Industrial Education/Career & Technical Education

Royal Court Café –Culinary Arts 1-4

Culinary & Hospitality Specialties 1-2

Program Course Description

Instructors: Chef Chris DwyerChef Ken Pitts, CEC/CSFE

East Ridge: (352) 242-2080, ext. 4731 Room: 8-125/8-126

E-mail addresses:

Homework e-mail address:

Course Objectives:

The overall objective of the program is to encourage students to acquire knowledge and develop attitudes and skills in food service as a possible career choice. This experience would acquaint students with the skills necessary to become independent and productive members of society.

After successfully completing this program, students should be able to:

Set realistic employment goals

Demonstrate employability skills

Use appropriate commercial kitchen equipment and supplies safely and correctly

Demonstrate acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for various levels of culinary occupations

Demonstrate, in a work setting, skills necessary for various culinary occupations

Textbooks: Foundations of Culinary/Management – Levels 1 & 2 (ProStart)

Hospitality Services – Culinary & Hospitality Specialties 1-2

Culinary Essentials

Introduction to Culinary Arts

Course Description:

At East Ridge High School the Culinary Arts curriculum is based on an educational model of a commercial restaurant. School, faculty and staff oblige as customers for the student operated restaurant, which prepares and serves a varied menu. Upon opening the newly erected school during the fall school term of 2002, students decided that it would be most appropriate to name their restaurant, “The Royal Court Café.”

This program is designed to be self-supporting. Students need to have a sense of shared responsibility for the smooth operation of their business. This environment gives them an opportunity to display and demonstrate these skills and techniques.

National ProStart Program

The ProStart Program serves as a foundation, as well as an integral part of East Ridge High School’s Culinary Programby bringing together the industry and the classroom. ProStart gives students a platform to discover new interests and talents to open doors for fulfilling careers. This happens through a curriculum that includes all facets of the industry, and sets a high standard of excellence for students and the industry.

ProStart National Certificate of Achievement

Students who have completed the requirements of the ProStart program are awarded an industry-recognized certificate – the ProStart National Certificate of Achievement. To earn the certificate, students pass two national exams, demonstrate a mastery of foundational skills and work 400 mentored hours. Students who receive the certificate are eligible for NRAEF scholarship opportunities and course credits at more than 75 of the country’s leading hospitality and culinary arts colleges and universities.

Required Uniform/Class Fee:

The class receives special funding through Career & Technical Education to purchase some supplies. The uniform/class feeof $25.00 includes the purchase the official Chef’s jacket. Returning students who already have the official jacket should pay $15.00. All fees must be submitted to Chef PittsbyAugust 31, 2016. If paying by check/Money Order, please make check payable to East Ridge High School.

The following supplies are required for participation in the program:

* $25.00 uniform/classfee (due by August 31, 2016).

*Notebook with paper, can be shared with other classes.

*Large supply of post it notes.

*Long pants and chef jacket. (To be worn on all lab days)

*Closed toed shoes with non-skid soles (must be worn in the kitchen/lab!)

Note: pumps, high heels, boots, house shoes or flip flops are not allowed in the kitchen.

*Writing utensils (pencil or pen) and paper

Lab Work & Activities:

Instruction and learning activities are provided in a laboratory setting using hands on experiences with the tools, equipment and materials appropriate to the course content. Activities provide instruction in the use of small and large equipment, audiovisuals, computers, etc.

Note: Students are required to adhere to the following guidelines while working in the lab:

  • Proper attire is required to be worn while performing lab work.
  • Minimum requirement:
  • Clean apron *Closed toed shoes, no sandals
  • Proper hair restraint *Minimal jewelry
  • Chef jacket/long pants

Electronic Communication:

It is each student’s responsibility to “Get Connected & Stay Connected” with the latest happenings within the Culinary Program. Edmodo/Schoolology is an electronic communication program that is used to deliver important information/assignments that will aide in the success of all students. Each Culinary class level is assigned a different code. The code will be given to each class during the 1st week of school.

  1. Please do not enter the kitchen unless you are assigned to an area, or you are instructed to do so by Chef Dwyer or Chef Pitts.
  2. Please use the restrooms that are designated for student use only! (Staff restrooms are off limits!)
  3. The teacher’s dining area is off limits to students unlessassigned to that area.
  4. All students are expected to sit in their assigned seats, and work in their assigned lab area(s) unless permission is given to do otherwise.
  5. Detention will be assigned to students who are tardy to class or violate other classroom/school rules. Students will be given 2 days to serve assigned time. If un-served, parent notification is given and time is doubled. If time is un-served after parent notification, student is referred to administration.
  6. Appropriate uniforms MUST be worn to class and during class on designated work days. You will not be allowed to change into your uniform after you arrive to class.
  7. Do not remove food from the kitchen/class lab area without permission. Removal of food will result in loss of kitchen privileges and grade reduction.
  8. Class begins promptly after the tardy bell rings. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings, you are considered tardy.
  9. Bring proper tools to class on a daily basis (notebook, paper, pen, pencil and post it notes). Students

are not allowed to leave these items in the classroom.

  1. Textbooks are not issued in this program. The classroom set is designated for in school use only. If you wish to check out a book to make up assignments, please use the check out system. All books must be checked back in using the same system.
  2. Students are released by the instructor, not the bell.
  3. The telephone is for Royal Court Café business only. Please do not ask to use the phone for personal reasons.
  4. Other specifics will be added as deemed necessary……


As employers depend on employees to be prompt, students who assume their share of the work assignments must realize that good attendance is an important factor in this course. You are responsible for all material presented in the class, including announcements about course procedures and lab assignments. Exams, quizzes and homework often include questions on material presented only in class. Therefore, performance on these indirectly reflects attendance. Come prepared to work every day!

Classroom Procedures:

Be on time.Follow directions.

Work quietly. Do not disturb others who are working.

Respect others. Be kind with your words and actions.

Respect school/personal property. Follow all school rules.

Laboratory Procedures:

  1. Do what has to be done, when it has to be done, as well as it can be done.

2. Do it that way all the time.



Consequences for not following rules/procedures would include:

Verbal warningsParent conferences—phone and/or in person

Writing assignmentsAfter school detentions

Isolation/time-outAdministrative referrals

Note: Consequences are issued at the teacher’s discretion based on the individual’s overall performance and the circumstances of the specific situation.

Evaluation/Grading Policy:

In the real world, commercial food service employees receive compensation in the form of cash payment. At the Royal Court Café, compensation is in the form of a grade. Just as on-the-job employees who perform well are eligible for raises and promotions, students who do well in this course will receive scores in the higher percentages. In addition to grade incentives, there are also food incentives in the form of discounts and rewards.

Course grades will be assigned as follows:

A: 90%-100%

B: 80%-89%

C: 70%-79%

D: 60%-69%

F: 59% and below

Course grades will be determined in the following manner: (Culinary 1)

100% scale, all grades count equally.

(Culinary 2-3)by categories as below:

A. 40% –Kitchen Production - demonstrated work skills and habits developed in theculinary lab.

B. 25% – Theory–class work, worksheets, bell ringers, notes, etc.

C. 15% - Tests/quizzes – topic tests & quizzes, projects, presentations, etc.

E. 20% - Uniform Days

Total percentage==== 100%

(Culinary 4 - Hospitality & Tourism)

A. 40% –Kitchen Production - demonstrated work skills and habits developed in the

Culinary lab.

B. 20% – Theory – class work, worksheets, bell ringers, notes etc.

C. 10% – Projects/Presentations

D. 10% - Tests/quizzes – topic tests & quizzes.

E. 20% - Uniform Days

Total percentage==== 100%

Note: At the end of the term, an exam will be given and will count 25% of the total score for that grading period.

Note: MAKE UP WORK………..

  • All RCC lab make up work is due within 2 days after your excused absence. This make up work should be in the form of a recipe for level 1 students (any category) or current event homework assignment for levels 2 & up students. This is to be used only when you’ve been absent (excused) or sick on RCC operation days.

Since this is a job preparatory program, the majority of your grade is based on your performance in the lab/kitchen. If you are absent, you will be required to complete an alternate assignment for each day you do not participate due to illness or excused absences. Due dates for these assignments will be given by the instructors. Alternate assignment sheets will be located in a designated place in the classroom. It is YOUR responsibility to pick up these assignmentsand submit them by the due date. NO EXCUSES!!

Please return this page by:______(official grade)

Parent/Student Acknowledgement and Agreement

I/we have read the Culinary Arts Program Syllabus. I/We fully understand and agree to adhere to the policies, procedures and standards associated with the program.


Student’s Signature Parent/Guardian’s Signature

______Date ______Date _____

Print Name Print Name

Culinarians Code

I pledge my professional knowledge and skill to the advancement of our profession and to pass it on to those that are to follow.

I shall foster a spirit of consideration and cooperation within my profession.

I shall place honor and the standing of my profession before personal advantage.

I shall not use unfair means to affect my professional advancement, or to injure the chances of another colleague to secure and hold employment.

I shall be fair, courteous, and considerate in my dealings with fellow colleagues

I shall conduct any necessary comment on or criticism of the work of fellow colleagues with careful regard for the good name and dignity of the culinary profession, and will scrupulously refrain from criticism to gain personal advantage.

I shall never expect anyone to subject himself to risks I would not be willing to assume myself.

I shall help to protect all members against one another from within our profession.

I shall be just and enthusiastic about the success of others, as I am about my own.

I shall be too big for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit pressure of the business to hurt anyone, within the profession.