October 2, 2017
6:30 P.M.
At the Drainage District’s Office located at 1022 FM 1462, Rosharon, Texas
At said meeting the Commissioners may deliberate, discuss, consider and/or take action on any of the following items:
1. Call to Order, Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Recognition of Guest- Public Forum Comments
3. Approval of Minutes
A. Regular Monthly Meeting/ September 11, 2017.
B. Special Call Meeting/ August 14, 2017.
C. Special Call Meeting/ September 18, 2017.
4. Reports
A. Superintendent
B. Director of Administration Services
C. District Engineers
D. District Attorney
E. Board Officials
5. Drainage and Pipeline Plans/ Plats/ Easements - Approvals
Kelly Kaluza P.E. :
A. Tierra De Los Lagos/ Sand Pit Archer Lake.
B. Danbury C Store
C. Los Robles Subdivision
D. Corner Market FM 1462
Jarrod Aden P.E., CFM :
A. Sierra Vista Subdivision
1. Sierra Vista Section 4 – Plat.
2. Sierra Vista Detention Phase II – Plan.
B. Sierra Vista Boulevard/ Water, Sanitary, and Paving Extension.
C. West Fork Chocolate Bayou detention basin F , G and earthwork.
C. Karsten Boulevard Phase I.
6. Drainage Plans Final Construction Inspections
Kelly Kaluza P.E.:
A. Boyd Rental/ Lots 5, 12 and 13, Redford Storage Facilities
B. Phoenix Millwork/ Phase II
C. Boyd Rental/ Lot6A
D. Houston Garden Center Phase II
Jarrod Aden P.E. CFM:
A. West Fork of Chocolate Bayou Mitigation Expansion Basin No. 1 at Iowa Colony, Park Site.
B. West Fork of Chocolate Bayou Detention Basin “H” and mitigation facilities
4 and 5 to service Meridiana.
C. WestFork of Chocolate Bayou Detention Basins and Earthwork Phase “I” and “J” to
service Meridiana.
D. Sterling Lakes Section 3
E. Sterling Lakes West Park and Drainage Reserve
F. Meridiana Interim slope pavement.
G. Schulberger, Inc. Building Expansion.
H. MUDD # 31/ Water Plant No. 1 Expansion Phase III.
I. WestFork of Chocolate Bayou Detention Basins and Earthwork Phase “K” to
Service Meridiana.
J. Iowa Colony Boulevard Phase Two (Borrow Pit) to service Meridiana.
K. Sierra Vista Subdivision
i. Sierra Vista Entry Utilities – Plan.
L. Allied Plant No. 9 plat/ plan.
M. Sierra Vista Subdivision/ Detention Phase 1/ Section 1/ Section 2/ Entry Utilities.
N. Alvin ISD/ CR 64, Football stadium plat/plan.
O. Houston Pipeline Company/ Big Ditch # 500-00-00, Chocolate Bayou
P. Lavaca Pipeline Crossings/ Ditch 105-09-00/ Ditch 103-05-00/ Ditch 103-00-00/
Ditch 101-05-00/ Ditch 100-00-00/ Ditch 102-00-00/ Ditch 101-00-00/
Ditch 101-04-00/ Ditch 101-01-00.
Q. Meridiana Parkway Phase 2 & 3 plans.
R. Meridiana Parkway Phase IV.
S. Alvin ISD/ CR-64 Transportation Center.
T. Meridiana Parkway Phase IV – Plan.
U. Sierra Vista Section 4 - Plan
7. New Business
A. Discussion, Consideration & Possible Action –Discussion, Consideration &
Possible Action –Review and consider for adoption or revision all or a portion
of the District’s Drainage Criteria Manuel.
B. Discussion, Consideration & Possible Action -
Investment Policy – renewal.
E. Discussion, Consideration & Possible Action – Interlocal agreement with the City of Liverpool- District will assist the city in constructing a city ditch from the end of Pearl Street to Ave H.
F. Discussion, Consideration & Possible Action – Consider for approval Resolution 2017-02 / Abandoning bridge located across South Hayes Creek on property belonging to Karen Gubert & Jay Gubert.
8. Convene in Executive Session as authorized by Chapter 551 Texas
Government Code, specifically action:
A. 551.071 Consultation with attorney.
Reconvene in Regular Session; Action on matters discussed in executive
9. General Business
A. Payment of Vouchers for September 2017.
10 Adjournment
Lee Walden P.E., President
I, Lee Walden, P.E., President of the Board, of Brazoria County Drainage District # 5 hereby certify the above notice of meeting was posted in a place convenient to the general public in compliance with Chapter 551, on September 27, 2017 by 5:00 PM.