- The West of Scotland RCAG Executive was formally established as a sub group of the West of Scotland Regional Planning Group.
- A West of Scotland Board Chief Executive chairs the West of Scotland RCAG Executive.
- Network Lead Clinicians and Managers agree an annual programme of work with the RCAG Executive following discussion/agreement with relevant MCN Advisory Boards, which is regularly reviewed with the RCAG Executive.
- Crosscutting specialty groups (e.g. pharmacy & nursing) and specialist services (e.g. paediatrics & cancer genetics) agree an annual programme of work with the RCAG Executive following discussion/agreement with relevant specialty groups, which is regularly reviewed with the RCAG Executive.
Role of RCAG
It is recognised that the West of Scotland Cancer Network and RCAG is a collaborative involving NHS Ayrshire & Arran, Forth Valley, Greater Glasgow & Clyde, and Lanarkshire. The RCAG Executive facilitates understanding of regional issues, supports and progresses pieces of work on a regional basis and has an advisoryrole to NHS Boards and the Regional Planning Group. The main function of the RCAG Executive is:
- To provide high-level strategic guidance to constituent NHS Boards and the Regional Planning Group.
- To progress work on priority issues identified via West of Scotland Boards, MCNs and by the Regional Planning Group.
- To ensure a coherent and equitable approach is taken to the development of cancer services across the West of Scotland, taking account of local and regional priorities.
- To agree and review annual work programmes with regional MCNs and specialty networks/services.
- To review MCN audit data and report to Chief Executives.
- To ensure adequate two-way communication and accountability between MCNs, RCAG, NHS Boards and the Regional Planning Group.
Responsibilities of Individual Group Members
Core Group
- To provide strategic input to the planning and development of cancer services across the region.
- To represent and have the authority to act on behalf of respective local NHS organisations.
- To commit time, on a regular basis, to RCAG activities.
- To contribute to and/or lead on progressing key pieces of regional work.
- To ensure effective communication between RCAG, Local Board Cancer Groups, MCNs and Clinical Communities on all issues relating to cancer.
Core Group Membership
- Designated Chair – West of Scotland Board Chief Executive
- Lead Cancer Clinician for the West of Scotland
- 2 representatives from each of the 4 West of Scotland Health Board areas – x1 Management, x1 Clinical (to be agreed locally)
- 2 representatives from the Regional Cancer Centre (Clinical Director and General Manager)
- Regional Cancer Network Coordinator
- 1 nominated MCN Lead Clinician
- Representative from the Patient Partnership Forum
This group is supplemented as appropriate, depending on work priorities and current issues e.g. relevant MCN Leads, regional pharmacist, primary care clinician, nursing, radiology, pathology etc. All staff groups have access to the Core Group to raise relevant issues for discussion/action and minutes from these meetings will be made widely available.
Meetings are held regularly in advance of scheduled Regional Planning Group meetings.
Flexible Group
- To provide clinical expertise and input to the work of the RCAG.
- To participate in the strategic planning of cancer care/services for the West of Scotland.
- To contribute to and/or lead on progressing key pieces of regional work via appropriate sub-groups/short life working groups.
- To represent the views of clinical colleagues across the region at relevant RCAG meetings, assuming responsibility for the dissemination of information regarding RCAG activities to clinical colleagues within relevant specialty areas across the region.
- To ensure effective two-way communication between RCAG sub-groups and specialty networks.
Flexible Group Membership
- Regional and National MCN Lead Clinicians
- Speciality Lead Clinicians
- Projects & Planning Manager - WoSCAN
- MCN Managers
The Organisational Chart is attached.
Chair:Mr Robert Calderwood
Regional Lead Clinician:Dr Hilary Dobson
Regional Manager (Cancer): Evelyn Thomson