ITEM NO. 3 (xiv)

Improvement of Type-I Qrts. at P.R. Lane. SH:-Providing Glazed Tiles & Kota Stone in Kitchen of Type-I Qrs. at P.R. Lane. Approval of Revised Estimate thereof.

The Preliminary Estimate in respect of the said work was approved by the Chairman for Rs. 7,67,300/- on 3.9.2001. After following requisite codal formalities the work was awarded at a tendered amount of Rs. 7,38,572/- i.e. 0.85% below the estimate cost against the justified rates at 1.99% above the estimate cost. The scope of work was to provide glazed tiles in the kitchen. However, when the work was taken up, there was objection from the residents that the tiles may also be provided around the sink and washbasins. The site then was inspected by the area MLA when their demand was found quite genuine. It is also stated that as per the latest norms of CPWD the area around the washbasin and sink in case of Type-I quarters is also covered in the norms.

Keeping in view the genuineness of the demand of the residents the case for approval in principle for carrying out the said additional quantities was processed. The competent authority approved the same after the concurrence of Finance on 30.7.2002. The work is in progress and is likely to be completed by the end of September. Due to the said deviations the estimate already sanctioned has to be revised. Hence, the revised estimate has been framed for Rs. 12,77,671/- with a next excess of 5,10,371/-. The case was referred to Finance who have concurred in the said proposal vide their U.O. No. F.A. 2617, dt. 16.9.2002 subject to availability of funds.

In this regard, it is stated that there is a provision of Rs. 9 lakhs vide Item No. 205, page 96 under the head D.4.12.1 of the budget book, however, additional funds have been sought in the RE of current financial year i.e. 2002-2003.

The Chairman has seen the case.

CE(C-I)'s Remarks :-

The case is placed before the Council for its consideration and according revised administrative approval and expenditure sanction of Rs.12,77,671/- (Rupees Twelve Lakh Seventy Seven Thousand Six Hundred Seventy One Only) with a net excess of Rs, 5,10,371/- (Rs. Five Lacs Ten Thousand Three Hundred Seventy One only) in respect of the said work.


Resolved by the Council that revised administrative approval & expenditure sanction to the revised estimate amounting to Rs.12,77,671/- with a net excess of Rs.5,10,371/- is accorded.

ITEM NO. 3 (xv)

Imp. to Palika Niwas Housing Complex. SH : P/F C.C. interlocking pavers at Palika Niwas, Lodhi Colony. Approval of Preliminary Estimate thereof.

Palika Niwas is a residential complex of NDMC comprising of 188 Type-I, Type-II, Type-III quarters. The open space/parking area of this complex has deteriorated due to frequent cuttings made by different agencies as well as laying sewer/drainage pipes with the result the improvement of the existing pavement was found essential

This complex was also inspected by the Vice-Chairman along with the Association of this residential complex when it was found quite necessary to improve the open space by providing the C.C. interlocking pavers as this is long lasting treatment and maintenance free. Accordingly, this Preliminary Estimate has been framed based, partly on market rates and partly on DSR rates. The provision of CC interlocking paver of 60mm thick has been taken. The expenditure is proposed to be met against the budget provision of Rs. 10 lakh exist vide item No. 186 page V 93 of the current year budget book. However, if it is needed the additional funds will be sought through the RE of 2002-2003.

The case was referred to Finance. Finance have concurred in the said estimate vide U.O. No. FA 2653, dt. 16.9.2002 subject to availability of funds. As regards funds there is a provision of Rs. 10 lakhs and in case need arises additional funds will be sought through RE.

The Chairman has seen the case.

CE (C-I)'s Remarks :-

The case is placed before the Council for consideration and according administrative approval and expenditure sanction of Rs. 10,69,600/- (Rupees Ten Lakh Sixty Nine Thousand and Six Hundred Only) for the said work.


Resolved by the Council that administrative approval & expenditure sanction to the preliminary estimate amounting to Rs.10,69,600/- is accorded.

ITEM NO. 3 (xvi)

Const. of Stadium behind N.P.Boys Sr. Secondary School, Mandir Marg, New Delhi. -Tenders Thereof -

Council vide Resolution No. 3(ii) dated 9.2.2001 approved the preliminary estimate amounting to Rs.95,45,000/- for the above said work. The work was proposed to be done against MLA’s Fund. A request was therefore made to the Chief Minister’s Office for releasing the MLA’s Fund for this work. The Chief Minister’s Office vide their letter dated 15.3.2001 intimated that the work pertaining to Mini Stadium, N.P. Boys Sr. Secondary School, Mandir Marg may be deleted from the list of MLA’s funds and be carried out as a normal development work of NDMC under its own budget. A budget provision for Rs. 30/- lacs was therefore kept in the budget of 2002-03 for this work against NDMC’s own funds vide item no. 257 of the budget book. The architectural drawings were reviewed by Chairman, NDMC and the scope of the work was considerably reduced. The detailed estimate was technical sanctioned for Rs.27.03 lacs only on the basis of modified architectural drawings.

Tenders for this work were invited for an NIT amount of Rs.26,46,487/- with date of opening as 27.6.2002. Twelve tenders were sold and eight were received back and opened on the scheduled date and time. The detailed position of the lowest three tender is as under :-

S.No / Agency / Tendered Amount / % above below the Estt.Cost.
1. / P.K.Contracts / 24,20,581/- / 8.54% Below (Ist lowest)
2. / Sh.Navin K.Gupta / 25,03,984/- / 5.38% Below (IInd lowest)
3. / M/sExpert Engineers / 25,72,739/- / 2.79% Below (IIIrd lowest)

M/s P. K. Contracts have quoted the lowest rate of 8.54% below the estimated cost. The justifications based on the prevailing market rates and checked in planning worked out to 8% above the estimated cost. The tenders were sent to the Finance with the recommendations to accept the lowest tender but they did not concur in the same with the following remarks :-

“Basis of expenditure sanction and approval of estimates was that it was to be funded from MLA funds. As department did not take express approval to work done from NDMC ‘s funds, finance cannot concur.

Accordingly, the case was put up to Chairman for his express approval to get the work done from NDMC’s fund and also for noting the case to the Council for acceptance of the lowest tender. The Chairman vide his note dated 18.9.2002 on the tender file has approved the same.

The Chairman has seen the case.

C.E.(C-I)’s Remarks :-

The case is laid before the Council for consideration and approval to accept the lowest tenderer P. K. Contracts at their tendered amount of Rs.24,20,581/- (Twenty four lacs twenty thousand five hundred eighty one only) which works out to 8.5% below the estimated cost and also to get the work done against NDMC’s own funds.


Resolved by the Council that the offer of the lowest tenderer M/s P.K. Contracts at their tendered amount of Rs.24,20,581/- which works out to 8.5% below the estimated cost of Rs.26,46,487/-, is accepted. It was further decided that the letter of acceptance be issued in anticipation of confirmation of the minutes.
ITEM NO. 3 (xvii)


Administrative approval and expenditure sanction to the Preliminary Estimate amounting to Rs.28,63,850/- was accorded by the council vide its Resolution No.3(viii) dt.25.9.2001. Detailed estimate & draft N.I.T. amounting to Rs.18,55,800/- and Rs.18,01,756/- respectively have been approved by CE(C) for the invitation of tenders for this work. Wide publicity to the invitation of tenders have been given in the 3 leading news papers through Dir. (Pr.) and also circulation of copies of PWD-6 to contactor's cell, centralised tender sale cell, PWD, CPWD, DDA, Delhi Jal Board, M.C.D., Northern Railway and among working divisions of Civil Engineering Departments.

Percentage rate tenders have been invited by fixing last date of receipt of applications, sale of tender document & opening of tenders on 10/06/02, 14/06/02 & 17/06/02 respectively. In response to this 10 contractors applied for issue of tender documents out of which only 7 contractors were found eligible for issue of tender documents as per eligibility criteria prescribed in approved N.I.T. / Press Notice. All the seven eligible contractors were issued tender documents. At the time of opening tender box only 4 tenders were received through the tender box in the presence of participating contractors / firms. The positions of the quoted rates by the tenterers emerges as under :

S.No.Name of AgencyEstimatedQuotedTendered Earnest



L-1Sh. Radhey ShyamRs.18,01,75642.75%Rs.25,72,007Deposited


L-2Sh. Gyan Chand Goel- do -47.00%Rs.26,48,581Exempted


L-3Sh. Suresh Kumar Goel- do -49.00%Rs.26,84,616Deposited


L-4M/s Hari Const. Co.- do -52.00%Rs.27,38,669Deposited


Sh. Radhey Shyam Contractor quoted the lowest rate at 42.75% above the estimated cost with a tendered amount of Rs.25,72,007/-

Justification of rates has been worked out based on recently circulated labour and material rates which have been checked by Planning at 53.82% above the estimated cost. Lowest quoted rates at 42.75% above the estimated cost in comparison to justified rate 53.82% above have been considered competitive thus recommended for consideration and acceptance of lowest offer of Sh. Radhey Shyam. Accordingly the case was forwarded to finance for their consideration & concurrence in the proposal. Finance Deptt. vide their Dy. No.2707 dt.12/09/02 have concurred in the proposal of the Deptt. to accept the lowest tender of Sh. Radhey Shyam at his quoted rate of 42.75% (Fourty two point seven five percent) above the estimated cost Rs.18,01,756 & his tendered amount being Rs.25,72,007 (Rs. Twenty Five Lac Seventy Two thousand and seven only).

The tenders are open to acceptance upto 30/09/2002 as per validity already extended by the contractor.

The Chairman has seen the case.

Chief Engineer (C)'s remarks :

The case is laid before the council for consideration & accord of approval for awarding the work to the lowest tenderer Sh. Radhey Shyam at his quoted rates at 42.75% above the estimated cost of Rs.18,01,756/- with the tendered amount of Rs.25,72,007/- (Rs. Twenty Five Lac Seventy Two thousand and seven only).


Resolved by the Council that the offer of the lowest tenderer Shri Radhey Shyam at his quoted rates of 42.75% above the estimated cost of Rs.18,01,756/-, with the tendered amount of Rs.25,72,007/-, is accepted. It was further decided that the letter of acceptance be issued in anticipation of confirmation of the minutes.
ITEM NO. 3 (xviii)

Const. of Navyug School, Gole Market DIZ Area, New Delhi.

Navyug Schools were started in NDMC way back in 1975 to provide quality schooling to the poorer sections of the Society in the NDMC area. Most of the students in these schools are children of junior category government. Servants or from slum areas. These schools are in great demand because of the quality of education imparted by them. Gole Market consists largely of low paid Govt. Servants and Slum Clusters and therefore there is a need to set up another Navyug School catering to the students population of this area. A request was therefore made to L&DO to allot suitable land for setting up a new Navyug School in Gole Market DIZ area. The L&DO vide their letter dated 28.2.2001 has accordingly allotted a plot of land measuring 3.053 acres at Mandir Marg Opp.Birla Mandir to NDMC at a nominal charges of Rs.1/- per annum for the Construction of Navyug School. The possession of land has already been taken over by NDMC from L&LDO on 30.4.2002.

There are about 49 jhuggies and 8 Nos. P&T qrs. existing on this plot of land. As per allotment letter of L&DO the removal of squatters/structures, if any, is the responsibility of the allottee i.e. NDMC. For shifting of the jhuggies, necessary action is being taken by Slum Deptt., MCD. For shifting of the 8 Nost. P&T qrs., Delhi Govt. has agreed to hand over 8 Nos. DDA flats at Motia Khan to NDMC. These DDA flats are ready for occupation and Delhi Govt.shall be handing over 8 Nos. flats to NDMC very soon.

On the requirements given by the Education Deptt. for the proposed Navyug School upto Higher Secondary level, the Architect Deptt. of NDMC has prepared and issued necessary Architectural Drawings for a three storeyed school building with the following provisions:-

Basement Floor:- (759sq.mts)

1 Activity Rooms 5 no.of size 40ft x 20ft each

Ground Floor:-. ( 2813sq.mts)

1. Class Rooms- 12 Nos. of size19ft 3”x 19ft 3” each

2. Library- One no. of size19ft 3”x 39ft 3”

3. Open air Theatre- One no.size of size 35ft x 35ft

4. Auditorium - One no.of size 75ft x75ft

  1. Canteen - One no. of size 39ft. 3”x 19ft.3”
  2. Office Rooms- Four No.
  3. Toilets- Four No.

First Floor:- (1975sq.mtr)

  1. Class room’s-16 no.of size 19ft 3” x19ft 3” each

2.Libarary-One no.size 19ft 3” x39ft 3”

3.Office Room’s -3 no.

4.Toilets - 4 no.

Second Floor (1210sq.mtr)

  1. Class room’s - 8 no. of size 19ft 3” x 19ft 3” each
  2. Lab - 4 no. of size 39ft 3” x 19ft 3” each

3.Toilets - 3 no.

The outer finish of the building is with Dholpur stone cladding. The flooring in rooms and corridors etc. is with Kota stone. The railing in staircases and parapet etc is of stainless steel tubes. The windows are of anodized aluminum sections and doors are of prelaminated particle board..

This work is proposed to be done against Plan funds. The preliminary estimate amounting to Rs.6,47,13,000/- has been prepared on the basis of the Architectural drawings issued by Chief Architect. A provision of 8% departmental charges has been included in the estimate. There is a provision of Rs.10 Lacs in the current’s year budget for this work vide item no 49 page 67 of the budget book. The estimate duly scrutinized in planing was forwarded to finance who vide their no.R-2791 dated:- 20/09/2002 have concurred in the same subject to following conditions :-

  1. Adequate funds are available under plan sector for this specific job.
  2. Unauthorized occupation on the plot is got cleared and site is made free from all encroachments/fully available prior to taking up the work.

Regarding funds it is clarified that this scheme has been included in the 10th five year plan and a provision of Rs.10 lacs has been kept for this work in the current financial year. Additional funds, if necessary shall be sought in the R.E. 2002-2003 and sufficient provision shall be kept in the next year’s budget for completing this work. Regarding unauthorized occupation of the plot the position has been clarified above and it will be insured that site is made free from all encroachments before taking up the work in hand.

The Chairman has seen the case.

CE(C-I) Remarks :-

The case is laid before the council for consideration and according administrative approval and expenditure sanction to the preliminary estimate amounting to Rs.6,47,13,000/- for the construction of Navyug School at Gole Market , DIZ Area New Delhi.


Resolved by the Council that administrative approval & expenditure sanction to the preliminary estimate amounting to Rs.6,47,13,000/- is accorded.ITEM NO. 3 (xix)

Strengthening of Hospital Services at NDMC Hospital, Moti Bagh.SH: Design, detailing, engineering, fabrication, supply, errection, laying of pipes and commissioning etc. complete of 1 No. effluent treatment plant of capacity 125 KL per hour at C.P.H. Moti Bagh on turnkey basis.

A show cause under Bio Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998 was served upon by Member Secretary, DPCC to the Medical Superintendent, CPH, Moti Bagh vide their letter dt. 26.04.2002 based on the inspection carried out by a team of the officials of DPCC/CPCB on 06.11.2001 with reference to oversee the compliance of the above said rules. The inspection team noted a number of discrepancies in managing the Bio Medical Waste as per their notice which interalia is reproduced as under:-

“(i)The temperature of primary and secondary chambers of the incinerator were not found in accordance to the standards stipulated as per Schedule – V of the Bio Medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1998.

(ii)No effluent treatment plant (ETP) has been installed to treat the liquid bio medical waste generated in the hospital. Please note that the standards given in Schedule – II for the liquid waste has to be maintained as per rule.

(iii)No emission control system (ECS) has been installed to control the emissions from the incinerator as mentioned in Schedule – V of the Bio Medical Waste (Management & Handling ) Rules, 1998.”

Based on the show cause notice, a note was put up by the MOH on 21.05.2002 to the CE(E) and copy to Chairman and Secretary, the details of which is given at Flag – A and is reproduced as under :-

“1.Medical Waste Management, as per the Bio Medical Waste Management and Handling Rules is a bare necessity in these days.

2. Show cause notices have been given to both of the hospitals by

Delhi Pollution Control Committee. Hence it is recommended that effluent treatment plants may be installed both in Palika Maternity Hospital and Charak Palika Hospital, where the COD & BOD conform to environmental norms.

An early action will be highly appreciated.”

Accordingly, a letter was sent to M/s M/s Aireff Detox Inc. Ltd. vide this office letter No. R/160/M(CP) dt. 03.06.2002 to obtain budgetary offer to have a comprehensive proposal for the installation of effluent treatment plant in all the three hospitals of NDMC at the earliest which shall be meeting with bio medical waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1998 as has been enforced these days for the treatment of Bio Medical Solid Waste as well as Bio Medical Liquid Waste.

Chairman has seen the above note of MOH on 22.05.2002. To obtain the budgetary offer and to have a comprehensive proposal for the installation of effluent treatment plant in all the three hospitals of NDMC, a letter was sent to M/s Aireff Detox Inc. Ltd. vide this office letter No. R/160/M(CP) dt. 03.06.2002 for submission of the same at the earliest meeting the norms of bio medical waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1998, which has been enforced these days for the treatment of Bio Medical Solid Waste as well as Bio Medical Liquid Waste.

In the meantime, a DO letter dt. 08.07.2002 was received from the Secretary (Environment) cum-Chairperson, DPCC addressed to the Chairman, NDMC which is reproduced as under :-