PC Update – how to upload a monthly issue to Umbraco

John Hollow

V1 – 7-Oct-2017

Overview & Goal

This guide is for uploading (e.g. by the PC Update Editor), a PC Update PDF file to the Umbraco website. As an example, the upload of the Mar-2017 issue of PC Update is used. The user-view of the PC Update area, before the Mar-2017 upload, shows the latest issue as Feb-2017.

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Prepare PDF file of PC Update for upload from your workstation computer..

Suggested naming convention:

pc-update-yyyy-mmm.pdf e.g.


2. Prepare a thumbnail image of front-coverfor upload from your workstation computer.

Size (pixels): recommend approx. 720H x 508W (Umbracoscales it to fit, not fussy)

Suggest add a thin black outer border (say 2 pixel width).

Can be JPG or PNG

Suggested naming convention:


thumbnail-pc-update-2017-mar.jpg or .png

3. Login to Umbraco with suitable PC Update editor username & password at:

(note – it is http NOT https), giving …

Note re password: despite this screen seeming to insist on changing your password, you can choose to change the password, but you DO NOT HAVE TO. (The screen comes up like this every time, whether you have recently changed your password or not. We plan to get this annoyance fixed sometime.)

4. Steps 4 to 8 can be omitted – they are suggested here to learn or refresh how screens were filled-in for previous months.

Click on text of year (2017)to select year-container-page (blue highlight) and display that webpage’s content in right-panel (pane), giving ...

5. Open the navigation-tree’syear-branch by:

Move mouse-cursor to hover over the triangle to the left of the year–icon (2017), then click on the triangle, giving …

6. Click on name-text of previous month’s container page to select it and display that webpage’s content in the right-panel (pane).

7. Open previous month’s branch to reveal downloadable file by:

Click on triangle to left of newsletter-issue icon

8. View details ofdownloadable file by:

Click on name-text in navigation-tree

9. The goal of the following steps is to add an additional entry for the next month’s issue.

10. Click on text of year (2017) to select year-container-page, giving …

11. Click on the 3-dots menu-icon of the year, thereby opening a mid-screen menu-panel (with the “Create an item …” function), giving …

12. Click on “[PC Update] – Newsletter / Issue” to create a container-page for the (new) newsletter issue …

13. Fill in the text in the right-panel, and choose the thumbnail file (on your workstation computer) for upload.Suggested text:

  • PC-Update-yyyy-mmm - e.g. PC-Update-2017-Mar
  • Title – Month Year e.g. March 2017
  • Description: up to say 2 lines, perhaps about special content of the issue, or the editor’s name.
  • Click CHOOSE FILE button to upload the thumbnail image of the front cover

When complete, click the SAVE AND PUBLISH button at the bottom of the page.

14. This completes the container page. The confirmation message at the bottom only lasts around 3 seconds.

15. Commence the downloadable file page by clicking on the 3-dots menu-icon, giving …

16. And click on the [STANDARD] – DOWNLOADABLE FILE menu-item …

17. … giving another right-panel to fill in. Also, CHOOSE FILE, and select the PDF file of the PC Update issue to upload from your workstation computer, giving …

Finish by clicking the SAVE AND PUBLISH button at the bottom.

Following screen displays while upload is in progress – the uploadmay take a minute or two (dependent on filesize & linespeed).

18. Whenthe upload is complete, the screen shows confirmation of successper below (but the confirmation message is only displayed for around 3 seconds) …

19. Sort the order of issues to most recent to top in left-pane for viewer …

Click on the YEAR folder (as you are about the sort the contents of this FOLDER)

Click ACTIONS (top right)

Click SORT ...

Click CREATION DATE to sort date-column to required order

Click SAVE …


20. The new upload should now be visible to logged-on members at per below …

The sorting in the previous steps should have positioned the new issue in the correct location …

21. Logout …

giving …

Appendix – Further information

Navigation panel: The left white-background panel is a navigation area, rather like MS Windows File Explorer.

In this panel, there are different actions dependent on where you put the put *and then click).

Cursor well-away:

On the triangle – this will open a directory-tree:

Hover and click on the text – this will select (blue highlight) the webpage source for the resultant user-view webpage, and display it in the right-panel (pane).

Hover and click on the 3-dots menu-icon – this will open a middle-panel of various actions …

Escape or Cancel

There may be cases where you open a panel, and there is no obvious way of cancelling or escaping from panel or operation.

In such a case, clicking on some non-active part of the window usually performs the CANCEL operation, e.g. clicking in a blank part of the left navigation-panel, or a blanl part of the black bar on the extreme left.

Sometimes, when you move to another webpage in the (left) navigation-panel, you may get a screen asking (Discard or Stay). Meaning

Other additional user documentation re Umbraco is at:

To be written

  • (Other) actions menu

File: PC Update.docPage: 1

LastSaved: 2017-09-30 -- 20:50:00