Page 1 – Important dates
Page 2 & 3 - Activities
Page 3 &4 - Developments and supporting others
Page 4-6 - Other News and updates
The Haven Day Centre will be closed for the Christmas holidays from Wednesday 21 December 2016 until Tuesday 3 January 2017
We will re-open on Wednesday, 4 January 2017
A bookmark with all the 2017 dates of closure will be sent with the members’ Christmas pack during the week before Christmas.
The members, staff and volunteers of The Haven Day Centre wish all our readers a Happy Christmas and a joyous New Year
For unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder.—Isaiah 9:6
Willow Trust Boat Trip
On Friday 30 September we were lucky enough to have another boat trip with the Willow Trust. It was a lovely day and we raised £30.40 in donations which we gave to the Willow Trust charity. Steve, a temporary member of staff, brought along his guitar and we had a super time singing as we sailed along the river. Some comments from our members were: “I thought it was very lovely”. “ Quite good.” Rob said “Water is wet”.
Café Lunches - Eating out
A member of staff thought it would be a good idea to offer members an opportunity to eat out at local cafés. As a result of this suggestion, on 20 September we took some members to lunch at The Park, and on 22 September we took others to the Withywood Centre. We visited the Withywood Centre again on Monday 31 October. Clifford said it was “All right”, Paul said “Very good” and Stephen said “I enjoyed it”.
Meals served at the Centre
At The Haven Day Centre we serve healthy and tasty meals each day, prepared and cooked by Jackie, Denise and Rita. Due to the way we shop our menu is varied and is planned from Wednesday to Wednesday. Our menu changes from week to week (like in a good restaurant!) and the meals are produced subject to availability. Our desserts are different day to day. Each week’s menu can be viewed on our website (please see Website on page 4).
From 1 January 2017 the price of a lunch (main course and dessert) will be increased to £3.00 (from £2.50). Drinks will remain at 50p per day. (Main meal only is £2.50)
This is very good value for money especially when compared to other charity run facilities in the area, for example:
· The Park charges £4.00 for a basic main meal (no desert)
· The Withywood Centre charges over £4.10 for a main meal (no desert)
Remembrance Day
In advance of Friday 11 November we talked about Remembrance Day and what it meant. We made poppies using various materials including clay. We also produced key rings, paintings and collages which are displayed in Reception. On the 11th we were quiet during the silence at 11 o’clock which was followed by a poem read by Simon.
Modules & Certificates
Prior to the summer, Members were offered the chance to attain new skills or experiences, leading to the awarding of internal certificates. Certificates were awarded in the following categories:
Baking Gardening Housekeeping & Hospitality IT Skills
Life Skills Pottery Reading and Writing
Members and staff enjoyed these tasks and everyone learned or experienced something new or were able to relearn certain skills. We plan to follow up on these modules again, possibly in the new year, offering our members the option to continue with their first choice and build on their confidence or experience or skill learned, or to move onto their second choice.
Supporting others
Shoebox Collection
Again this year Elizabeth co-ordinated the collection of gifts for Blythswood Care. She wants to say Thank You to everyone who brought in items, for their generous contributions. We have packed 51 shoe-boxes, the highest number for us thus far and received £65 in donations. Thank you to Chris and Susan who helped to wrap the shoeboxes in jolly Christmas paper.
The Haven Day Centre unexpectedly became a collection centre for the Bristol South area. We have received further drop offs and staff have been asked to pick up boxes from various locations in the area where no driver was able to deliver them to us. We may offer this service in 2017 to include local collections on planned days.
Food Bank Collection
Many thanks to members and staff who brought in items of food (tins and dry goods) which we were able to donate to Victoria Park Baptist Church, Bedminster. They were very grateful and said they would make sure that the food went to those in need in their area.
Other News and updates
Harvest Festival food donation
We were delighted to accept a gift of food which we were able to use in our kitchen. This was donated by the congregation of Shirehampton Baptist Church at their Harvest celebrations. We thank them for their generosity and for thinking of us.
Table Tennis Table
On Monday 26 September we held a tea-party lunch here at The Haven Day Centre to remember Barbara Shaw. A plaque was fixed to the table tennis table which had been donated by Barbara’s family in her memory. We were so pleased that Fran and David were able to attend on their behalf.
Member survey
Many thanks to the 22 carers and care homes who completed and returned our Care Survey in September. This feedback has been shared with the Trustees and the Managers’ Committee and the information we received will help us to take steps to provide the best possible services to our members.
Alex, a temporary member of staff, has been working on updating our website and many other IT requirements.
To access this website search ‘Haven Day Centre Bristol’. Click on the ‘DCF Premier Workshop’. This will take you to our website. There you will find links to food, garden, past newsletters and other information regarding our planned holidays for the coming year.
Children In Need
On Friday 18 November we celebrated Children in Need at the Centre. We coloured in pictures of Pudsey and watched previous year’s television shows on a big screen. The money we collected will be sent off to the charity.
Christmas Celebrations
All of our members and many of our volunteers will have the opportunity to attend one of the festive activities below on their usual day of attendance.
Christmas Party on Friday 9 December (12 noon).
Christmas Dinner on Monday 12 December (12 noon)
Christmas Dinner on Wednesday 14 December (12 noon)
St Brendan’s 6th Form College Christmas Party 15 December (1.30 – 4pm approx.)
We shall invite those who only attend on a Tuesday to one of the HDC events (9/12 or 14th)
All of the above by invitation only
Temporary staff
We have recently been joined by 3 temporary members of staff in recent weeks. Alex has been providing IT support and Stephen and Louisa have been supporting our members throughout the centre. Such additional support has enabled certain staff to undertake other activities relating to the forthcoming changes in Bristol City Council funding and the considerable work needed for the BCC Tendering process.
Supporting Organisations
We are a member of the following organisations whom have provided support, signposting, training, audits, reports and resources during the year.
ü Care and Support West who promote quality in Health, Social Care & Support Services
ü Voscur is a charity that provides direct support services and specialist social enterprises across Bristol
ü NASHICS (National Association for Safety and Health in Care Services)
ü ACORN Health and Safety Consultancy
Care Plans
We have scheduled a number of Care Plan meetings with more to follow in December and January. At the same time as undertaking these we shall seek to update our Medical Information and Risk Assessments.
Denise’s wedding On Friday 19 August 2016 our valued member of staff, Denise, married Paul at Chipping Sodbury Town Hall. The ceremony was followed by afternoon tea and a Hog Roast at Horton Village Hall. The sun shone on the happy couple and the bride looked beautiful as you can see. Congratulations to you both from all at the the Haven Day Centre.
Transport arrangements
Many of you will know that currently we transport members to the centre using, most days, four minibuses or other vehicles. We have tried to provide a passenger assistant on each minibus but you will appreciate that if done each day on every minibus, this would tie up 8 members of staff most days for 2 hrs both in the morning and afternoon.
Due to the frequency of our members’ non attendance and the need for daily documented checks of each vehicle before it commences its journey etc, we need to review our entire transport arrangements in the coming weeks.
Frequently we have minibuses half empty because of where members live, their requested day of attendance, the order of who can be picked up at what time etc. We have vehicles travelling in all sorts of directions, as far as Almondsbury, Keynsham, Bitton …
The rate we charge for transport is under review but you should know that thus far we have sought costs towards the transport costs only. This charge certainly does not cover the real cost to the Charity and certainly not staff time.
We shall communicate with carers and care providers (and, where relevant, members themselves) in this respect by mid-December and will commence in January with a trial.
If you would like to receive our newsletters in a larger font size, or have any questions about the content of the newsletter or our activities, please contact the manager, Simon David.
Alex, Juliet, Simon H, Lisa, Jackie, Denise, Charlotte, Margaret, Philbert, and Simon… and Alex, Steve and Louisa
Telephone 0117 9851188
Registered Charity No 1059468