
Earthquakes are very uncertain and very unpredictable natural disastrous phenomenon and therefore the killing seismic events can be studied only after the sad episode. If the magnitude of the event is high, the losses and damages are also very tremendous and vulnerability can be seen everywhere. It takes several months to clean and clear the region but the geological signatures such as deformations, liquefaction features etc. can be studied after so many years. Field evidences may help to understand the causes of past seismicity as well as in prediction of future activities. One can perform some of the tasks mentioned below before and after the disaster:

1. Study of various precursors :Many times alarming signals release well before major earthquake event. If such precursors notice by the local villagers, officials etc. and publish in print media, they may help in minimize the losses and damages. Some of the following precursors may be studied :

1. Uplift and subsidence of ground,

2. Faulting and displacement activities,

3. Emission of radon gas from the ground,

4. Mud eruption, Liquefaction vents, Sand sprout along cracks , Landslides, Large ground fissures with liquefied sands etc.

5.Subterranean sounds from the ground,

6. Sudden change of water levels in wells, lakes. Ponds etc.,

7. Change in flow of natural springs, seepages etc.,

8. Increase in salinity of water,

9. Unusual behavior of birds, animals, reptiles etc.

2. Collection of Earthquake information :Whenever earthquake hits an area, news bulletins make available latest updates about the event. Earthquake news details, photographs, details about past seismic events may be collected from news papers, news magazines etc. Make a list of every major as well as minor event regularly without fail. The photographs, sketches, animations video clippings etc. may be downloaded through internet. This may help to study the earthquake pattern, frequency etc. which can help in prediction of earthquakes up to some extent.

3. Damage Pattern Study :If the magnitude of the event is high, great losses and damages occur in the region. Hazard evaluation, Risk Assessment and Damage pattern, to the structures, ground, pattern of injuries, death toll, psychological impact on the survivals etc. can help to understand the disaster.

One of the important aspects of such assignments and studies of the occurrence of the earthquakes and damages is that, they teach us certain important lessons. Every earthquake points out certain deficiencies in our approaches that are adopted in the design and execution of various strategies and the management aspects of the earthquakes. If we can make some studies and investigations through such assignments, we can minimize considerably the damage and losses resulting from future earthquakes.