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What can Jeanette Offer your district?

Development and Review of Assessments

Teachers learn to create quality assessments for the classroom, including diagnostic, formative, and summative.

Rubric Design

Provide initial awareness and project specific support to teachers developing rubrics. Rubrics are designed against a set of quality indicators.

Professional Development Planning

Meetings with school leadership teams to develop and support professional development planning in districts utilizing appropriate processes and best practices.

Analysis of Student Work

Using various tuning protocols, teachers work through a review of student work and refinement process which informs their instructional decision making.

Portfolio Design

Introduces the purpose, development, management and assessment of utilizing student portfolios.

Implementing Learner Centered Goal Setting in the Classroom

Focuses on the purpose, development, management, and assessment of implementing a goal setting program in the classroom.

Developing Learning Communities

Work with school leadership teams to develop goals, processes, and structure for the implementation of PLCs in a school or district.

Cultivating Reflective Learners

Metacognitive strategies are at the heart of developing reflective learners. Becoming more reflective in our own learning allows students to dig deeply, take on challenges, and pick apart their own processes for success and moving beyond points of frustration.


What role does questioning play in scaffolding learning experiences for students? How can questioning raise the academic rigor, promote student engagement, and help address instructional shifts in the CCSS ? What are the various levels of questioning and how do these look?

Targeted Literacy Strategies

Support teachers to develop specific strategies for supporting student literacy and literacy development aligned with the Common Core shifts.

Moving Towards Impactful, Job-embedded Sustained Professional Development Practices:

Instructional Coaching

This job embedded on-going professional development program, designed for instructional leaders who support the work of classroom teachers will focus on:

The acquisition and implementation:

·  of instructional coaching strategies that focus on how to best support instructional practice

·  of selecting and assessing what constitutes a quality curriculum

·  of strategies for improving structures for adult collaboration and work

·  of strategies for managing resistance and providing feedback

·  of protocols for assessing and supporting explicit criteria in the classroom

Close Reading Summer Design Institute

·  What deserves a close read?

·  How do we select meaningful text that best suits the various purposes for close reads?

·  How do we ask the right text dependent questions that best match the purpose for close reads?

A database will be developed from the summer work which will allow teachers to access identified texts, text dependent questions, and note catcher protocol sheets to utilize with students. Texts in the database will be matched to close read purposes.

Instructional Shifts Series Workshops

This series would provide a foundational overview of the CCSS in terms of rationale, structure, and content as well as provide a rationale for the shift in instructional focus and strategies.

Successive workshops would then focus on the 6 shifts in ELA and 6 shifts in math. All workshops will have foundational building block knowledge components focused on the rationale for and content of each of the shifts. Each shift specific workshop will have a built in design component with a direct connect to classroom implementation.

Follow up instructional coaching and continued professional development planning with Monroe I BOCES School Improvement Team staff would occur in districts that choose to send teams to the shifts series workshops.

This could grow into a Teacher Exemplar series over the summer or the following school year.