Nancy J. SmithPage 1
Nancy J. Smith
6300 Ocean Dr., FC 221, Corpus Christi, TX 78412 | 361-825-2308 |
Ed.D Educational Leadership – Higher Education 2010
Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi, TX
Dissertation: “Third Arm, Gateway Drug, or Just a Toy? An Inductively Driven Mixed Methods Study on the Use of Mobile Learning Technologies in Higher Education”
Advisor: Dr. Caroline Sherritt
Dissertation Co-chairs: Dr. Kakali Bhattacharya & Dr. Caroline Sherritt Committee Members: Dr. Bryant Griffith & Dr. Dan Sipes
M.A. in Educational Technology2002
Pepperdine University – Malibu, CA
Emphasis: Instructional Design and Leadership
Thesis: “Using Technology to Improve Professional Practice: NASA Student Involvement Project – To Mars and Beyond”
B.A. in English1996
Mesa State College – Grand Junction, CO
Areas of Concentration: Writing, Literature, and History of the English Language
Minor: Mathematics
Thesis: “Influences of the Elizabethan Era on Victorian Literature”
additionalGraduate coursework and Training
- Assessment and Curriculum
The Basic Literacy Act
Assessment that Helps Students Learn
Basic Literacy Act – Implementation & Assessment
Reflecting on Assessment
Standards Based Transition Process & Federal Regulations
Designing for Understanding Using a Body of Evidence 1&2
Research & Curriculum Design
Intel Teach to the Future: Master Teacher Training
Intel Teach to the Future: Teacher Leaders
Intel Teach to the Future: Teacher Leadership
ASCD – Understanding by Design
Data Analysis Training
ILP Procedure Training for Teachers
Standards and Assessment
NWEA Training in Data Analysis
- Gifted/Talented, Exceptional Learners, and Differentiation
Meeting the Needs of Gifted Children in the Regular Classroom
Differentiation in the Classroom
Differentiating for the Able Learner in the Middle School Classroom
Differentiated Instruction
Meeting the Needs of Students Who are Gifted
Workshop for Teachers of Gifted & Talented
Bridges for Exceptional Learners
Advanced by Design
Pathways: Dyslexia and Learning
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes Training
Brain Based – Action Based Learning Principles
Multiple Intelligences: Many Ways to Learn
CISCO Certified Network Administrator – I & II
Live Internet! Using Graphics, Sound, & Video
Meeting the Mathematics Challenge
Instruction and Curriculum in Atmospheric Science
Using the Computer as a Research Tool
Introduction to Web Page Creation in the Middle School
LEARN Atmospheric Science Explorers – The National Center for Atmospheric Research
Science – Hands-on Physics
Promoting Science Excellence
Technology Integration (Palm Camp)
Intro to Tech with Elementary Physical Science
Technology in Education
Microsoft Office in the Classroom
- Research, Writing, and Special Topics
Designing Mixed Methods Studies
Mixed and Multiple Methods Research
Grounded Theory Research
Special Topics: Middle School Strategies
Developing Parental Contact
Starting the New Semester
Observations and Conferencing
Mentoring Learners
Six Traits Writing
Great Books
Motivating Learners
Special Topics: Middle School
Teacher Leadership Seminar
PBS TeacherLine – Online Facilitator Training
Reading in the Middle School
Reconfiguration Leadership
CHAMPS Training
Professional Learning Communities
AWARDS & achievements
Faculty nomination for AERA Mixed Methods Dissertation Award2011
EDLD Doctoral Student Association – President2009 - 2010
Master Teacher Recognition – Intel Teach to the Future 10th Anniv.2010
Exceptional Master Teacher Award – Intel Teach to the Future2002 – 2005
NASA Student Involvement Program Exemplary Teacher 20002003
Pepperdine OMEAT Alumni of the Year Recognition2003
National Science Teacher of the Year Award – nominee2000
Ed Tech Leaders of the Year 2002 – Semi-finalist 2002
Palm Education Pioneer Educator2001
Sigma Tau Delta
Qualitative Methods and Dissertation Tutor2012-present
ELITE Graduate Program of Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi
- Tutor students beginning in EDLD 6384 – Qualitative Research Methods through EDLD – 6385 – Advanced Qualitative Research Methods
- Assist students in successful completion of comprehensive exams
- Provide methodological assistance and editing for students completing qualitative dissertations or qualitatively driven mixed methods dissertations and studies.
Co-Instructor / Research Assistant to Dr. Kakali Bhattacharya2009-present
Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi
- EDLD 6384 – Qualitative Research Methods
- EDLD 6385 – Advanced Qualitative Research Methods
- Facilitatestudent understanding of qualitative methodologies
- Train educators and administrators in software, online learning, social
network environments, and Web2.0 use and implementation in research - Assess educator needs and outcomes
Adjunct Instructor 2005-2008
Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ
- EDU 528 – Foundations and Frameworks of Education
- TEC 540 – Research Techniques and Procedures
- Facilitated asynchronous on line class discussion through threaded discussion board
- Created and posted announcements and threaded discussions using the Blackboard environment and ANGEL Learning Management Systems.
- Assisted students in preparation and implementation of assignments and electronic portfolios
- Created course rubrics
- Graded weekly assignments, journals and discussion posts and provided written feedback
Online Instructor2003-2005
PBS TeacherLine, Alexandria, VA
- TECH 145 – Teaching with WebQuests
- Facilitated asynchronous on line class discussion
- Created announcements and threaded discussions using the Blackboard environment
- Assisted students in preparation and implementation of WebQuest Projects
Teaching Assistant online to Dr. Mercedes Fisher 2002-2003
Pepperdine University – Malibu, CA
- Ed 665 – Curriculum and Technology
- Facilitated synchronous online classes twice weekly
- Created and moderated curriculum regarding best practices
- Maintained and moderated news groups conversations
- Assisted students in preparation and implementation of Action Research Projects
Technology Instructor Centennial Middle School2003- 2006 Montrose RE-1J Schools, Montrose, CO
- Facilitated 6th and 7th grade exploratory technology one quarter per year – in depth exploration of technology skills and integration into class projects
- 8th grade instructor for elective classes and facilitator for fully integrated curriculum – working with core teachers to build curriculum units which integrate technology for both teachers and students
QUEST Gifted and Talented Facilitator/Teacher1997-2004
Montrose RE-1J Schools, Montrose, CO
- Facilitated differentiated curriculum for K-12 general education teachers and students
- Administered testing and assessment district wide and interpreted results
- Taught gifted students at K-5 and 8-9 levels and coordinated and designed advanced curriculum in all subject areas, including exceptional learners
- Presented and coordinated district and consortium staff development
- Conducted grant writing, execution, management and implementation.
- Assisted in writing and implementing district policy documents for Gifted and Talented department
- Member of District Gifted and Talented Advisory Board
Building Technology Coordinator and District Committee Member2002-2005
Montrose RE-1J Schools, Montrose, CO
- Assessed and supported staff technology needs and maintained hardware/software
- Worked with district superintendent and building coordinators to develop technology plan
- Assisted in design and implementation of full district roll out of new technology and training
- Served as technology representative to District Staff Development Committee
District Staff Development Committee2002-2005
Montrose RE-1J Schools, Montrose, CO
- Served as technology committee representative to develop district staff development plan to comply with NCLB criteria
- Assessed staff development needs, provided district training and implementation of Professional Learning Communities and Communities of Practice
- Delivered staff development at building and district level
Leadership experience
President – Doctoral Student Association – DIGS 2009 - 2010
LEA – Montrose County School District – Intel Teach to the Future Program2002 – 2006
Master Teacher/ Trainer – Intel Teach to the Future Program 2002 – 2006
Building Technology Coordinator – Centennial Middle School2002 – 2005
Lead Facilitator – QUEST Gifted and Talented Program1999 – 2004
Presentations and staff development
SITE Conference, Austin, TXMarch 2012
7th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, ILMay 2011
6thInternational Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, ILMay 2010
SITE Conference, Charleston, SC March 2009
Differentiation and Standardized AssessmentFebruary 2005
NASA Student Involvement Program at NSTA Convention, Reno, NVOctober 2003
Intel Teach to the Future Program “Essentials Course”2002 – 2006
Intel Teach to the Future Program “Advance Curriculum”2003 – 2006
Summer Technology Workshops2002 – 2006
Differentiating Curriculum for Gifted Learners
in the Regular Classroom1998 – 2003
Smith, N. (2012). Third arm, gateway drug or just a toy? Study of mobile learning in higher education. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Austin, TX.
Smith, N. & Stoves, D. (2011). The DNA of a mixed method study. In E. Ortlieb and R. Bowden (Eds.),Educational Research & Innovations: CEDER Yearbook 2011 (pp. 177-188). Corpus Christi, TX: TAMUCC.
Smith, N. & Stoves, D. (2011). The DNA ofa mixed method study: A handbook for navigating the proposal and dissertation. 7thInternational Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign-Urbana, IL
Smith, N. (2010). A rhizomatic analysis of mobile learning’s pervasive presence among college students. 6thInternational Congress of Qualitative Inquiry. Champaign-Urbana, IL
Sherritt, C., Smith, N., Hill, W. & Sipes, D. (2009). The technology tsunami affecting educators: Online and mobile delivery of education. In I. Gibson et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2009 (pp. 2956-2962). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.Retrieved from
Sherritt, C. & Smith, N. (2009).Trends in online and mobile devices for distance learning. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education. Charleston, SC.
professional affiliations
American Education Research Association
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
International Society of Technology Educators
National Association of Gifted Children
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
National Science Teachers Association