The following is guidance on the behaviour and conduct which is expected to be adhered to from the users of the Mary Peters’ Track.

Track Rules and Guidance

  1. Athletes must always run in an anti-clockwise direction. However warm up laps can be done in a clockwise direction in the outside lanes from lane 5 to lane 8.
  2. Running Clubs are only permitted to run in lanes 3-8 unless they are doing specific timed runs.
  3. Track Athletes have preference in Lanes 1-2 so if a faster runner comes up on the inside lanes and wants to pass, they will shout “Track”. On hearing this, move to the outer lanes.

4.Do not cross the infield – it is cordoned off with white chain ropes as this area is designated for throwing events and can be dangerous.

5.Never stand still on the track, especially the inside 2 lanes. Once you have finished a run, move over towards the outside of the track, ensuring it is safe to do so.

6.Never wear headphones or use your mobiles whilst on the track or infield. This will stop you from hearing other users.

7. At Competitions never run or walk across the finish lineas this will interrupt the photo finish timing. All athletes should exit the track through the gate at the end of the finishing straight and are not to walk back across the finish line.

8. Treat all the Track equipment with respect – if you are responsible for damaging any equipment you will be liable for replacement costs.

9.All equipment must be brought back to the equipment store and is not to be left lying around the Track.

9. Young athletes must be supervised at all times. Athletes under 16yrs cannot use equipment unless supervised by a qualified Coach

11.Please do not drop litter and use the bins, and make sure to keep your valuables safe

12.No Ball games are allowed to be played at the track or surrounding area.

13.Footwear– all spikes must be no longer than 7m -, cross country spikes are not permitted.Spikes must not be worn in any of the building or changing rooms.

14.Hire of Equipment – all gantry’s/generators/track equipment must be signed for and returned within the agreed time.