SEPTEMBER 21, 2016
This regular meeting of the City Council of the City of New London was held at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 21, 2016, at the New London City Hall.
Member Present: Mayor Gossman and Council members Beck, Mack and Edwards.
Members Absent: Bergman.
Also Present: Chuck DeWolf, and Trudie Guptill, City Clerk.
The pledge was done.
Mayor Gossman opened the meeting at 5:30 p.m.
Minutes – Motion by Council member Edwards, Second by Council member Beck to approve the September 7, 2016 Minutes as presented.
Voting For: Beck, Gossman, Mack and Edwards.
Voting Against: None.
Motion Passed Unanimously.
Ambulance Bills - Motion by Council member Mack, Second by Council member Beck to approve the Ambulance Bills, in the amount of $96,659.52, as presented.
Voting For: Beck, Gossman, Mack and Edwards.
Voting Against: None.
Motion Passed Unanimously.
Fire Department Bills - Motion by Council member Edwards, Second by Council member Mack to approve the Fire Department Bills, in the amount of $4,100.64, as presented.
Voting For: Beck, Gossman, Mack and Edwards.
Voting Against: None.
Motion Passed Unanimously.
City Bills - Motion by Council member Beck, Second by Council member Mack to approve the City Bills, in the amount of $160,012.36, as presented.
Voting For: Beck, Gossman, Mack and Edwards.
Voting Against: None.
Motion Passed Unanimously.
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2017 Budget - The 2017 budget was again looked at. Trudie went through the three line items that changed and noted that it did make a difference in the tax rate. Motion by Council member Mack, Second by Council member Edwards to approve the Option 4, with a tax levy amount of $283.688 for 2017, as presented.
Voting For: Beck, Gossman, Mack and Edwards.
Voting Against: None.
Motion Passed Unanimously.
Clerk's Report -
· August Sheriff's Report - The report was looked over with no questions.
· Data Practices Policies - Trudie explained that the League of Minnesota Cities risk management team was here for an inspection and made suggestions on some policies that we should have in place. Trudie presented the policies for Social Media, Computer Use, Social Media and Digital Images and Data Practices Policy for Members of the Public. She stated that all of the policies are taken from samples from the LMCIT. Motion by Council member Edwards, Second by Council member Beck to approve the policies as presented.
Voting For: Beck, Gossman, Mack and Edwards.
Voting Against: None.
Motion Passed Unanimously.
· 2016 Assessments - Chuck was here and handed out a copy of the amended assessment roll. He stated that there were only a few changes made to some of the parcels due to water and/or services being fed from another street, with the total amount being assessed of $467,481.26. Trudie presented resolution 2016-13 calling for the hearing on assessments for October 19, 2016. Motion by Council member Mack, Second by Council member Edwards to approve the resolution as presented.
Voting For: Beck, Gossman, Mack and Edwards.
Voting Against: None.
Motion Passed Unanimously.
· 2016 Revised Budget - The revised budget was briefly looked at noting that final approval does not have to happen until the second meeting in December.
· Web site statistics - The August web site statistics were looked at noting 14,958 page views from 5,786 unique IP's for the month.
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Clerk's Report (continued) -
· Parking Issue - Council member Mack had asked Trudie to look at some no parking signs on the Shoppe 14 building on Central Avenue. She had pictures of the photos and asked the council if they had issues with either one. She reported that the one on the small door has been there since it was the original flower shop and is used for deliveries and the other one was because they were having a problem with people parking in front of the door to the rental unit. After some discussion it was decided that if they move the one for the rental to the door of the rental they would allow it.
· Clark Memorial - Trudie reported that they were asking us to put up some kind of snow fence or other barrier around the paver area and memorial to protect it from snowmobiles, as they had some issue with this last year. She stated that she would also make sure it is OK with the DNR to put something up. The council was fine with that.
Council Issues -
Council member Beck reported a street light going on and off in front of Skindelien's Standard.
Council member Mack stated that there is a CIA meeting tomorrow night at the Senior Center at 6:30 to plan for the Community Conversation and Library Planning in October.
Adjournment – Mayor Gossman adjourned the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted:
Trudie Guptill, City Clerk
Bill Gossman, Mayor