Boulder City High School 2011-2012
Technical Theatre
Expectations and Policies
Mrs. Lee
Room 242
I believe that a well-rounded education is immeasurably important and that all students can benefit in differing and individual ways from exploring the many sides of theatre. All students, through their best effort, can succeed in this class.
1. Be Proactive
2. Be Respectful
3. Be Open
4. Be Prepared
5. Be Supportive
Possible Consequences for Not Meeting Class Expectations and School/District Policies
1. Verbal reminder of the expectation/policy/procedure
2. Lower citizenship grade
3. Cleaning of the theatre area (campus beautification)
4. After class conference and/or goal setting with the teacher; parent contact
5. Conference with parent and/or administrator; dean’s referral
6. Dean of Students disciplinary procedures including RPC and/or suspension
Theatre Journal
Theatre stagecraft and creation requires reflection for improvement. Each student will create a theatre journal. This should be a 1-inch three ring binder that will be personalized by each student. The binders may be left in the classroom for easy access. The journals will be checked every 2-4 weeks in class and will be graded based primarily upon completion of all assigned entries, activities, and reflections.
Thespian Conference and Portfolio Presentations
1. Technical Theatre Conference
a. All tech students are strongly encouraged to attend the technical theatre conference on September 17, 2011 at Mojave High School. There will be workshops in many different areas of technical theatre presented by other theatre teachers and professionals in the field. It is a fantastic interactive and hands-on learning experience. Students will also get the opportunity to meet other tech students from across the district and work with them in workshops.
2. Thespian Conferences
a. All students are encouraged to attend the regional and state thespian conferences. These conferences give students a valuable opportunity to present their work for a panel of judges and receive feedback and critique to further develop their talent and skills. They will also have the opportunity to meet other students and observe technical projects from other theatre students from around the district. Regional conference will be held January 26-28, 2012 and state conference will be March 22-24, 2012.
Required Participation in Theatre Events
1. All technical theatre students are expected to participate in BCHS productions. This is an essential component of learning in this class and is necessary for any production to take place. Tech students will also have the opportunity to assist other organizations and groups with operating the theatre- including lights, sound, curtain, etc. There will be plenty of opportunities to complete this requirement that will be worth 100 points at the end of EACH semester (2nd and 4th quarter grades). Students must commit to the entire event including set-up, rehearsals, and show times.
2. Tech students may meet this semester technical theatre participation requirement in the following ways:
a. Work as a crew member on one BCHS main stage show
b. Work as a crew member on TWO smaller events (choir concerts, awards nights, talent show, etc…)
c. 15 individual work hours (this is an option to be arranged with Mrs. Lee if the other options cannot be met)
3. Students are required to attend all BCHS productions and to write a one-page review of the show. This applies to all students including those who attend as audience members and those who work on a tech crew.
Technical Theatre Dress
In addition to the school dress code, which will be enforced, technical theatre students should also be aware that technical theatre can be physical and demanding. All students will be expected to wear close-toed shoes (preferably tennis shoes or sturdy shoes) when the class is in the theatre painting, organizing, building, or working in any other capacity. Students may choose to bring an old set of clothes that can be kept at the theatre to wear on painting or building days to protect regular clothing. Students must always wear protective gear (goggles, gloves, etc.) when it is required for particular projects.
Technical Theatre Safety
Safety in the theatre is of the utmost importance. Students will be taught safe handling and operating of tools and power tools and other equipment in the theatre and will use these tools. Students are expected to use good judgment while working in the theatre and will only use equipment with which they have been approved to work. Any student behaving in any way that is unsafe in the theatre will lose the privilege of working with tools and equipment. Continual disregard of safety measures and/or poor attitude and lack of on-task behavior may result in removal from the class.
Policies and Procedures
1. Attendance and Participation
Theatre is a performance art and technical theatre requires active, hands-on experiences. Your attendance and participation are necessary to learn and complete the assigned material in the course. Students will earn five participation points per day. Lack of participation (including refusal, off-task behavior, disruption, poor attitude, disregard for safety) will result in the loss of daily points and will affect students’ grade. Absences will result in the loss of all daily points but may be made up (see below). Students who are school-excused (ASA) for activities will receive half (2.5 pts.) credit for the day and may make up the remaining points (see make-up work).
2. Tardies
Arriving late interrupts the entire class, and quite often results in missing important information. Daily attendance points will be affected by tardiness and school-wide tardy policies will be enforced.
3. Homework
a. Class time will be given to prepare for performances and complete most assignments. Any work not completed during class time will become homework. The homework that is assigned must be submitted in full and on time.
b. Semester Play Report
Every student will be required to read one approved play outside of class each semester and write a response. The play report guidelines may be accessed on The due date for the first semester play report worth 100 points will be: December 1, 2011. The due date for the second semester play report worth 100 points will be: May 10, 2012.
c. Boulder City High School Productions
Students are required to view all main stage shows and to write a response paper in order to participate in classroom discussions and support the program. Students must purchase tickets to attend the show performances, however, they may choose to either come to the final dress rehearsal or to work in the theatre house as an usher before the show and attend free of charge. (Students should plan to work on a tech crew for shows; however, if they choose not to work on the show as a technical crew member, they must attend as an audience member).
4. Late Work
Students are expected to submit all work and participate in scheduled presentations on time the day it is due. Credit for late work and performances will start at 50% of the total value of the assignment. All work must be submitted before a student is eligible for extra credit.
5. Make-up Work
a. It is the responsibility of the student to find out what he or she missed when absent and to make up the work. If you know you are going to be absent, get the required work beforehand. If you are absent, you have one week to make up work you missed for full credit. Work that was assigned before you were absent is due the day you return. This includes previously scheduled performances.
b. Make-up work for class participation points may be earned in the following ways:
i. Read a short play (one act play) and write a minimum one-page report=10 pts.
ii. Attend an approved theatrical performance and write a one-page review=10 pts.
(Student must also submit a program and ticket stub)
ii. Read an approved theatre article and complete an article response form =5 pts.
6. Extra Credit
a. Extra credit will be considered as extra, or outside of the class requirements. This means that a student is eligible for extra credit only after all assigned work is submitted in full and presentations are completed. A student may earn a total of 25 extra credit points each semester. Extra credit may be earned in the following ways:
i. Read an approved full-length play and write a minimum two-page report=25 pts.
ii. Attend an approved theatrical performance and write a two-page review=25 pts.
(Student must also submit a program and ticket stub)
iii. Participate in the thespian regional or state conferences=25 pts.
7. Citizenship Grade
The citizenship grade is designed to help you realize that another important part of your education is learning appropriate behavior and making responsible choices in various situations. Tardies, late work, being unprepared for class, sitting out, disrupting, and general behavior (participating in class discussions/activities/performances, being honest and proactive, being respectful to students/teacher, etc.) will make up the citizenship grade.
8. Miscellaneous Classroom Policies
a. No food, drink (except water), or gum in the classroom or any theatre area.
b. No cell phones, electronic devices, or other nuisance items. If I see it, I will take it.
c. No personal grooming.
d. Cheating and/or plagiarism will result in the loss of credit on the given activity.
e. School dress code will be enforced.
f. The bell does not dismiss class. Often important information is delivered at the end of class. Students will wait to be dismissed by the teacher.
g. School-wide policies and procedures will be enforced.
9. Grading Policy and Breakdown
Grades represent a combination of knowledge, demonstrated skills, and effort in the class for a given quarter or semester. Students’ grades will be determined by a point system. Grades will be assigned according to the number of points earned out of the total available for a given quarter or semester. The semester exam will be worth 10% of the overall semester grade. The grade breakdown will be as follows:
Quarter Grade= 45%Quarter Grade= 45%Semester Exam= 10%
Technical Theatre Fee
There is a technical theatre fee of $20 that will go toward the purchase of supplies, tools, and building materials that will aid and assist in student projects, some of which students will keep. Please pay the fee by September 8 and bring the receipt to class.
Supplemental Movies
Throughout the course of the year, there will be movies, including short clips, shown for their instructional value and to supplement material learned in class. All movies will contain a G, PG, or NR (not rated; often on older movies) rating.
Parent Involvement
Any parents willing to donate materials, time, and/or their skills to the theatre department and productions are welcomed and encouraged. Parents willing to drive students to and from thespian events are also appreciated. Any parents or community members wanting or willing to be involved in the theatre department, please contact Mrs. Lee via email at .
Please check out the new BCHS Theatre website for info about the shows and upcoming events:
Technical Theatre 2011-2012
Student Agreement
I understand and agree to the following:
Students are expected to follow all rules, safety procedures, and class policies in the classroom and while working on productions in the theatre.
Students are expected to be proactive, productive, self-motivated, and self-directed while working on set building and productions in the theatre.
Students are expected to work in the theatre from the beginning of class to the end of class. When students finish an assigned job, the student is required to check in with Mrs. Lee and request a new job.
Students are expected to clean up their own messes and to help the entire class to clean up the theatre at the end of every workday.
Students are not dismissed from class until Mrs. Lee has checked for proper clean-up and excused students.
Students are expected to report misbehavior, vandalism, theft, or breach of safety procedures to Mrs. Lee.
Students are expected to work in all areas of the theatre and to participate in a variety of assigned jobs during workdays. Students are expected to be open to any job that is assigned and to complete it well.
Students will be prepared to complete any assigned job on any workday including painting. Students may choose to keep a set of work clothes in the theatre to wear for potentially messy jobs.
Students are expected to respect all theatre materials and equipment and handle them properly and carefully.
Students are only permitted to use tools and materials approved for them by Mrs. Lee.
Students are expected to maintain respect in communication with all classmates and advisors.
Students may lose the opportunity to work in the theatre or participate in class activities if any rule, policy, expectation, or procedure is breached.
Students may be dismissed from the class for breach of any rule, policy, procedure, or expectation. Citizenship and participation grades may also be affected.
Student Signature:______Date:______