Beech Hyde Year 4 French Year Plan: 2010/11

Resources: Tout le Monde (TLM); Take 10 en français; French Primary Support (FPS);;

30 ‘ lesson weekly supplemented by 30’ of follow-up activities throughout week

(Cross-curricular links to long-term plan in red. NB Literacy and numeracy links occur in every lesson)

Term / TLM
Level / TLMMod / Stimulus material / Knowledge about Language / Additional topics/Assessment
Cross-curricular links
1 / 1 / 5 / back to school in France
TLM: Un village en France
Places in town or village; more weather expressions; saying where you live / Introduction to masculine and feminine nouns
Phonic work: “an”; “é” / Current affairs: La rentrée (back to school)
Music: Singing and performing TLM module song
Informal speaking assessments based on regular register practice ; TLM writing assessments; on-line TLM listening and reading assessments;
1 / 2 / 1 / TLM: L’école magique
Numbers 1- 31; pets; days of the week
FPS / Singular and plural agreements; position of adjectives (colour) in sentence Questions: As-tu un animal? Quel animal as-tu? Phonic work: “in”; silent t / Music: Singing and performing TLM module song
History: The Tudors
RE: Noël (Christmas)
2 / 2 / 2 / «Take 10 en français» (“J’aime la galette” Epiphany song); background to epiphany celebrations in France
TLM: Que la fête commence! months of year; festivals and celebrations
FPS / Identify and recognise nouns
Questions: Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? Quelle est la date aujourd’hui?
Phonic work: ”ê” as in fête; silent x / Current affairs: Épiphanie (6th Jan); Mardi Gras (Shrove Tuesday) link to PSHE: Healthy diet
PE: Dance: “J’aime la galette!”
Informal speaking assessments based on regular register practice ; TLM writing assessments; on-line TLM listening and reading assessments;
RE: Pâques(Easter);
3 / 2 / 3 / TLM: Bon appétit! members of the family; talking about pastimes
«Take 10 en français» 29. Standing Sports
and FPS for info on The Olympics / Distinguish between word classes
Using the negative
Question: Qu’est-ce que tu fais?
Phonic work: “è” as in père; “ion” as in télévision / Music: Singing and performing TLM module song
Informal speaking assessments based on regular register practice ; TLM writing assessments; on-line TLM listening and reading assessments;
PE: Athletics: link to Parachute games / brain gym/ Take 10
Activity Standing Sports

See French Primary Support electronic folder on Beech Hyde server for activities relating to phonic work, festivals, habitats, the Tudors, the Olympics and Athletics. There is a copy of “Take 10 en français” in school.