Biomechanics Midterm
Study Guide
- Statics
- Dynamics
- Kinetics
- Kinematics
- Kinesiology
- Sports Medicine
- Mechanics
- Biomechanics
- Inertia
- Mass
- Net force
- Center of gravity
- Concentric
- Eccentric
- Isometric
- Agonist
- Antagonist
- Stabilizer
- Neutralizer
Quantitative vs. Qualitative
- What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative?
- What are some examples of each?
Metric Conversions
- 0.21 km = ______m
- 3.64 cm = ______mm
- 425,000 mL = ______L
- 2.7 m = ______km
- 0.000895 m = ______cm
- Word problems
- Ex: A dollar bill is 15.6 cm long. If 200 dollar bills were laid end to end, how many meters long will be the line by?
Directional Terms
- Three planes of the body?
- Three axes?
- Relationship between the planes and axes?
- Directions
- Anterior/Posterior
- Superior/Inferior
- Medial/Lateral
- Deep/Superficial
- Proximal/Distal
- Movements
- Flexion
- Extension
- Abduction
- Adduction
- Ulnar deviation
- Radial deviation
- Supination
- Pronation
- Inversion
- Plantarflexsion
- Dorsiflexion
- Rotation
- Internal Rotation
- External Rotation
- Horizontal Abduction
- Horizontal Adduction
- Elevation
- Depression
- Lateral Bending
- Movement Analysis
- Examples:
- Walking
- Running
- Throwing
- Push Up
Mechanical Loading
- Load – Deformation Curve
- What are the types of mechanical loading? Draw them on the curve.
- Vectors have a ______and ______.
- Word problems
- Scalar
- Biplanar
- Tip to tail method
- Sine, cosine, tangent method
Kinetic Concepts Problems
- Examples:
- A force of 20 N acts upon a 5 kg block. Calculate the acceleration of the object.
- Calculate the pressure produced by a force of 800 N acting on an area of 2.0 m2.
- A force of 20 N is applied perpendicular to the end of a bar of length 0.5 m. Calculate the torque produced by the force.
Bone Basics
- What are the functions of human bones?
- What are the differences between cortical and trabecular bone?
- What are the four types of bones? Their function? Examples of each?
- Process of bone remodeling and Wolff’s Law.
- Be able to recognize each of the bone injuries we discussed in class (Greenstick, spiral, compression, stress fractures; osteoporosis; female athlete triad)
Human Skeletal Articulations (Joints)
- What are the types of joints and what is the function of each?
- Discuss each type of connective tissue, including cartilage (articular and fibrocartilage)
- What factors affect joint flexibility?
- Describe each type of stretching we talked about in class (static, passive, active, dynamic, PNF).
Human Skeletal Muscle
- What are the properties human skeletal muscle?
- Identify the structures of human skeletal muscle.
- Label the components of a muscle fiber.
- What is a motor unit?
- What is the difference between fast and slow twitch muscle fibers?
- How does the training for power and endurance differ?
- Compare and contrast the characteristics of parallel and pennate muscles.