Argumentative/Persuasive Forres Academy

Is A New Roundabout The Way Around Traffic Congestion in Elgin?

Roundabouts ease traffic flow and make a huge difference to frustrated motorists making their daily commute. Yet, they can also have severe consequences; destroy communities and eat away at our countryside. In Elgin a roundabout had been proposed at the north end of the A96 which is near Wittet Drive. Wittet Drive belongs to owners and by constructing this roundabout, it will interfere with many gardens and homes situated there. Although The Council know this, they are still trying to put forward their proposal. Some people believe that theWittet Drive owners are just being uncooperative, but the majority believe that The Council are being unreasonable and not thinking how the roundabout might affect people who live nearby. What can one roundabout possibly achieve anyway? Will this little painted white circle really make a difference?

It has been claimed that the roundabout will manage to reduce traffic at peak hours as the traffic will flow better and it will become less congested. The roundabout is being put in Wittet Drive because it is believed it will separate the traffic instead of the long, inpatient queues which currently exist. Apparently, it will help the traffic move more efficiently, stopping large queues wanting to turn right, which currently blocks the entrance route into Elgin. The truth of the matter is that when the traffic has to queue at the junction before the roundabout, it will cause overcrowding around the entrance to the hospital, making it very difficult for traffic to arrive and depart from the hospital. This could cause severe problems towards the east as the flow of vehicles would stop and cause blockages at junctions, thus it is a ridiculous proposal. The council have four different plans but they are all revolving around this area. An owner from one of the properties in Wittet Drive said, “It is very short-sighted of the council, and such a waste. They have come up with four different plans, but they all come through our garden. They are hell-bent on realigning Sheriffmill Road." This shows the devastation and anger this roundabout is causing people. It is all just unnecessary stress.

A small group of people consider the roundabout as the best idea for this situation in Elgin. Yet, most people who are supporting this absurd construction have not thought about the effects it may cause and all the effort needed to contribute to this one proposal. A roundabout would take a lot of construction and time before it could be complete, and would involve a substantial amount of money to be invested into it. The council have said that “the roundabout will cost £4.8million” which is an outstanding amount of money to waste on a roundabout. £4.8million could be spent on other precious needs. Just think how much £4.8million could benefit Elgin: it could be used to encourage tourists to visit, rather than just passing through on their way to Inverness. Thus, bringing much needed revenue to the small local businesses struggling to cope in the current economy.

Instead of not having the patience to wait in traffic, we just jump to conclusions and think oh, let’s just go and build a roundabout and spend pointless money. The council are beginning to toss their money around as if it’s a hot rock, not caring what they do with it. The disgusting amount of money that is already being wasted by the council is atrocious and they would like to go and waste some more? Is their objective to run this town in to debt because that is what Elgin will soon be heading for if they proceed with their plans?

The environment is very important and the abundant woods and land is normally the first impression you get when you arrive in Elgin. The Council are trying to convince the majority of people that the woods and gardens would not be missed if replaced with a roundabout. The environment is very important to different people in various different ways. Angela Oatridge, a local writer, disagrees with The Council because she considers that they do not realise how precious the environment is and they, “intend to cut down the many valuable trees in the area, no doubt unaware of not only this very pretty introduction to Elgin, but also part of the lungs of the area”. Oatridge has a very strong opinion and she calls the idea of the roundabout “legal vandalism” as although they can do it, it is causing damage to owners on Wittet Drive.

Shockingly, a limited amount of people consider that the roundabout is just a simple task waiting to be accomplished. People believe it is just a roundabout which is not bothering anyone, but would they be saying that if it was their garden being demolished? The task of completing this whole route and the roundabout will take a long time therefore, it will be constantly disruptingpeople’s lives. One of Wittet Drive’s home-owners Caroline Webster said that the roundabout plan included, “the construction of a rail bridge, two major junctions, and about one kilometre road” Also further in the development the construction also included, “Two houses, some garden land from six other properties, and part of a field which would be required to accommodate the road.” Clearly, this would have a detrimental impact on the community and surely no-one should have to give up their garden or home, which they have lived in and created many memories for a roundabout? This construction would, without a doubt, be a constant annoyance for home-owners. It isdisgracefulto ask someone to agree with all the inevitable disruption that will ensure.

Wittet Drive owners are being treated very unfairly and have not been able to choose what happens to their property. This is one-sided; all opinions on the matter should be listened to instead of Moray Ccouncil acting without real thought to the consequences. They need to consider what they are doing: obliterating homes; disrupting families; ruining the environment and lastly, majorly overspending.

Word count-1000

The following resources were used in the construction of this essay:

All websites were accessed on 09/03/13