Trainer Nebojsa Nick Djeric – list of practical work experiences!

Practicing trainer skills in Vidablick camp Bankeryd, Jonkoping, Sweden

(Summer 2003, at the beginning of June until the end of September 2003)

I have spent 4 months working as trainer in Vidablick camp with young people and adults from the whole world. I have had great opportunity to practice my trainer skills and to learn new methods that I will use in my future group work with young people and adults (

I was responsible for planning and carrying out their indoor/outdoor educative programs and sport team building activities. Also, I took care for detail planning and carrying out own program in my group/s. I had to organize completely day and evening with diverse activities for participants from my group/s.

School of Democracy

(from 18 – 22 October 2004, Novi Sad, Serbia)

Group of 25 students interested for topics about Human Rights Education, Peace education, gender equality, conflict solution and dealing with past)

School of Democracy was organized thanks to NGO Helsinki Commitee for Human Rights

School of Democracy

(from 15 – 19 November 2004, Novi Sad, Serbia)

Group of 25 students interested for topics about Human Rights Education, Peace education, gender equality, conflict solution and dealing with past)

School of Democracy was organized thanks to NGO Helsinki Commitee for Human Rights

Training for trainers – Principles of training

(February 2005, Subotica, Serbia)

The aim of thethree days training course was to train and educate youth workers to be able to

work with young people with strong accent on application of new techniques andmethods in the

field of non formal education.

Group of 25 participants from Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia&Herzegovina and Northern

Irelandtook active participation in this training for trainers.

This training was organized thanks to Proni Institute of social education in Serbia.

School of Democracy

(from 23 – 27 May 2005, Novi Sad, Serbia)

Group of 25 students interested for topics about Human Rights Education, Peace education, gender equality, conflict solution and dealing with past)

School of Democracy was organized thanks to NGO Helsinki Commitee for Human Rights

Training for trainers – Training Programme approaches and methods

(June 2005, Novi Becej, Serbia)

The aim of thethree days training course was to train and educate youth workers to be able to

work with young people with strong accent on application of new techniques and methods in the

field of non formal education.

Group of 25 participants from Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia&Herzegovina and Northern

Ireland took active participation in this training for trainers.

This training was organized thanks to Proni Institute of social education in Serbia.

Training for trainers – Training Programme: goal setting, preparation, implementation

and assessing

(October 2005, Zobnatica, Serbia)

The aim of thethree days training course was to train and educate youth workers to be able to

work with young people with strong accent on application of new techniques andmethods in the

field of non formal education.

Group of 25 participants from Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia&Herzegovina and Northern

Ireland took active participation in this training for trainers.

This training was organized thanks to Proni Institute of social education in Serbia.

Project “Right for rights”

(two project years 2005 – 2006, Vojvodina, Serbia)

I worked as a trainer with pupils in elementary and high schools of Vojvodina region. On educative and interactive workshops to pupils are presented topics about Human Rights with focus on children and women Human Rights.

This project has supported by Institutions of the Vojvodina provincial ombudsman and organized thanks to NGO Helsinki Commitee for Human Rights

Project about making a Documentary Movies

(from 05 – 17August 2006, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Participants were from Serbia, Bosnia, Belgium and Italy.

I was coordinator of this event and facilitator in workshops about social issues related to the youth work. During workshops important topic of this exchange program was conflict transformation and reconciliation. As a facilitator I was selected to work for NGO Kulturanova from Novi Sad,

This event happened thanks to great co-operation between Novi Sad and Mostar local youth NGO’s and communities. This project was very important to me because it was my first time to go to Bosnia after war that we had in former Yugoslavia. Topic was social issues related to the youth work + conflict transformation and reconciliation.

Project: Urban Art Space – workshops for Dancing, Music, Photography

(from 27 August – 03 September 2006, NoviSad, Serbia)

International project named Urban Art Space with participants from Italy, Serbia, Bosnia, Holland, Albania and Belgium was implemented in Novi Sad. I was leading educate workshops with my partner from Art academy. Young people had workshops about making photos and then they are presented exhibition of their work in abandoned and ruined buildings in Novi Sad. This project was challenge for me and young people artists with different cultural backgrounds to do for period of seven days photo exhibition in spaces that are completely different from some photo exhibition galleries. Completely different views of participants (thanks to their culture backgrounds) helped us a lot in preparing and finishing of this art project.

Training course: Mediation Training and Conflict Management (from 15th – 21st April 2007, Zielona Gora, Poland) Participants were from following countries: Poland, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Moldavia, Slovenia, Germany, Bulgaria, Albania, the Netherlands, Ukraine and Romania.
More info about training on
Project was supported by Council of Europe and organized by AEGEE ( ZielonaGóra, Poland

Practicing trainer skills in Corrymeela community, Belfast, Northern Ireland

(at the beginning of August until the end of November 2007)

I have spent 4 months working as trainer in Northern Ireland, Corrymeela community - near to Belfast, (

I worked with groups of young people from the whole world. I was promoting voluntary work, active participation; youth work advocacy, peace education, tolerance, conflict resolution and reconciliation, team building indoor and outdoor activities.

Training course about writing project proposals (May 2008, Nova Crnja, Serbia) Project was about increasing the capacity of the youth group of Central Banat District for citizen participation at the local level
Organized by NGO The Center for Development of Civil Society from Zrenjanin, Serbia

Training course about writing project proposals (May 2008, Žitište, Serbia) Project was about increasing the capacity of the youth group of Central Banat District for citizen participation at the local level
Organized by NGO The Center for Development of Civil Society from Zrenjanin, Serbia

Training course about writing project proposals (May 2008, Novi Bečej, Serbia) Project was about increasing the capacity of the youth group of Central Banat District for citizen participation at the local level
Organized by NGO The Center for Development of Civil Society from Zrenjanin, Serbia

Training course on promotion of human rights and with national communities (July 2008, Žitište, Serbia) Project was about increasing the capacity of the youth group of Central Banat District for citizen participation at the local level
Organized by NGO The Center for Development of Civil Society from Zrenjanin, Serbia

Training course about team work and roles into the team (July 2008, Novi Bečej, Serbia) Project was about increasing the capacity of the youth group of Central Banat District for citizen participation at the local level
Organized by NGO The Center for Development of Civil Society from Zrenjanin, Serbia

Training course on the creation of youth leaders in local communities (August 2008, Sečanj, Serbia) Project was about increasing the capacity of the youth group of Central Banat District for citizen participation at the local level
Organized by NGO The Center for Development of Civil Society from Zrenjanin, Serbia

Training course on the creation of youth leaders in local communities (August 2008, Nova Crnja, Serbia) Project was about increasing the capacity of the youth group of Central Banat District for citizen participation at the local level.
Organized by NGO The Center for Development of Civil Society from Zrenjanin, Serbia

Partnership Building Activity (PBA) for future cooperation within the Youth in Action Programme: Made in Europe – Meet in SEE! (from 16 – 22 of February 2009, Prijedor, Bosnia & Herzegovina) The participants were from Serbia, Italy, Holland, Romania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Mazedonia, Spain, Portugal and Czech Republic. In total we had group of 19 participants.
After five working days of this PBA as a result we got developed some ideas and prepared project proposals with concrete topics that will participants apply for the next deadline in Youth in Action Programme.
Partnership Building Activity supported by Youth in Action Programme and organized by UdruzenjeGradjanaMreza from Gradiska ().

Training course on the promotion of tolerance among young people in Southern Serbia (from 10 - 13 Septembar 2009, Vlasinskojezero, Serbia) Training for youth from multiethnic communities from South Serbia - Vlasina Lake 2009
Organized by NGO NarodniParlament from Leskovac, Serbia

Training course: Conflict Simulation Game Seminar (from 9 -15 October 2009, Pristina, Kosovo) The participants were from Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo...Albanians from Kosovo, Serbs from Kosovo, Romas from Kosovo, Albanians from Macedonia. Total number of participants was 28.
Project was organized by CRISP-Crisis Simulation for Peace

Exchange program with young Bosnians

(from 20 -22 November 2009, Novi Sad, Serbia)

Group of 30 young people from Vojvodina, Serbia and Bosnia & Herzegovina interested for topics about Human Rights Education, Peace education, gender equality, conflict solution and dealing with past)

Exchange program was organized thanks to NGO Helsinki Commitee for Human Rights

Youth Policy and Youth Information seminar (from 01 – 06 December 2009, Rotterdam, Netherlands) The participants were from Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia, Scotland, Ukraine, San Marino, Turkey, Armenia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Belarus, Finland, Austria, Russia, Poland, Czech Republic and France. Total number of participants was 22.
Seminar supported by Youth in Action Programme and organized by European Youth Information and Counselling Agency (ERYICA)

Training course: “It does matter which you methods use!!!“

(from 12th – 19th of February 2010, Novi Sad, Serbia)

The participants were from Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Spain, Belgium and Portugal. Total number of participants was 28.
Training course supported by Youth in Action Programme and organized by Center for Youth Work

Training course about writing project proposals in Youth in Action Programme (April 2010, Ada, Serbia)The participants were from different youth NGOinterested to apply in Youth in Action Programme.Project was organized by OmladinskaMrezaVojvodine

Training course about writing project proposals in Youth in Action Programme (from 17 – 18 May 2010, Kladovo, Serbia) The participants were from different youth NGOinterested to apply in Youth in Action Programme. Short video made by group of participants: was organized by Youth office

Seminar 3E by World Car free Network (from 23 - 26 June 2010, York, England, United Kingdom) The participants were from Croatia, Turkey, Hungaria, Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Slovenia, Italy, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic and France. Total number of participants was 23.
Seminar supported by European Youth Foundation and organized by
World Carfree Network Europe

More info about project on:

Training course about writing project proposals in Youth in Action Programme (from 5 – 6 August 2010, Lajkovac, Serbia) The participants were from different youth NGO interested to apply in Youth in Action Programme Short video made by group of participants: Project was organized by Youth office Lajkovac

Training course: Photography Adventure (from 19 - 26 September 2010, SremskiKarlovci, Serbia) The participants were from: Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Estonian, France, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Netherlands, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine;
Total number of participants was 34.
More info about project on:
Training course supported by Youth in Action Programme and organized by Association Fabrik Art

Training course: Consim Balkan Seminar2010 (from 24 -30 October 2010, Ohrid, Macedonia)

The participants were from Serbia, Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo...Albanians from Kosovo, Serbs from Kosovo, Romas from Kosovo, Albanians from Macedonia. Total number of participants was 28.
Project was organized by CRISP-Crisis Simulation for Peace

Training course: Social Inclusion - YES WE CAN! (from 21 - 26 January 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia) Youth Council Prilep ( from 21.01.2011 until 26.01.2011 has organized international training course in Ohrid. The project "Social Inclusion - YES WE CAN!" supported by Youth in Action programme. On the event 30 young people from 9 countries learned how to create and implement projects in the Youth in Action Programme and to promote social inclusion in Europe.

Training course: “Improving access to social rights for young people facing poverty and social exclusion”

(from 18 - 23 February 2011, Niš, Serbia)

The training was held at the Regional Centre for Professional Development in Education in Nis
Project was supported by European Youth Foundation and organized by NGO NarodniParlament from Leskovac, Serbia
Short video made by participants:

Training course: Heuristic Game (from 1 - 9 March 2011, SremskiKarlovci, Serbia) The countries involved: Serbia, Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain and Turkey.
The Number of participants was: 17 FedraRachouti about HEURISTIC GAME

Short hand made music video:
Training course supported by Youth in Action Programme and organized by Association Fabrik Art

Training course: Sing Equality - Bring Equality (from 14 - 21 March 2011, Novi Sad, Serbia) The countries involved in the project were: Serbia, Israel, Turkey, Italy, Albania, Macedonia, Hungary, Montenegro, Croatia and Georgia.
Total number of participants was: 27.Training course supported by Youth in Action Programme and organized by Gay Straight Alliance

Training course: Active participation of unemployed young people facing economic obstacles (from 8 - 15 May 2011, Nis, Serbia) The countries involved in the project were: Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania.
Total number of participants was: 28
Training course supported by Youth in Action Programme and organized by Association People's Parliament from Leskovac and

Training course: Poetry Adventure (from 24 - 31 May 2011, El Berrueco, Madrid, Spain) Partners: 10 countries from Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Hungary, The Netherlands, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey.
Total number of participants was: 18
Short video made by participants:
More photos on:

Training course supported by Youth in Action Programme and organized by AsociaciónJuvenil ROMADRID Cultural Club from Madrid (

Training course about writing project proposals (from 22 - 23 June 2011, Leskovac, Serbia) Project was about increasing the capacity of the youth group from Southern part of Serbia for citizen participation at the local level.
Project was organized by NGO NarodniParlament from Leskovac, Serbia
financially support of Ministry of Youth and Sport ( and

Training course about writing project proposals (from 24 - 25 June 2011, Zrenjanin, Serbia) Project was about increasing the capacity of the youth group from Central Banat District for citizen participation at the local level.
Project was organized by The Center for Development of Civil Society from Zrenjanin, Serbia financially support of Ministry of Youth and Sport ( and

Preparatory meeting for training course (from 27 - 29 July 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia)
The main aim of this meeting was to meet partners and to prepare everything for implementation of training course by name "Promoting intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding" that will be held from 22 - 27 August 2011 in Ohrid, Macedonia.
Beside me as a trainer, on this meeting were presented representatives of NGO from Italy, Serbia, Hungary and Macedonia. Preparatory meeting has supported by the European Youth Foundation and organized by Youth Council Prilep

Training course: “EUROPE ON AIR 2.0" (from 12 - 21 August 2011, Kljuc, Bosnia and Hercegovina) The countries involved in the project were: Serbia, Macedonia, Holland, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Georgia, Poland, France, Albania, Czech Republic, Estonia and Latvia.
Total number of participants was: 19
Training course supported by European Commission and Youth in Action Programme and organized by NGO Dinara Forum from Kljuc,

Training course on promoting intercultural dialogue (from 22 - 27 August 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia) The countries involved in the project were: Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Hungary, Turkey, Czech Republic and Spain.
Total number of participants was: 27
Training course has supported by the European Youth Foundation and organized by Youth Council Prilep

Training course: "Fighting youth unemployment" (from 12 - 18 March 2012, Leskovac, Serbia) The countries involved in the project were: Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania.
Total number of participants was: 28
More photos from the TC on our Facebook page and
Training course supported by European Commission and Youth in Action Programme and organized by Association People's Parliament from Leskovac and

Training course: Roma youth participation in youth policy process (from 25 - 31 March 2012, Struga, Macedonia) The countries involved in the project were: Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Bosnia &Herzegovina, Serbia, Albania and Macedonia.
Total number of participants was: 24
Training course has supported by Council of Europe and the European Youth Foundation as well as Open Society Institute and organized by NGO Roma Youth Centre. For more info contact: Project Manager SenadSakipovski at +38971376260 and

Training course: “Creative Youth Self Initiative“ (from 1 - 9 April 2012, Novi Sad, Serbia) The 16 countries were involved in this project: Serbia, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Macedonia, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation and Turkey.
Total number of participants was: 32
Training course supported by European Commission and Youth in Action Programme and organized by NGO “Art Mreza” from Novi Sad, Serbia (Art Network (