Policy 40-80-00

Name, Facility,
Office Telephone / Current IRB Approved Projects / Areas of Research Interest / Research Grants /
Adler, Uri, M.D.
/ None / Stroke (spasticity and swallowing disorder) / None
Altschuler, Eric, M.D., Ph.D.
/ Human Antibodies to the 1918 Pandemic Influenza Virus.
Psychophysics of the Visual Perceptual Binding Problem.
Autonomic Dysfunction in Spinal Muscular Atrophy. (JR Bach, M.D., PI).
HIV Elite Controller Study / Rehabilitation of hemiparesis and other deficits after stroke.
Basic and Clinically Applied Cognitive Neuroscience.
Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) associated inflammatory diseases.
History of medicine and medicine in literature.
Treatment of pandemic viruses. / None
Averill, Allison, M.D.
Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation - East
(973) 414-4773
/ None / The effect of acupuncture on patients who have sustained a neurological injury
Enhancing neurological recovery after BI and Stroke / None
Barrance, Peter, Ph.D.
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center
(973) 324-3550
/ Pathological tibiofemoral positioning and cartilage contact in the ACL deficient knee
Establishing the ability of people with knee osteoarthritis to maintain stationary positioning for weightbearing MRI / Biomechanics of risk factors and treatment methods for knee osteoarthritis
Biomechanical modeling using static and dynamic medical imaging data (e.g. MRI)
Biomechanical testing of joints and orthopaedic devices
Neuromuscular control differences associated with knee pathology / Subcontract in University of Delaware NIH Program Grant (P series). Project: Risk Factors for Progression of Osteoarthritis of the Knee
Improved Weightbearing Evaluation of Knee Osteoarthritis (NIDRR Field Initiated Development Grant)
Barrett, Anna, M.D.
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center
(973) 324-3563
/ Levetiracetam (Keppra) to Improve chronic Aphasia in Post-Stroke Patients
Visual Distraction in Near & Far Extrapersonal Space
Aricept Plus a Behavioral Strategy to Improve Functional Tasks in Vascular Dementia
Comparing prism adaptation therapy and bromocriptine medication for spatial neglect; theoretical and practical outcomes / Visual-spatial function, Stroke Rehabilitation, Cognitive Neurology and theoretically-based Cognitive Rehabilitation / PI—Levetiracetam (Keppra) to Improve chronic Aphasia in Post-Stroke Patients (UCB Pharma, Inc.)
PI—Spatial Neglect & Bias in Near & Far Space (NIH/NINDS, KO2)
PI—Aricept Plus A Behavioral Strategy to Improve Functional Tasks in Vascular Dementia (Eisai Inc. /Pfizer, Inc.)
PI—Building a Science for Treatment of Spatial Neglect (NIH/NINDS)
Brooks, Monifa, M.D.
Kessler West
/ 24 hour Blood Pressure and Vascular Control in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury / Spinal Cord Injury
Dual Diagnosis / None
Chen, Boqing, M.D., Ph.D.
/ Co-Director, accepting Spine fellows (works with Dr. Todd Stitik, MD, Director and Dr. Patrick Foye, MD, Co-Director) / Innovational Spine Procedures for Pain management, acupuncture and musculoskeletal medicine, musculoskeletal diagnostic ultrasound in clinical practice / None
Cheng, JenFu, M.D.
Children's Specialized Hospital
/ “Effects of SCUBA diving on the pulmonary function of individuals with disabilities"
"Effects of functional electrical stimulation bicycle ergometry on the bone density of children with spinal cord dysfunction"
"Alcohol nerve blocks versus botox injections for spasticity of the hamstrings and gastrocnemius muscles of children with diplegic cerebral palsy"
ETOH vs. Botox study is not very active but is an IRB-approved study / Adaptive Sports and Recreation, Cerebral Palsy, and Spasticity / FES study is grant-supported but Dr. Castello is PI.
Chiaravalloti, Nancy Ph.D.
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center
(973) 530-3640

Chiaravalloti, Nancy Ph.D. / Working Memory in MS: Using fMRI to Identify the Deficit
Improving learning in MS: A Randomized clinical trial
Improving learning in MS: A Randomized clinical trial – / Memory and new learning
Working memory
Functional MRI
Multiple Sclerosis
Traumatic Brain Injury / Working Memory in MS: Using fMRI to Identify the Deficit (NMSS)
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. RO1. Improving learning in MS: A Randomized clinical trial” (NICHD, RO1)
National Institute of Disability and
Rehabilitation Research – TBI Model System Site Specific Project
Cole, Jeffrey, M.D.
/ Biomechanical predictors of shoulder pain and pathology during manual wheelchair propulsion in tetraplegia / EMG/NCS/SSEP
Pain Management
Pelvic Pain Syndromes / New Jersey Commission for SCI
DeLisa, Joel, A., M.D., M.S.
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center
West Orange, NJ
(973) 243-6805

UMDNJ – University Hospital
(973) 972-4394 / None / Rehabilitation outcome studies
Physiatric education - undergraduate, graduate and continuing medical education
Health services delivery research
Evaluation of clinical competency
Quality Improvement / None
DeLuca, John, Ph.D.
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center
West Orange, NJ
(973) 530-3630
/ Actual Reality: Advancing functional Assessment for Individuals with MS
Human Associative learning
Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) and assessing cognition in TBI & MS
Working Memory in MS: Using fMRI to Identify the Deficit
Improving learning in MS: A Randomized clinical trial / Cognitive Dysfunction as a Function of Localization of Cerebral Aneurysm
Cognitive effects of multiple sclerosis
Working Memory
Functional Outcome Following TBI: Prognostic Indicators
Functional Neuroimaging following TBI & MS / MS Fellowship in Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (NMSS)
Advanced Multidisciplinary Training Program in Rehabilitation Outcomes Research (NIDRR)
Actual Reality: Advancing functional Assessment for Individuals with MS (NMSS)
Cerebral Blood Flow and BOLD Changes in TBI using fMRI (NMSS)
Helmet for functional neuroimaging studies (NIH)
Improving Cognitive Rehabilitation Strategies to improve learning and memory in MS (NMSS)
Working memory in MS: Using fMRI to identify the deficit (NMSS)
Improving new learning in MS: A randomized clinical trial (NIH).
Using fMRI to Identify Encoding Deficits in TBI (NIH)
Diamond, Martin, M.D.
Children’s Specialized Hospital
(908) 301-5416
/ None / Cerebral Palsy
Spasticity Management
Dystonia Management
Neuromuscular Conditions / None
Dyson-Hudson, Trevor, M.D.
Spinal Cord Injury Research
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center (KMRREC)
1199 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 07052

(800) 248-3221, ext. 2259 / Pharmacological Management of Dyslipidemia in Persons with Cervical Spinal Cord Injuries
Collaboration on Upper Limb Pain in Spinal Cord Injury (CULP-SCI) (Co-PI)
Biomechanical Predictors of Shoulder Pain and Pathology During Manual Wheelchair Propulsion in Tetraplegia (Co-Investigator) / Secondary medical conditions and neurorecovery in spinal cord injury
Musculoskeletal pain and overuse injuries

Musculoskeletal examination of the upper limb

Acupuncture / None
Edwards, W. Thomas, Ph.D.
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center
West Orange, NJ
(973) 324-3539
/ Assessment of postural control on a moving platform
Evaluation of ankle stiffness to joint perturbations
Patterns of Motion during Control of Postural Stability
Evaluation of an Intelligent Patient Lift and Transfer Device / Falls, balance, and postural control
Biomechanical/dynamic modeling
Spine mechanics
Development of refined patient handling techniques / Development of an Intelligent Patient Lift and Transfer Device (NIDRR)
Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training (ARRT) Center on Neuro-musculoskeletal Rehabilitation (NIDRR, Dr. Sue Ann Sisto, co-Principal Investigator)
Elovic, Elie, M.D.
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center
West Orange, NJ
(973) 243-6995

Elovic, Elie, M.D. / Measuring Fatigue in Acquired Brain Injury
Exploration of the Relationship Between Fatigue and Endocrine Abnormalities after Traumatic Brain Injury
Efficacy of Pharmacological Treatment of Working Memory Impairment after Traumatic Brain Injury: Evaluation with fMRI.
Functional Quantification of the Benefit of Chemoneurolytic Intervention in the Management of Acquired Brain Injury Related Spasticity
Evaluating the Effect of Chemoneurolytic Intervention on Balance and Performance of a ADA Modeled Obstacle Course in Spastic Hemiplegic Patients, on Open Label Trial
Portable Low-Cost Glove for Functional Hand Measures
The Validation of a New Method to evaluate the Effects of Chemoneurolytic Intervention on Balance and Community Ambulation in Spastic Hemiplegic Patients: An Open Label Trial
PROS (Patient Registry Outcomes in Spasticity) Care / Use of Botulinum toxin in spasticity management following Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)
Relationship between hormone abnormality and fatigue and depression after TBI
Transcranial Magnetic stimulation in the study of brain function
Transcranial Magnetic stimulation to evaluate changes in the corticospinal pathways after spasticity and rehabilitation interventions / Patient Registry Outcomes in Spasticity - ProsCare
The Effect of Botulinum Toxin A BOTOX® on Balance and Community Ambulation in Spastic Hemiplegic Patients
The relationship between fatigue and endocrine abnormalities following traumatic brain injury
Efficacy of pharmacological treatment of working memory impairment after traumatic brain injury: Evaluation with fMRI
Portable low-cost glove for functional hand measures
Fantasia, Michele, M.D.
Children’s Specialized Hospital
/ None / Cerebral Palsy
Spinal cord dysfunction/injury
Botox for spasticity / None
Findley, Thomas W. M.D., Ph.D.
East Orange VAMC
/ Clinical Changes After Structural Integration (Rolfing)
Muscle Stiffness and Postural Stability
Stroke Prevention, Incidence and Outcomes in Veterans with Diabetes
Health Care Utilization in Spinal Cord Injury –Effects of Diabetes / Alternative Medicine (Rolfing)
International Conference on Fascia Research (
Health services research
Posture and Balance
Mathematical modeling / Stroke Prevention, Incidence and Outcomes in Veterans with Diabetes (VA)
First International Congress on Fascia Research (NIH)
Forrest, Gail, Ph.D.
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center
West Orange, NJ
(973) 243-2184

Forrest, Gail, Ph.D. / NeuroRecovery Network (CRF-NRN) database for Functional, Health and Quality of Life Improvements After Spinal Cord Injury
Stand Retraining and Functional Electrical Stimulation for SCI
Biomedical Predictors of Pain and Injury during Manual Wheelchair Propulsion in Tetraplegia
Collaboration on Upper Limb Pain in Spinal Cord Injury (CULP-SCI)
Portable low-cost glove for functional hand measures
Norman Gait Across the Decades: Difference in gait across age and gender
Computationally Quantifying Wheelchair Set-Up to Minimize Peak Shoulder Joint Forces Throughout Manual Wheelchair Propulsion: A pilot study.
Functional intervention of upper arm reaching and targeting performance training post stroke in 2-D environment using HARI (Hand and Arm Rehabilitation Interface) / Understanding mechanisms related to Neuroplasticity for individuals with neurological impairment.
Understanding and improving balance mechanisms for balance impaired populations such as individuals with traumatic brain injury.
Mathematical modeling the arm and or leg to determine intersegmental dynamics.
Improvement of function and mobility for Individuals with Spinal Cord, Traumatic Brain Injury and Stroke.
Bone geometry and bone mineral density / PI—Neural Recovery Network Grant: Christopher & Dana Reed Fdn and Center for Disease Control
PI—Stand Restraining and Functional Electrical Stimulation for SCI: New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research.
PI—Biomedical Predictors of Pain and Injury during Manual Wheelchair Propulsion in Tetraplegia: New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research
Co-Investigator—Collaboration on Upper Limb Pain in Spinal Cord Injury (CULP-SCI): National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation (NIDDR).
Co-Investigator—Portable low-cost glove for functional hand measures: National Institute of Health.
Foye, Patrick, M.D.
Associate Professor
Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
UMDNJ – New Jersey Medical School, Newark
(973) 972-2802
/ None / Low back pain, including coccydynia (coccyx pain, tailbone pain)
Interventional Pain Management
Electromyography and Nerve Studies
Innovations in medical education for students and residents
Workers compensation outcomes
Various musculoskeletal topics / Multiple Research Grants-Details available upon request
Gans, Bruce, M.D.
Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation
Professor of PM&R: UMDNJ-NJMS
1199 Pleasant Valley Drive
West Orange, NJ 07052
(973) 324-3658
/ Medical Needs of Adults with Spina Bifida
An analysis of inpatient rehabilitation cases denied for payment and appealed to Medicare / Health Care Administration
Health Delivery Systems
Quality Improvement
Spasticity Management With Phenol Nerve Blocks
Applications Of Technology To The Human Condition / Foundation for PM&R
Garstang, Susan, M.D.
ADMC 1, Room 101
(973) 972-4478
/ None / Education – Learning Styles, Adult Learning, and Self-Assessment / None
Gill, Carol, M.D.
Department of Veterans Affairs New
Jersey Health Care System
385 Tremont Avenue
East Orange VAMC
/ None / Infectious Disease Issues in SCI/D Patients Medical Management in Chronic SCI/D Patients
Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers in the SCI Patient Population
The Use of Telemedicine/Telehealth Technology in Managing the SCI/D Patient
Assessing, Preventing and Managing Caregiver Burden of Caregivers of the SCI/D Patients
Sexuality Issues in the SCI/D Patients
Mental Concerns in the SCI/D Patient Population / None
Im, Chae, M.D.
Department of Veterans Affairs New Jersey Health Care System
385 Tremont Avenue
East Orange, NJ 07018
(973) 676-1000 ext 7161
/ None / Electrodiagnosis / None
Jain, Sudesh Sheela, M.D.
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center
West Orange, NJ
(973) 731-3900 ext 2316
/ None / Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE) program / None
Kepler, Karen, D.O., Ph.D.
UMDNJ- New Jersey Medical School, Newark
(973) 972-7954

/ Functional outcome in individuals with dual diagnosis, SCI, and TBI
Functional Neuroimaging in TBI / None
Kirshblum, Steven, M.D.
Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation - West
(973) 243-6916

Kirshblum, Steven, M.D. / Prevention of Pulmonary morbidity after SCI
Prevention of Bone Loss in Acute & Chronic Spinal Cord Injury
Pharmacological stimulation of Endogenous Anabolic Hormones: Provocative Testing of the Pituitary-Gonadal Axis
Pharmacological Stimulation of Endogenous Anabolic Hormones: Effect of Low-Dose Bacolofen Administration on the GH-IGF-1 Axis
The Effect of Posture on Respiratory Impedance in Persons with SCI
The Effect of an Anticholinergic Agent on Subjective and Objective Pulmonary Function Parameters
Multiple Metabolic Syndrome in SCI: The Effect on Autonomic Regulation of the Cardiovascular System: Study 1: Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Chronic Spinal Cord Injury / Spinal cord injury / Northern New Jersey Spinal Cord Injury System
Veterans Administration Center Grant
Komaroff, Eugene, Ph.D.
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center
West Orange, NJ
(973) 243-6976
/ None / Design and Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials
Generalized Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Models
Teaching Clinicians Fundamental Biostatistics / Adverse Outcomes Following Inpatient Rehabilitation (Mark Johnston, PI)
Kong, Yekyung, M.D.
Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation - West
(973) 243-6915
/ None / Stroke
Neurocontrol rehabilitation
General rehabilitation/orthopedic rehabilitation
Acupuncture / None
Lengenfelder, Jean, Ph.D.,
Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Center
West Orange, NJ
(973) 530-3655
/ Using fMRI to Identify Encoding Deficits in TBI & MS
Assessment and Rehabilitation of Cognitive Symptoms in Multiple Sclerosis
Comparison of Cognitive Performance Across Gender in MS
Near Infrared Spectroscopy in Assessing Cognition in TBI / Executive abilities and relation to learning and memory