CV SECTION 1: Employment History/Awards

NAMEPamela K. Coke

ADDRESS326 EddyPHONE(970) 491-6848 (Office)

1935 Harvard Place(970) 593-1563 (Home)

Loveland, CO 80538-8790


2002Ph.D.; Language, Literacy, and Culture; University of Iowa

1991B.A.; Major: English, Minor: French; University of Northern Iowa

1991Secondary Teaching Certification in English and French


(2009-Present) Associate Professor, English Education, Colorado State University

(2002-2009) Assistant Professor, English Education, Colorado State University


2010, College of Liberal Arts, a one-semester sabbatical leave for the spring of 2011 to prepare the draft of a book manuscript with the working title Open Dialogue: Negotiating the Transition from Elementary to Secondary School.


(1999-2002)Graduate Instructor, College of Education, The University of Iowa, Iowa

City, IA.

(1997-2002) English Education Adviser, College of Education, The University of Iowa,

Iowa City, IA.

(1996-1997) Supervisor--Student Teachers, College of Education, The University of

Iowa, Iowa City, IA.

(1996, 1998, 1999) Writing Center Tutor, Rhetoric Department, The University of Iowa,

Iowa City, IA.

(1997, 1998) Evaluator and Table Leader, ACT, Iowa City, IA.

(1998) Instructor, Centaur Stable, Iowa City, IA.

(1992-1996) Seventh and Eighth Grade English Language Arts Classroom Teacher,

Speech/Theatre Coach, Volleyball Coach, St. Anthony Catholic School,

Dubuque, IA.

(1991-1996) Project Manager, Carlisle Communications, Dubuque, IA.


50% Teaching;35% Research/Creative Activity;15% Service/Outreach; 0% Admin


2010, Recipient, Colorado State Univeristy, SOAR Adviser Gratitude Award.

Nominated by the officers of NCTE@CSU.

2007-2008, Nominated, Colorado State University Alumni Association and Student Alumni Connection Best Teacher Award.

2007-2008, Nominated, Colorado State University SOAR Award (Student Organizations & Advisors Recognition), for work as faculty adviser for NCTE@CSU. Nominated by Abby Brunton, undergraduate English education student.

2007-2008, Nominated, Colorado State University, The Provost’s N. Preston Davis Award For Instructional Innovation.

2006-2007, Honored in Who’s Who Among American Teachers & Educators, a

publication honoring 5% of the country’s premier educators.

2006-2007, Outstanding Honors Academic Adviser Nominee, offered by the Colorado

State University Honors Program. Nominated by Maegan Ulmer, undergraduate

Honors student.

2006-2007, Colorado State University Cermak Advising Award Nominee.

Fall, 2006, Recipient, Colorado State University College of Liberal Arts Excellence in Teaching Award.

Fall, 2006, Recipient, Colorado State University Alumni Association and Student Alumni

Connection Best Teacher Award.

Fall, 2006, Jack and June Richardson Scholar Honors Thesis Mentor Award,in

recognition of exceptional mentoring of Erin Flynn, a CSU undergraduate

Honors student and recipient of a Jack and June Richardson Scholarship.

Fall, 2005, Jack and June Richardson Scholar Honors Thesis Mentor Award, in

recognition of exceptional mentoring of Lacey Wilson, a CSU undergraduate

Honors student and recipient of a Jack and June Richardson Scholarship.

2004-2005, Outstanding Honors Academic Adviser Nominee, 2004-2005, offered by the

Colorado State University Honors Program. Nominated by Lisa Dusenberry, undergraduate Honors student.

2005-2006, Outstanding English Department Faculty Member, 2005-2006, awarded

by English Department secretaries.

2003-2004, Outstanding Honors Academic Adviser, presented by the Colorado State

University Honors Program. Nominated by Lindsay Gypin, undergraduate Honors student.

Fall, 2004, Kappa Delta Professor of the Week, November 2004, presented by the

Colorado State Phi Epsilon Chapter. Nominated by Thalia Gassman, undergraduate student.

2000-2001, Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, 2000-2001, presented by The

University of Iowa Council on Teaching, Iowa City, IA.

Spring, 2000, James F. Jakobsen Research Presentation Award, presented by The

University of Iowa Graduate Student Senate. Received for “Who’s Afraid of the Gendered Wolf?: Stories as Cognitive Tools,” presented at the Graduate Student Senate Research Forum, Iowa City, IA.

1999, Outstanding Educator Award, presented by Northeast Iowa Community College,

Peosta, IA. Nominated by former eighth grade student.

CV SECTION 2: Publications/Scholarly Record


Refereed Journal Articles:

Coke, P. K. (2009). When digital natives hate technology: Using digital wisdom to confront resistance in the composition classroom. California English (15)1, 6-8.

Coke, P. K. (2008). It’s in my hands: Creating a space for nonfiction in the literature classroom. SIGNAL Journal (XXXI)2, 20-24.

Coke, P. K. (2008). Uniting the disparate: Connecting best practices and educational

mandates. English Journal (97)5, 28-33.

Coke, P. K. (2008). What happened to the children: Involving students in reading

comprehension assessment. The Ohio Journal of English Language Arts (48)1, 57-64.

Coke, P. K. (2006). Using online technology to create new audiences. Academic

Exchange Quarterly (10)3, 164-168.

Coke, P. K. (2005). Practicing what we preach: An argument for cooperative learning

opportunities for elementary and secondary educators. Education (126)2, 392- 398.

Non-Refereed Journal Articles:

Coke, P. K. (2008). Touching the future: How form can reinforce content.

Statement (44)3, 13-18.

Ames Coke, P. (2000). A Deweyan perspective on communication, cooperation, and

collaboration between elementary and secondary educators. Education and

Culture 16(2), 17-21.


Ames, P. (1999). Crossroads commandments. Dubuque, IA: Brown Roa.

Ames, P. (1999). Crossroads commandments: Teaching guide. Dubuque, IA: Brown


Ames, P. (1998). Crossroads sacraments: Teaching guide. Dubuque, IA: Brown-Roa.

Note: My maiden name is Ames, hence the Ames and Ames Coke author names above.


Internally-Funded Projects as PI

(2007) E 401 Media Literacy Project, TILT Innovations Grant, The Institute for Learning and Teaching (TILT), Colorado State University, $1320.45.

Internally-Funded Projects as CoPI

(2007) The Writing Studio: A Learning Environment for Writers, Development

Grant Application/Mini-Grant, CoPI: Jill Salahub, The Institute for Learning

and Teaching (TILT), Colorado State University, $2000.



2011, “Energizing NCTE Affiliates with New Faces and New Ideas: Leadership for the

Future,” National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention, presenter, Chicago, IL. Proposal accepted for November, 2011.

2010, “Punctuation Saves Lives: Ways Students Connect Concepts and Pedagogy,”

National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention, chair and presenter,

Orlando, FL.

2010,“Exploring Strategies of Engagement: Using The Hunger Games as a Tool in

the Battle for Students’ Attention,” Colorado Language Arts Society Fall Conference, presenter, Englewood, CO.

2010, “Power, Privilege, and Possibility: Creating a Space for GLBT Literature in the Curriculum,” Colorado Language Arts Society Spring Conference, presenter, Englewood, CO.

2009,“Something Tells Us We’re Not in Kansas (or Iowa) Anymore: Supporting New English Education Professors as They Support Preservice Teachers,” Conference on English Education’s Conference, presenter, Elmhurst, IL.

2009,“Creating a Composition Course: ‘What does it mean to Teach Writing?,’”

Colorado Language Arts Society Spring Conference, presenter, Englewood, CO.

2009, “New Voices: Transitions in Teaching,” Colorado Language Arts Society Spring Conference, presenter, Englewood, CO.

2008, “Meeting Mandates, Teaching Students: Reconciling the Challenges of 21st Century Literacy Instruction,” National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention, roundtable presenter, San Antonio, TX.

2008,“Critical Thinkers: Do K‐12 Standards‐based Curricula Provide Us with Critical Thinkers?,” Integrating Critical Thinking into Your Courses: TILT Summer Conference on Learning, Teaching, and Critical Thinking, presenter, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

2008,“The Fourth Genre: The Case for Nonfiction in the Secondary English

Classroom,” Colorado Language Arts Society Spring Conference, presenter, Englewood, CO.

2008, “High Stakes Literacy: Authentic Teaching, Authentic Assessment,” Colorado

Language Arts Society Spring Conference, chair and presenter, Englewood, CO.

2007, “Mapping Nonfiction: A Journey Worth Taking,” National Council of Teachers of

English Annual Convention, chair, New York, NY.

2007, “Critical Literacy Instruction: The Ethics and Ethos of Zines and Media Literacy,”

Colorado Language Arts Society Spring Conference, presenter, Colorado

Springs, CO.

2006, “Never the Twain? UsingBest Practices in Reading to Prepare Students for

Standardized Tests,” National Council of Teachers of English Annual

Convention, presenter, Nashville, TN.

2006, “Teaching Adolescent Literature: Charting Territories Between Teacher

Education and Secondary Classrooms,” Colorado Language Arts Society Spring

Conference,presenter, Colorado Springs, CO.

2005, “Today’s Writers and Tomorrow’s Teachers: Questions and Answers for Writing

Response,” Colorado Language Arts Society Spring Conference, presenter,

Colorado Springs, CO.

2004, "Partnerships in Reading: When the Student Meets the Text and the Text Meets the

Student," Colorado Language Arts Society Spring Conference, presenter, Colorado Springs, CO.

2003, "Partnerships in Reading: When the Student Meets the Text and the Text Meets the

Student," National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention, presenter, San Francisco, CA.

2003, "Constructing Text, Deconstructing Process: The Role of Honesty in the Writing

Classroom," National Writing Project Brown Bag Lunch, presenterr, Colorado

State University, Fort Collins, CO.

2003, "Exploring Memoir: The Art and Craft of Truth," Colorado Language Arts Society

Spring Conference, presenter, Colorado Springs, CO.

2002, “Where Do We Go From Here?: Negotiating Changes in Goals and Geography,”

National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention, roundtable

presenter, Atlanta, GA.

2001, “Teacher Knowledge and Barriers to Best Practice,” National Reading

Conference, presenter, San Antonio, TX. December, 2001.

2001, “Teacher Knowledge and Barriers to Best Practice,” Jakobsen Research Forum,

University of Iowa, presenter, Iowa City, IA.

2001, “Locating Ourselves in History: Critical Literacy in the Preservice Classroom,”

National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention, presenter,

Baltimore, MD.

2001, “Interrupting the Text: When Readers Write and Writers Read,” Midwest Writing

Centers Association Conference, University of Iowa, presenter, Iowa City, IA.

2001, “Contextual Connectedness: Reading and Writing Relationships,” Martin Luther

King Research Symposium, University of Iowa, poster presentation, Iowa City,


2000, “Literacy Education Tomorrow: Linking Theory and Practice Through First-Year

Teachers,” National Reading Conference, roundtable presenter, Scottsdale,


2000, “Who’s Afraid of the Gendered Wolf?: Stories as Cognitive Tools,” Graduate

Student Senate Research Forum, University of Iowa, presenter, Iowa City, IA. 2000, “Who’s Afraid of the Gendered Wolf?: Stories as Cognitive Tools,” College of

Education Research Forum, University of Iowa, presenter, Iowa City, IA.

2000, “Reading, Writing, and Adolescence: Voices Aren’t the Only Things Changing,”

University of Iowa Research Forum, co-presenter, Iowa City, IA.

1999, “I Know What I’m Teaching, But What are You Teaching?: Reimagining

Relationships Between Elementary and Secondary Educators,” National Council

of Teachers of English Annual Convention, associate chair and panel member,

Denver, CO.

1999, “Teacher Critics: The Ethos of Critical Response and Evaluation,” Second

Biennial Feminism(s)and Rhetoric(s) Conference, panel member, Minneapolis,


1998, “The Piece Makers: Quilting as Oral History,” National Council of Teachers of

English Annual Convention, presenter, Nashville, TN.

1997, “The English Language Arts Standards: Manifesto? Constitution? Grocery

List?,” Keystone Area Education Agency I Inservice, presentation with Dr.

Bonnie Sunstein, Elkader, IA.



(Fall, 2006) Co-Researcher, Partnerships in Rural Colorado Grant Project, Colorado State

University and Frenchman RE-3 School District, Fleming, CO.

(2005-Present)Co-Researcher, Writing@CSU’s K-12 Connection, Colorado State

University, Fort Collins, CO.

CV SECTION 3: Evidence of Teaching and Advising Effectiveness


YearSemesterCourse No./TitleCr. Hrs.Enrollment

2011FallE 322/Eng Lang for Teach I340

2011FallE 632V/Prof. Concerns-English315

2010FallE 322/Eng Lang for Teach I341

2010FallE 401/Teaching Reading324

2010FallE 698/Project21

2010FallE 699/Thesis31

2010SummerE 405/Adolescents’ Literature31

2010SpringE 699/Thesis31

2010SpringEDUC 463/Methods421

2010SpringE 401/Teaching Reading327

2010SpringE 699/Thesis31

2009FallE 322/Eng Lang for Teach I344

2009FallE 402/Teaching Composition321

2009FallE 687A/Internship31

2009FallE 699/Thesis31

2009SpringE 401/Teaching Reading327

2009SpringE 402/Teaching Composition327

2009SpringE 695/Independent Study31

2009SpringE 699/Thesis61

2008FallEDUC 463/Methods420

2008FallE 405/Adolescents’ Literature340

2008SpringEDUC 463/Methods46

2008SpringE 402/Teaching Composition322

2007 FallEDUC 463/Methods 423

2007FallE 401/Teaching Reading 318

2007 FallE 695/Independent Study 31

2007SpringE 405/Adolescents’ Literature338

2007SpringE 401/Teaching Reading324

2007Spring E 695/Independent Study31

2007SpringE 695/Independent Study11

2007SpringE 684DV/Supervised Teaching31

2006FallE 405/Adolescents’ Literature339

2006FallE 401/Teaching Reading323

2006FallE 684DV/Supervised Teaching31

2006FallE 699/Thesis31

2006FallE 695/Independent Study31

2006SummerE 495V/Independent Study31

2006SpringE 405/Adolescents’ Literature338

2006Spring E 405/Honors Lecture33

2006SpringE 401/Teaching Reading333

2006SpringE 687AV/Supervised Teaching31

2005FallE 405/Adolescents’ Literature343

2005FallE 401/Teaching Reading323

2005 FallE 384AV/Supervised Teaching31

2005SpringE 632V/Prof. Concerns-English315

2005SpringEDUC 463/Methods412

2004FallE 402/Teaching Composition342

2004FallE 405/Adolescents’ Literature344

2004FallE 384AV/Supervised Teaching31

2004SpringE 405/Adolescents’ Literature340

2004SpringEDUC 463/Methods418

2004SpringE 384AV/Supervised Teaching31

2004SpringE 495V/Independent Study31

2003FallCOCC 301D/Writing325

2003FallEDUC 463/Methods422

2003 SummerE 405/Adolescents’ Literature339

2003SpringCOCC 301D/Writing323

2003SpringE 405/Adolescents’ Literature341

2003SpringE 384AV/Supervised Teaching31



# Current Undergraduate Advisees (2010-2011): 36

# Current Undergraduate Advisees (2009-2010): 36

# Previous Undergraduate Advisees (2008-2009): 30

# Previous Undergraduate Advisees – (2007-2008): 30 (+10 for Cindy O’Donnell-Allen)

# Previous Undergraduate Advisees – (2006-2007): 24

# Previous Undergraduate Advisees – (2005-2006): 30

# Previous Undergraduate Advisees – (2004-2005): 25


Current Graduate Advisees:

Serena Dietze (MA)

Wes Dolinar (MA)

Elissa Hale (MA)

Nathan Huseman (MA)

Adam Mackie (MA)

Jamee Warrenfeltz (MA)

Current Graduate Committee Memberships (excluding those chaired):

__ 0 _# Plan C

1 # Plan B

7 # MS/MA

1 # PhD

Graduate Committee Memberships (for past 5 years, not including those above)

__0___# Plan C

4 # Plan B

12 # MS/MA

3 # PhD

Graduate Degrees Completed Under Your Supervision (past 5 years):

Mike Dixon, 2010 (MA)

Jack Glasser, 2010 (MA)

Anna Marie Strzyz, 2009 (MA)

J. D. Williams, 2008 (MA)

Blaine Smith, 2008 (MA)

Greg Smith, 2007 (MA)

Daniel Weddle, 2007 (MA)

William Foster, 2004 (MA)

Descriptions of Mentoring Activities

(Spring 2003-Present) Honors Thesis Adviser for Twenty-Two Undergraduate Students and

HonorsThesis Committee Member for Five Undergraduate Students, Honors Program,

ColoradoState University, Fort Collins, CO.


(2003-Present) Instructor, Annenberg Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.

CV SECTION 4: Evidence of Outreach/Serivce


University Committees

Master Teacher Initiative Coordinator, 2007-present

TILT Search Committee, Director of Learning Programs, 2008-2009

Faculty Council, Department Representative, 2003-2006, 2010 (Spring)

College Committees

Marshall, CLA Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony, 2003-present

Department Committees

Post-Tenure Review Committee, 2009-present, Chair Fall 2010

GTA Teaching Committee, 2009-present

Undergraduate Committee Member, 2003-present

Graduate Committee Member, 2005-2007

Teacher Licensure Committee Member, 2002-present

TESL Search Committee, 2005


Memberships in Professional Societies

Member, National Council of Teachers of English

Faculty Sponsor, National Council of Teachers of English Student Affiliate (NCTE@CSU)

Member, Colorado Language Arts Society

Member, Pi Lamda Theta Education Honor Society

Member, Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society

Member, Midwest Writing Center Association

Manuscript Refereeing

Manuscript Reviewer, English Journal, 2003-Present

Manuscript Reviewer, ALAN Review, 2009-Present


(2010)Organizer and Leader, K-4 Book Club, St. John the Evangelist Catholic School,

Loveland, CO.

Conducted monthly after-school book club meetings for students in kindergarten through fourth grade. Combined reading enrichment instruction with reading opportunities (including guest speakers from Barnes & Noble, etc.).

(2010)Met with colleagues to recommend student teaching placements for approximately 30 studentteachers.

(2010)Wrote and evaluated English education MA comprehensive exams.

(2010)Worked as a consultant for the CSU athletic department (gratis; no pay received). Worked with two student peer mentors to help them develop writing materials to use during their peer mentor workshops with student athletes.

(2010)Gave a presentation to NCTE@CSU members about alternative teaching

contexts, including onlineschools, teaching abroad, and Peace Corps.

(2009) Chair, Scholarship Committee, CSU Department of English Scholarship for

Student Teachers.

(2008) Judge, Scholastic Middle School Writing Contest, Colorado Language Arts Society.

(2006-2007) Inservice Presenter, Baker Central Elementary School, Fort Morgan, CO. Conducted monthly reading instruction inservice sessions with fifth and sixth

grade teachers for one academic year.

(Summer, 2006)Instructor, Morgan Community College, Fort Morgan, CO. Invited to teach a summer course for K-12 rural classroom teachers on reading and writing methodology and the No Child Left Behind Act.

(Spring, 2006) Judge, Scholastic Writing Portfolio Contest/CSU English Department

Scholarship, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.