The Book of Revelations

When was the last time you actually sat down and read the Book of Revelations?

Was it a Book you understood and wanted to read more, or was it a Book that you don’t want to read?

Sadly today it is a Book that is avoided by many; some say that it is too difficult to understand, some say that it is not relevant. The Book of Revelations is a Book that is not like any other in the Bible, it is a Book that has a very special Blessing. I will tell you why this Book is so unique; I want to give you a simple guide in understanding why it is so important.

Come with me on this Journey as we go into the Book of Revelations.

In this Blog I am just going to briefly look at Revelations Chapter 1 through to Revelations Chapter 3:22, my heart’s desire is that you would start to understand and enjoy the Book of Revelations, that you would be Blessed.

Revelations 1:1-10

Revelations 1:3 States clearly to us that the Book of Revelations is a Prophecy, we are told that there is a Blessing for the Reader of Revelations and also the Hearer that hears the Words of the Prophecy. The Blessing is also for those that KEEP the things written in the Prophecy. Many today ignore this Blessing by staying away from the Book. In Revelations 22:7 Jesus himself tells us that he is Coming Quickly and the person who KEEPS the sayings of the Prophecy of this Book is Blessed.

Key 1

It is important that we understand that the Whole Book of Revelations is a Prophecy, we do not just start breaking it up, it is a whole and applies to the Church until the End.

It is a Book that God does not want changed or altered, in Revelations 22; 18-19 God gives a strong warning, if any man hears this Prophecy and shall add to the things in the Book, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in the Book. If any man shall take away from what God has declared, God shall also take away his part out of the Book of Life, and out of the Holy City and from the things that are written in the Book.

They are very Strong and challenging words from God, the reason is that the Revelations Prophecy is Truth. We should not avoid reading this Book because of the above, we should hear him stating to us to read and obey and then we will be Blessed.

Key 2

It is a Prophecy given to John by God himself, John was not just inspired he was told and shown by God what to write.

In Revelations 1;1 we read that the Prophecy of Revelations was given by God to Jesus, to show his Servants things that must shortly come to pass, it was given to John by a Messenger , this Book is very unique. Throughout the Prophecy John is in contact with God, with Jesus, the Angels, the 24 Elders, the 4 Beasts and many others, he is taken back and forth many times from earth to Heaven and back and so on. John is constantly on the move seeing and hearing first hand.

Key 3

The Prophecy was given to John by God so as to give to his Servants.

We are Gods Servants, from the 7 Churches of Asia to all of the Churches today and until he returns. The Whole Prophecy is for us all.

Key 4

Jesus will be revealed.

The whole purpose of this Prophecy is that Jesus the King will be revealed to you now. It also speaks of when you die and also when he returns. The whole Prophecy of Revelations focuses on and leads up to the Return of Jesus Christ to this earth, the 1000 year Reign and then the New Heavens and New earth with God on earth forever.

Jesus, God and those that have died and are resting in Heaven with Jesus are not going to stay in Heaven forever. Jesus is going to come to earth and He will be revealed.

Key 5

Jesus is Coming back, it will be visible.

In Revelations 1:7 John tells us to LOOK, John visualised Jesus descending with the Clouds, John states every eye shall see Jesus, even those that pierced him, John also states that the people of the earth shall mourn because of Jesus. It will not be secret, he will be seen. It is an event that every Believer is waiting for.

Key 6

We all have a place of Ministry and Authority in Jesus Christ, now and also in the Future when He returns to the Earth for the 1000 year reign.

John states in Revelations 1;6 that we are Kings and Priests unto God.

Key 7

John suffered in Tribulation while he was in prison.

In Revelations 1:9 John speaks of his Tribulation, but he also spoke of the Kingdom and Patience of Jesus Christ. We will also go through Tribulation in our lives just as John did in Patmos, it is important to realise that it won’t be easy, we must have the Patience of Jesus Christ in this Kingdom.

Revelations 1:11-20

In Revelations 1:11 John is told to write all that he sees in a Book, this of course is the Book of Revelations that we have today. John was told to write the Book and then send it to the 7 Churches that were in Asia at his time of life. The Book of Revelations was very relevant to the 7 Churches at that time but is still just as relevant to us today. Jesus is still to be Revealed to the earth.

The Character of Jesus Christ

The Character of Jesus Christ is revealed to us in Revelations 1 in a manner that is so powerful, the following facets are revealed as follows.

  • Jesus is clothed in a Garment down to his feet, he is wearing a Gold Girdle
  • His head and hair is as white as wool, as white as snow
  • His Eyes are like flames of fire
  • His feet are like fine burnished brass as if burned in a furnace
  • His voice like the sounds of many waters
  • He holds the Messengers in his right hand
  • He stands in the middle of his Churches
  • Out of his mouth comes a two edged sword
  • His countenance is like the bright shining sun

Tell me, have you ever seen Jesus in this way before?

He is powerful and awesome, he is someone that is Majestic in Power, He is our God and our King.

John fell down before Jesus when he saw him but Jesus laid his right hand upon John and said do not Fear, Jesus is the First and last, he was dead but Lives now forever, Jesus has the Keys of Hell and Death.

These Characteristics of Jesus are so important for the Church to understand and to acknowledge, we need to see him this way so that we can Trust in him for what the future may bring. I am sure that after John saw this Prophecy his life was never the same, the prison would have had no impact on his Life.

Death and Hell no longer have power over us when we die, Jesus has the Keys and he has freed us from that hold.

In Revelations 1:19 John is instructed by Jesus to write all that he has already seen from Revelations 1:1-18, also what he was seeing at the very time he was standing in front of Jesus, but John was also told to write all that he saw from that point onwards. There was so much for John to record.

There are nearly 38 verses in the whole Book of Revelations where John said he saw, there are 3 verses where he said he had seen, there are over 27 verses where John said he had heard. It was vital for John to hear and see what God wanted to reveal, it is also vital for us to hear and see what God has Prophecied.

In Revelations 1 we saw the Characteristics of Jesus and in Revelations 2:1 through to Revelations 3:22 Jesus reveals each of these Characteristics to each of the 7 Churches.

Revelations 2:1 to 3:22

John was told to write all that he saw and give to the 7 Churches in Asia, but also in the Prophecy was some very clear instructions to the 7 Churches.

The Letters to the 7 Churches were made for the specific purpose to empower the Churches to be the Body he wants, they are the instructions so that they could face the Tribulation of life. Jesus wants his Bride to be spotless and he wants his Bride to be ready when he comes.

Jesus reveals to each Church their Beauty but also their spots, He also tells them what to do so that they would bring Glory to his name and his Bride.

At the end of each Letter to each Church Jesus gives an instruction and a Promised Reward.

With all of them He states that “he that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to all the Churches, to him that overcomes and wins the victory I will reward.”

Jesus wants an overcoming Church and an overcoming Servant, which is you and me.

Jesus wanted the Churches then to listen and obey and today Jesus wants the Churches to also listen and obey.

For the purpose of this Study I am going to group into Bullet points the Spots and then the Beauty.


  • Left their First Love
  • Has fallen
  • Some hold onto the Doctrine of Balaam, whotaught Balac to cast a stumbling block before the Children, to eat things that were sacrificed unto idols and also to commit fornication
  • Some hold onto the Doctrine of the Nicolaitins
  • Some allow a woman Jezebel which calls herself a Prophetess, and she teaches and seduces Gods Servants to commit Fornication and to eat things offered as a Sacrifice to Idols
  • Though has a name that they live but they are dead
  • Some works not found perfect before God
  • Not Hot and not Cold
  • Lukewarm
  • Say that they are rich and has many goods and has need for nothing but is really wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked


  • Has Works
  • Has Labour
  • Has Patience
  • Tests others for Truth
  • Cannot bear them that are Evil
  • Has laboured for Jesus name
  • Has not fainted
  • Hates the deeds of the Nicolaitans
  • Hates what Jesus hates
  • Tribulation
  • Poverty (but is Rich)
  • Faithful until Death
  • Has not denied the Faith
  • Holds fast onto the Name of Jesus
  • Charity
  • Service
  • Faith
  • Last works more than the First
  • Have not defiled their garments and are worthy
  • Has little strength
  • Does not deny the name of Jesus
  • Keeps(guards and protects) the Word of Jesus Patience

Wants the Churches to

  • Repent
  • Do the First Works
  • Repent of Fornication
  • Repent of eating Sacrifices to Idols
  • Be watchful
  • Buy from Jesus Gold tried in fire, and white raiment and eye salve so that they may see

If Not Jesus will

  • Remove the Church from its place
  • Come quickly and will fight against those doing wickedness in the Church with the sword of his mouth
  • He will cast any that is like the Jezebel woman or commits adultery with her into a bed of great tribulation
  • Kill the children of the Jezebel woman with death
  • Search the reins and hearts and give unto everyone according to their works, all the Churches will know.
  • Come like a thief in the night and deal with sin
  • Will vomit the luke warm out of his mouth

The Church will

  • Suffer
  • Shall be thrown into prison by the Devil
  • Shall be tried
  • Shall have Tribulation for a period of time

The Rewards that Jesus gives are

  • Will be given a Crown of Life
  • Will keep (guard and protect) us from the Hour of Temptation that shall come upon the whole world to try them that live on the earth
  • If any man hears the voice of Jesus, Jesus will come to him and sup with him

If you hear and do and become an Overcomer will receive

  • To eat from the Tree of Life which is in the Midst of the Paradise of God
  • Shall not be hurt by the second death (this is after the 1000 year reign of Jesus, when the wicked are thrown into the Lake of Fire)
  • Will be given hidden Manna to eat
  • Will be given a white stone, with a new name written on it that no man knows except the one that receives the stone
  • Will give power over the Nations to those that keep Jesus works to the end, and he will also Rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron, as the vessels of a potter shall the people be broken to shivers
  • Jesus will give him the Morning Star
  • Shall be clothed in white raiment
  • Not have your name blotted out of the Book of Life
  • Jesus will confess you before God and the Angels
  • Will make a Pillar in the Temple of God and shall not go out any more
  • Will write upon him the name of God and the name of the New Jerusalem that will come down out of Heaven
  • Will write upon you a New name
  • Will grant you to sit on the Throne with Jesus just like Jesus who overcame and is now sitting on the Throne with God

Jesus walks in the Midst of the Churches, He is the First and last, which was dead and is alive, he has the 2 edged sword, he is the Son of God who has eyes like a flame of fire and feet like fine brass. He has the 7 Spirits of God and the seven stars. He is Holy and True and has the key of David, what Jesus opens no man can shut and what Jesus closes no man can open.

Jesus is the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the beginning of the Creation of God.

Jesus wants the Church to be victorious until he returns, he wants each one of us to hear and obey. He wants us to know who He is and his sovereignty.

Have you ever heard Jesus speak so strongly to the Churches?

We need to listen to what Jesus has to say and walk in obedience.

Jesus wants the Body of Christ to have Righteous Fruit, and Righteous Works; he will deal with anyone that produces the fruits of Sin.

Jesus speaks very strongly against sexual sin and adultery and the Doctrines of men that causes one to sin. Jesus hates Idolatry.

Why would Jesus deal so strongly with the Church you may ask?

Here is the reply from Jesus found in Revelations 3:19.

As many as I Love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore and Repent.

Jesus Loves us and wants us to express the very image of God.

Jesus will be coming back for a Bride that is spotless.

Please I beg you, be over comers, be victorious until you die or until Jesus returns, win the Race, win the Victory.

The Promises are Great.


I do hope you have enjoyed this Blog and look forward to Part 2 in the next Blog as we progress through the Book of Revelations.

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