Minutes of Beith Harriers AGM held at The Eglinton Inn

Tuesday 16th September 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

In Attendance: David Hughes, Susan McIsaac, Liz Duncan, Kenneth Philips, Paul Brindley, Elaine McCummisky Apologies: Lynn Mess, Kirsteen Clark

1.  Previous Minutes The AGM minutes of 2013 were considered. Approved- Liz Duncan, Seconded – David Hughes.

Matters Arising Discussed the new level 2 coach that will be required for next year. Susan to contact Lindsay McMahon and KA Leisure to ask if they have any interested coaches. The club are prepared to pay for a coach. Discussions took place over how to finance this- prices could remain the same and the cost could be met from club funds or alternatively fees could be raised to £1.50 per week.

Secretary’s Report David has not attended any recent AGM's

Treasurers Report We have had another busy year.

Finances remain healthy with weekly fees slightly reduced. This may be due to the school disco being held on Thursday nights which significantly reduce the numbers that week. Hall fees have also increased slightly over the year.

I propose that weekly fees remain the same with the cost of the hall, T shirts and Scottish Athletics being paid from this.

Elaine and Paul suggested collecting fees from a monthly standing order -this is being used by a number of other clubs and would certainly cut down on the time taken for registration at the start of the class. This proposal was agreed and Elaine will email a standing order mandate used by another club. The monthly amount should work out at approx £4 from November to June however Susan will check this before issuing the mandate.

Child Welfare Officer’s Report Morag was unable to attend.

There has been an issue with Liz Duncan's PVG due to one being completed for NAC at the same time. This has now been resolved and a new form sent to Scottish Athletics

We discussed the issues of getting PVG's authorised. Morag is our Child Protection Officer although her children left the club quite some time ago. Susan had received new forms for authoring PVG's from Scottish Athletics however didn't understand how this worked and will consult with Jim Goldie at Scottish Athletics for advice

Election of Officer Bearers

Chairperson: Liz Duncan

Secretary: David Hughes

Treasurer: Susan McIsaac

Child Welfare Officer: Morag Boyd

Primary School Liason: Liz Duncan

Committee Members: Kenneth Phillips, Julie Rose, Paul Brindley, Elaine McCummisky

As all current office bearers were happy to continue in their current posts Kenneth Phillips moved that all office bearers are re-elected. This was seconded by David Hughes.

Elaine agreed to be a committee member. Connor McIsaac and Stewart Pattie are no longer involved with the club and are no longer committee members

7  Coaching We had a successful year again. The older class was full with a waiting list and the numbers at the younger class remain steady throughout.

A number of the youngsters competed during the year in both the indoor league and outdoor track and field with a number of medals and PB's.

We have 2 youngsters helping at the classes this year and a couple of parents have advised that they are happy to help if required.

Fixtures Schools Cross Country - The races are the first Saturday of each month.

Cross Country – Ayrshire Cross Country Relays: 18th Oct 14 at Beachpark, Irvine

Kilmarnock Harriers Open CC Races: 9th Nov 14

Ayrshire Cross Country Championships: 15th Nov 14

SAIL – provisional dates are 14th Dec 14, 4th Jan 15 & 15th Mar 15. New Year Road Race will take place on 2nd January. The licence application has still to be completed as it was only emailed a couple of weeks ago when Susan was on holiday

Julie has kindly offered the use of the cafeteria again.

Paul will contact the rugby club again for use of their facilities for registration. More parent helpers are required. Susan will issue a list of jobs required for organising the race to allow these to be split between the committee

9  AOCB No other business

The meeting closed at 8:25pm.