, Vice Chair: Vicki Mize
Members: Brian Ellyson, Debby Thornton, Georgia Sales, Lynne Engel, Micki Thompson, Pam Hillier, Don McPherson, Bob McKown, Nancy Berg / Overall objective
The Accreditation Commission shall utilize the Standards established by the Standards Committee to develop and implement a formal detailed accreditation process. The Accreditation Commission shall develop and maintain a comprehensive policy and procedure manual for the accreditation program. The Accreditation Commission shall establish standards at a quality level that is appropriate for supporting broad improvements in I&R programs without presenting unrealistic barriers for future potential applicants in terms of compliance issues. The Accreditation Commission is a closed Committee.
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To maintain at least 2 non-Board members as volunteers, drawing particularly from any members of the Affiliates Council who are with Accredited agencies
Status/Activities: Complete
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To monitor the new criteria and in particular, the new processes for the database review and the mystery calling
Status/Activities: Regular meetings of reviewers have been part of the ongoing assessment of the new criteria, as has feedback from those agencies that have undertaken the process. Developed new documentation and conflict of interest/confidentiality guidelines for site reviewers. Complete
Staff Support: Charlene Hipes / To complete 20 accreditation applications
Status/Activities: 26 sites received their award of accreditation in 2013. Complete
To acquire 25 new/renewing applications with a revenue target of $150,000
Status/Activities: 29 new/renewing applications were submitted in 2013 we secured a total revenue of $150,926. Complete
To recruit and train 2 new onsite review team members
Status/Activities: Two people from accredited agencies have been invited to be reviewers. Complete
Staff support: Charlene Hipes/Clive Jones / To ensure that best practices information is secured from the Accreditation review process and to update the I&R Toolkit appropriately
Status/Activities: Additional requests have gone out to reviewers to recommend best practices. Ten new documents were added in 2013. AIRS also created a Resource Database Review Template based on the accreditation requirements that allows any I&R to conduct a self-assessment of the quality of their resource database
Certification Commission
Chair: Anne Fogoros, Vice Chair: Sara Tribe
Members: Georgia Sales, Hannah Newton, Jacky Roddy, Jan Hanson, Maurine Strickland, Keith Lavery-Barclay, Kelsey Walter, Cathleen Kelly, Mark Lewis, Mary Osborne / Overall objective
The Certification Commission shall utilize the Standards established by the Standards Committee to design, implement and maintain a formal detailed Certification process. The Certification Commission shall develop and maintain a comprehensive policy and procedure manual for each Certification program. The Certification Commission shall utilize national benchmarks for professional certification programs as well as quality benchmarks desirable for certification programs relied upon by external stakeholders.