


In addition to good education, the abilities to organize, to prioritize, and to set goals are important keys to success. For these keys to work, however, they must be understood, practiced, and used. That is the purpose of this student handbook.

The expectation is that students will have their handbooks in all classes and will use them properly to aid in their educational success. Teachers will help students and allow time for them to record their assignments.

Parents are encouraged to check their students’ handbooks occasionally to see what and how they are doing. Parents should record reminders of family activities so the organizer becomes an all-round, habitual part of their life, not just a school part.

Take care of it! Don’t lose it! Replacements will cost $5.00.

IMMEDIATELY, put your name in this book, in ink, on the title page and on each page of the hall passes.

“It’s Great 2 Be a Dawg!”

One Bulldog Place Batavia, OH 45103

Phone: 513-732-2341



Regular Schedule:

Warning Bell: (7:00) - students may go to their lockers


17:15 – 8:00

28:04 – 8:48

38:52 – 9:36

49:40 – 10:24

510:24 – 10:54 (Lunch – 1st Group)

10:58 – 11:54 (Class – 1st Group)

10:28 – 10:54 (Class – 2nd Group)

10:54 – 11:24 (Lunch – 2nd Group)

11:28 – 11:54 (Class – 2nd Group)

10:28 – 11:24 (Class – 3rd Group)

11:24 – 11:54 (Lunch – 3rd Group)

611:58 – 12:47

712:51 – 1:40


During periods of inclement weather, Batavia Schools may be closed or operate on a delay. Also, there may be days when school bus routes need to be adjusted. If the school bus does not run on your road of residence and your child does not attend school, then your child will not be counted absent and will not be penalized with regards to perfect attendance awards, grades, or make-up work.

In extreme situations school may be dismissed early whenever it becomes apparent that road conditions are becoming so severe that transportation of your child would be dangerous. To insure that no child will be left unsupervised at home because of early dismissal, please follow these steps:

a.Provide an alternate place for your child to go if you are normally not at home during the day, e.g. a relative, neighbor, friend, etc.

b.Please provide the school with information to where your child should go and give a telephone number where this person can be reached if necessary.

c.Give instructions to your child explaining where he/she is to go or whom to call.


Students, with parents, are encouraged to select their courses carefully in the spring. Class sections are determined by the number of requests, so any student schedule changes affect class size and course needs. Students should read the descriptions of courses they select and talk with teachers, counselors and parents to be sure their choices are appropriate. Students and parents should be aware that teacher recommendations are made based on the past performance of the student and the prerequisites of the department. The teacher recommendation is a vital part of the scheduling option process. Students and parents should pay particular attention to these recommendations and course prerequisites.

In the event that a parent/student does not agree with the recommendation of the teacher, they may request to discuss the recommendation with the teacher, counselor and/or principal designee. Teacher recommendations can only be overridden with the consultation of the department chairperson and the approval of the principal (or designee).

Course changes may occur within the first 10 days of the 1st semester for yearlong courses and during the 1st 10 days of each semester for semester long courses. Change of schedule requests will be available in the guidance office. Parent, teacher and counselor approval is required for any request of schedule change. Anything outside the change window is at the discretion of the student’s counselor and/or school administration. Course change guidelines will be followed to assure fairness and consistency throughout the student body. Class size limits are strictly followed, both for the course being requested and the course desired to be dropped. The following guidelines will be applied to change situations occurring outside the 10 day change window.

Second Semester Course Changes:

The 1st ten days of the semester is considered the window for students to submit requests for course changes. Full year courses may only be dropped for lack of ability, not lack of effort. No request will be taken after the 10 day window.

First and Second Semester Course Change outside 10 day window will occur only if:

  1. Errors in computing or paper processing are found
  2. Need for Course Level Change Exist (Honor to CP)—based upon teacher and counselor recommendation and after attempts of intervention
  3. Graduation or Other Requirements Exist—needed to enter vocational school or to graduate at the close of the school year.
  4. Remedial Credits granted—fulfilling a deficiency or meeting an unfulfilled prerequisite.

Course changes for AP/Honors courses:these courses are considered more intense in academic rigor. Students enrolling in these courses may be required to complete summer reading assignments or various other preparatory activities prior to the start of the school year. Due to scheduling constraints students electing to take such courses should keep such in mind and will not be allowed to drop the course due to not completing summer assignments. Course changes for AP courses will be at the discretion of teachers, administration and counselors and done so only in the best interest of the student. Students taking AP Courses will be expected to sign that they have read and understand the course requirements prior to the end of the current school year.


All students are charged school fees for educational materials and supplies and other items ordered throughout the school year. The fee schedule for school year 2010-11 will be provided to each student and parent/guardian. Copies of the current fee schedule are available in the high school office.


Grade cards are issued each quarter with letter grades based on the following:



F=59 and below

Course EXAMINATIONS/Assessments

Assessments are given at periodic dates throughout the year. Assessment schedules will be communicated through classroom teachers in a timely manner. Make-up privileges on assessment(s) will only be granted with a doctor’s excuse.


Class rankfor class of 2010 and 2011is based directly on the Weighted GPA of students. The GPA is a standard 4.0 scale, as shown above, with an add-on based on the number of weighted classes the student has taken for which the student earned a C or better (no weighted add-on for D’s or F’s earned in weighted courses).

Class rank for the class of 2012 and beyond: At the completion of each course, the Weighted GPA scale for the class will be applied as determined by the academic rigor level of the course taken. The weighted scale is located under the weighted courses section.

Non-weighted GPA for a student is calculated by summing the standard non-weighted grade points of all courses taken, then dividing by the number of credits attempted. The standard non-weighted scale is A = 4; B = 3; C = 2; D = 1; F = 0


For the class of 2010 and 2011

Students are rewarded for choosing to take advanced level courses by receiving an “add-on”’ to their cumulative GPA when these courses are graded at a “C” or better. To calculate you would add together the total number of quality points and divide that number by your earned credits.

An “add-on” to students cumulative GPA will be calculated when a grade of “C” or better is achieved in the following courses
CP English 10 - (add-on of) .05 / Calculus - .05
CP American Literature - .05 / French IV - .05
CP World Literature - .05 / Spanish IV - .05
CP US History - .05 / Honors English 9 -.075
CP Government - .025 / Honors English 10 - .075
Chemistry A - .025 / Honors American Literature - .075
Chemistry B - .025 / AP English 12 - .1
Physics A - .025 / AP Calculus - .1
Physics B - .025 / AP Biology - .1
Pre-Calculus - .05 / AP US History - .1

For the class of 2012 and beyond

Weighted GPA for the purpose of Class Rank
Course Rigor Level / Course Grade / A / B / C / D / F
Advanced Placement Grade Point Scale / 5.0 / 4.0 / 3.0 / 1.5 / 0
Honors Grade Point Scale / 4.5 / 3.5 / 2.5 / 1.0 / 0
General / College Prep Grade Point Scale / 4.0 / 3.0 / 2.0 / 1.0 / 0

The following code letters may also be used for the purpose of reporting pupil progress: P=Pass; F=Failure; W=Withdrawal; WF=Withdrawal Failing; I=Incomplete; X=No credit, excessive absence.


Students enrolled in an AP course are required to take the associated AP exam. If the AP exam is not taken, the AP weighted credit add-on will not be granted. Instead, the student will receive the add-on for the next lower weighted course in the same subject, and the student’s transcript will not list the course as an AP course.


An honor roll is released after each grading period. There are two groups of honor roll students: High Honors (weighted GPA 3.50 or Higher) and Honors (weighted GPA 3.00 to 3.49). A grade of “D” or below will eliminate a student from the honor roll.


To be considered for membership, juniors and seniors must have a 3.25 or better GPA and exhibit positive leadership, strong character, and active service to their school or community as well as exhibit exemplary scholarship. Ten hours or verified service is necessary for students who wish to be considered for NHS. Service requirements continue during students’ tenure in NHS. Students will be notified by letter in November of their selection status after filling out an information sheet. For additional information, please check the following website:


BHS is now a partner in the Renaissance effort to recognize, reward, and motivate students who excel in three specific areas of achievement – Academics, Attendance, and Behavior by extending them privileges associated with the attainment of these levels of excellence. Students can achieve significant individual privileges from the high school as well as local businesses as a result of attaining specific levels of achievement in these areas. The criteria for membership as well as the privileges these students will be extended are explained on a handout that is mailed-out each fall.


The grade level of each student may be determined by the number of credits they have earned by the time school opens each fall.

Sophomores designation requires 5 credits
Juniors designation requires 10 credits
Seniors designation requires 15 credits

Ohio Graduation Tests

All students must pass the Ohio Graduation Tests. Students failing any section of the test will not graduate or receive a diploma and will not be permitted to participate in commencement exercises. In addition, all students must have all fees paid in full and attend graduation practice in order to participate in commencement exercises.

Testing dates for the Ohio Graduation Tests are as follows:

Oct 25 – Nov 7Grade 11-12:Fall administration of all five OGT tests

March 14 – 27Grades 10-12:Winter administration of all five OGT tests

June 12 – 26Grades 10-12: Summer administration of all five OGT tests


Subject / Credits / Explanation
English / 4 / Students are required to earn 4 credits of English to qualify for graduation.
Math / 3 / 4 / Students are required to earn 3 credits of math to qualify for graduation.The class of 2014 on is required to complete 4 credits including Algebra II or equivalent
Science / 3 / Students are required to earn 3 credits of science. (Must include 1 credit of Biological Science and 1 credit of Physical Science.)
Social Studies / 3 / Students are required to earn 3 credits of social studies.
(1 cr. Amer. History, 1/2 cr. Government, ½ cr. Humanities and 1additional social studies credit.)
Health / .5 / One semester of Health required for students to qualify for graduation.
Phys. Ed. / .5 / Two semesters of PE at ¼ credits per semester required to qualify for graduation.
Electives / 8 / 7 / Ohio law requires all graduating seniors to earn one credit or two half credits of Business Technology, Industrial Technology, Fine Arts or Foreign Language.The class of 2014 beyond requirement.
Total Required / 22 / Total Credits required from the above listed criteria needed to qualify for graduation from Batavia High School.

Requirement to participate in graduation ceremony

In order to participate in the graduation ceremony a senior must:

  • Have completed all academic requirements for graduation as stated under graduation requirements. (A student who fails to complete one or fewer credits and is able to show proof or demonstrate good faith of being able to complete all required coursework by the end of June of the school year, shall be permitted to participate in the ceremony, however, the diploma will be withheld pending successful completion of all graduation requirements.)
  • Have passed all five sections of the Ohio Graduation Test (A student that has demonstrated sufficient efforts in preparing for the test, may, at the discretion of the building principal, be permitted to participate in the ceremony, however, the diploma will be withheld pending successful completion of all graduation requirements.)
  • Participate in all graduation rehearsals scheduled by building principal.
  • Must follow dress code for graduation ceremony


In order to assure the proper presentation of BHS PRIDE and tradition the following dress code will be enforced for the graduation ceremony:


  • White or pastel dress/pants with at least mid thigh length for any skirts
  • No Strapless Dresses
  • Dressy heels, sandals or flats (no flip flops, clogs, athletic shoes)


  • Dress pants, dress shirt and tie
  • Dress shoes (no flip flops, clogs, athletic shoes)

All graduates

  • No sunglasses
  • No writing or graffiti on gown or hat


The testing program enables students and parents to understand one’s educational progress and help with educational and personal planning. Students will be notified in advance of test opportunities. Students should check with the Guidance Office for dates or questions about specific tests. The following tests will be administered in 2010-2011:

PSAT/NMSQT – Wednesday, October 13, 2010

PLAN – Open test window September to December. Dates to be announced

AP Tests – May 3 - 20, 2011


Test Date / ACT
Registration Deadline / SAT
Test Date / SAT
Registration Deadline
09/11/10 / 08/06/10 / 10/09/10
10/23/10 / 09/17/10 / 11/06/10
12/11/10 / 11/05/10 / 12/04/10
02/12/11 / 01/07/11 / 01/22/11
04/09/11 / 03/04/11 / 03/12/11
06/11/11 / 05/06/11 / 05/07/11

Please see counselor for additional test registration information and application forms.


One of the cornerstones of a successful education is the development of regular school attendance patterns. Students cannot expect to mature intellectually and socially by not attending school on a regular basis. In many cases, irregular attendance is the major reason for poor school work; therefore, all students are urged to make doctor appointments, do personal errands, etc., outside of school hours.

Accumulated Period Absence Policy:

1.Students are allowed 10 Excusedabsences by parent note per year. After 10 excused absences with a parent note, a doctor’s excuse will be required for all absences to be excused.

2.The parent or legal guardian should report by telephone that his/her child will be absent for a specified number of days or part of a school day. Notification must occur as early as possible the same day the student is absent from school, but NO LATER THAN 9:00 A.M. The school will attempt to contact parents/ guardians via telephone if no call is received. If no contact is made, an attendance card will be sent by mail.

3.Upon returning to school, the student must report to the office before his/her 1st period class to receive an admission slip stating the status of the absence. This slip is to be shown to all of the student’s teachers. In order to receive an excused absence slip the student must report with a NOTE from the legal parent or guardian.If your child is absent because of a doctor/dentist appointment, a doctor’s excuse is required. If a student needs to be absent because of an appointment with legal counsel or court date, documentation showing date and time is required.

Pre-arranged Absence:

A student planning to miss school may get a pre-arranged absence form from the main office. Directions on filling out the form are clear. The form requires a signature from all of the student teachers and must be submitted to the main office for determination of excused or unexcused status three days prior to the absence.

Excused Absences:

The school realizes that there are occasions when a student must be absent from school. The Ohio Department of Education guidelines stipulate than an absence from school may be excused for the following reasons:

1.Personal illness

2.Illness in the family

3.Quarantine of the home

4.Death of a relative

5.Working at home due to absence of parents or guardians

6.Observance of religious holidays

7.Emergency or a set of circumstances which, in the judgment of the Superintendent or designee, constitutes a good and sufficient cause for absence from school

School absences are considered unexcused until a note from a guardian or doctor is received. Students have three days to provide documentation to the office from the date they return to school. If documentation is not provided, the absence will remain unexcused.

The Board does not believe that students should be excused from school for non-emergency trips out of the District. Students who are taken out of school for trips or vacations may not be given permission to do so by the school. The responsibility for such absence resides with the parents and they must not expect any work missed by their child to be re-taught by the teacher. However, if the school is notified in advance of such a trip, every reasonable effort will be made to prepare a general list of assignments for the student to do while he/she is absent.

Make-up Work:

When an excused absence occurs, students will be given the opportunity to make-up any work missed. The responsibility for making arrangements with the teacher concerning all make-up work is the responsibility of the student. Make-up assignments may be different from what was originally required. The school’s policy is to allow the student as many days to make-up work as the number of days missed from school; make-up work completed beyond this time frame may, or may not, be accepted and/or receive a lowered grade.