August 4, 2017

12:00 Noon

PRESENT: Mark Hanson, Vern Peterson, Brian Harder, Darla Kruser, Mike Nelson, Jerry Haberman and Dean Janzen, Brad Hanson and Clara Johnson, Advisors

ABSENT: Steve Syverson

STAFF PRESENT: Rob Anderson and Tabitha Garloff


GUESTS: Cheryl Hiebert

  1. Call to Order: Mark called the meeting to order at 12:03 p.m.
  1. Consent Agenda. Motion made and seconded by Brian and Darla to approve the Consent Agenda with 4 extra bills as presented. Carried.
  1. Welcome/Introduce Tabitha Garloff, Economic Development Assistant. Rob stated that we need to consider appointing Tabitha as the EDA Secretary/Treasurer. Motion made and seconded by Mike and Brian to add Tabitha as the EDA Secretary/Treasurer. Motion carried.
  1. 2018 EDA Budget. Rob presented a draft of the 2018 EDA Budget. Revenue/Expenses are $140,630.09. This is a 2 ½% increase over 2017. There was discussion about welcome signs and using unspent funds carried over from year to year. Motion made and seconded by Vern and Brian to approve the 2018 EDA Budget as presented and to recommend approval of the same to the City Council. Carried.
  1. TIF District 1-8, Economic Development District No. 2 (Downtown Redevelopment Project):
  1. Recap of July 26th Meeting with Sanford. EDA Construction Committee consisting of Jerry and Brian along with Mark and Rob met on July 26th, 2017 with representatives of Sanford Clinic and Corey Brunton, Brunton Architects. Sanford gave the committee the commitment that they are ready to move forward with the project and will sign a long-term lease.
  2. Decision on 2nd Floor Apartments. Additional discussion was held on the 2nd floor apartments. Corey stated at the meeting that 2nd floor apartments would be pertinent to development and success. Sanford stated they would like a finished development. Corey Brunton has recently completed a similar project in another community with finished space at $275 sq. ft. Dale Friesen has shown interest in being the private developer for the Sanford Project and was on the phone during the meeting. Corey stated at the meeting that if Dale is not able to commit to being the private developer, there are several other developers that will be interested due to a long-term lease from Sanford and 26 year tax increment financing. Preliminary calculations indicate apartment rental at $900 a month for a 2 bedroom. Sanford's lease would be minimum$6,200 a month payment with a proposed 15 year lease agreement. Sanford also stated possible interest in 1 of the apartments for doctors that potentially could come from a distance so they had a place to stay. Motion made and secondedto include 2nd floor apartments in the plan by Mike and Jerry. Carried.
  3. Recommend to City Council to Modify TIF Plan to Allow Northland Securities to Make Necessary TIF Budget and Use Modifications, Schedule Public Hearing, etc. A motion was made and seconded by Darla and Brian to modify the TIF plan. Carried. There was additional discussion about the site plan and parking. Mark asked about the investment made already into the project and how to recover the initial investment. Rob stated that it is possible for the City to capture a larger percentage of TIF increment each year to reimburse the city for upfront costs. Potential construction could begin in the spring.
  1. Mt. Lake Commercial Park:
  1. Start of Construction. Bidswere opened and 10 bids were received. Low bid was from GM Construction of Lake Crystal at $1,179,435.91 which is under the engineer’s estimate of $1,330,00.00. There is a preconstruction meeting scheduled for August 15, 2017. Construction will be completed in 2017 including curb and gutter, etc.with black top in the spring of 2018. Estimated cost to relocate the natural gas line is $70,000.00
  2. Other. Nothing new to report.

7. Lakeview Estates Lots. No Construction, 3 Years for Puente's on Lot 1, Block 2 and 4 Years for Dick's on Lot 2, Block 1. The most recent policy of the EDA is to allow a total of 4 one year extensions from the original deed for a total of 5 years to construct a home. Extensions have been made in the past; however, more clarification is needed. The question was asked if the EDA had legal right according to the wording in the deed to require construction after the first year had expired. Brian suggested that Rob look into extensions further before anymore extensionsare given. Rob will have Maryellen look intogranting extensions and email the board with her recommendation. Board members can vote by email.

8. General Discussion:

a. Pop’d Kerns Water Intrusion Assessment. The assessment was completed by Braun Intertec on July 28, 2017 and we are waiting for word back on the findings and recommendations.

b. Custom Motors. Received an offer to purchase assets fromAllen Berg of Berg Controls LLC out of New Ulm for $5,000currently being stored by Travis Smith. Current debt owed is about $28,000.00. Motion made and seconded to accept offer by Mike and

Brian. Carried.

  1. Dollar General. Dollar General has been in contact with Jerry. No construction date has been set but Dollar General stated they are ready now.
  2. Laker Grill/Travis Smith. No proposal is ready for consideration today. Rob is still working with Travis to get financing plan completed. Right now looking like a Contract for Deed is most likely. Travis will need financing for the down payment.
  3. Next Regular Board Meeting is September 8, 2017.
  4. Other Business. FYI-a pizza franchise has approached the EDA about the Parkside Depot as a location for a second restaurant. Rob has met with the Rodney’s and Steve Carson. Rodney's would need EDA assistance to remodel their building and the potential new business would need EDA assistance and provide own equipment.

A spring of 2018 opening date is possible.

Rob informed board members that JSK Bridal has not made July or August payments. This is a slow time of year for JSK. Rob stated that he is working with Jennifer to restructure her EDA loans so that perhaps we have only interest only payments during her slow months and stretch out her payments. Rob asked the board's input on 3% loans going forward. Board members are open to the rate but need to make it fair to past loan recipients.

Discussion was held about the need for expanding TIF District 1-8, Economic Development District No. 2 (Downtown Redevelopment Project) to include the property on the north side of 4th Avenue including the corner house and ECFE Building. Motion was made and seconded by Brian and Mike to include the additional property in the TIF

Modification Plan.

9. Adjourn. President Hanson adjourned the meeting at 1:08 p.m.