Unconfirmed Minutes


A meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council was held at the Sports Pavilion, Burton Lane, Wymeswold on Monday 5th June 2017.

Present: Councillors J Ling (Chair), A Cooke, J Clouston – Jones, L Blount, L Mills, M McKean, R Higgins

Also in attendance:County Cllr R Shepherd, Alice Gardam (clerk), Mr G Boorman

17/55. Apologies

Cllr J Bokor.

17/56.Declarations of interest

Cllr Higgins – P/17/0895/2 – neighbour.

Cllr Mills - P/16/1448/2 – neighbour.

17/57. Public Participation

Mrs Mills advised that CBC planning has recommended approval for planning application P/17/1448/2. Cllr Bokor has called the application in and it will be discussed at CBC plans meeting, Cllr Bokor is to advise the date. Mrs Mills is seeking the Parish Council’s support and would like to speak at the planning meeting.

It was agreed to support Mrs Mills in the objection to the application and to request to speak at plans as well as writing to LCC.

17/58. Police Report

During the month of May 2017 Wymeswold had 6 crimes that occurred at the Glastonbudget festival - primarily theft. The village had 1 theft in the area of London Lane whereby a white van approached a driveway and removed items from outside of the property. There was also a hate incident recorded in the area of Wysall Lane which was a written form of contact.

Mr Boorman urged residents to register their Datatag kits.

17/59. To sign and approve minutes of the meetings held on 8th May 2017.

The minutes of the meetings held on 8th Maywereagreed and be signed by Cllr Ling as a true and accurate record of the meeting.


  • To sign the adjusted 2017 – 18 budget – the budget is approved and signed.
  • To sign and agree Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2016/17of the Annual Return – the accounting statements are agreed and signed.
  • Expenditure for May

May / no. / Reason / VAT / Amt
02/05/17 / M&BG Ltd / 2134 / Verge//Washdyke mowing / £90.00 / £540.00
30/05/17 / Play Safety / 2135 / Playground Inspections / £31.50 / £189.00
30/05/17 / Firetree / 2136 / Memorial Hall Mowing / £10.00 / £60.00
30/05/17 / HMRC / 2138 / Clerks PAYE / £37.51
30/05/17 / M&BG Ltd / 2139 / Verge/Washdyke mowing / £540.00

17/61. Planning Applications

  • P/17/0854/2 - Erection of building for storage of equestrian goods and stables plus relocation of menage, Pasture Lodge Farm, Hades Lane, Wymeswold, Leicestershire, LE12 6SB - no objections.
  • P/17/0945/2 - Erection of 2 storey side and rear extensions to dwelling and pitched roof over existing single storey rear extension, 5 Clay Street, Wymeswold, Leicestershire, LE12 6TY – no objections.
  • P/17/0895/2 - Erection of two storey extension to rear, single storey extension to side, porch to other side and alterations to doors and windows of dwelling - Alford House Vicarage, 17 Rempstone Road, Wymeswold, Leicestershire, LE12 6UE – object on the grounds that the extension is not in keeping with the historical significance of the building.

17/62. Reports from the County and Borough Councillors

Cllr Bokor was not present.

Cllr Shepherd reported on the following customer service issues:

VAS signs – these have been reported and will be repaired.

Section 106 bus stop monies – LCC has sent through an inaccurate assessment of the village bus stops. The Clerk will take photos of the bus stops and send to LCC. The 106 allocation does need to be spent on bus stops closest to the Storkit Lane development.

Far Street drains – the drains will be investigated and cleaned.

Rempstone Road streetlights – the developers will be installing extra streetlights by the pedestrian refuge which will be lit all night.

17/63. To discuss Highways response to traffic calming on the A6006 – dropped kerb

Cllr Ling advised of LCC’s offer to install a dropped kerb on the A6006. Following a discussion regarding the safety issues of installing a dropped kerb without any additional form of traffic calming, it was agreed to ask LCC highways whether a formal crossing could be installed at this location (because Highways have advised that the average speed of the road has reduced to 25mph) if the the Parish Council were able to raise funding for it, with LCC contributing the cost of installing a dropped kerb towards the total project cost.

17/64. To discuss the Mantle Pieces Project

Work on the Hoton Road footbridge replacement is due to start on 15th June and finish on 29th June. Once this is completed the iron monger will be able to start on the decorative railings.

17/65. To discuss any Sports Pavilion issues

CBC has asked to use the Sports Pavilion on 3rd August. It was agreed that Cllr Blount will be available to open up.

17/65. Clerk’s Report

  • To advise of website changes – the clerk advised of recent changes and that all previous documents may not be available.
  • To discuss recent dog fouling/litter reports – CBC has asked for a pro forma to be completed highlighting problem areas.
  • To discuss LCC Customer Services issues – see minute ref 17.62.

17/66. To discuss the progression of the Burton Lane Playing Fields and Washdyke Lease

The clerk reported on recent correspondence with the solicitor.

It was agreed to contact the Parochial Charities for an update.

17/67. Members’ points of information

LBCllr Blount wished to confirm that the PC is not paying for the portaloos on Hoton Road.

JL – Cllr Ling reported that the contractors had not completed the mowing to the church yard and left a bag of grass cuttings, and if a quotation had been received for a camera to be installed on the sports pavilion. A response is still awaited from the Parochial Charities about the condition of the entrance to the Scout Hut and Sports Pavilion parking area.

AC- Cllr Cooke reported that the noise from the airfield is still very bad.

There being no further business the Chair declared the meeting closed at 21:00.

The next meeting of Wymeswold Parish Council will be held on Monday 3rd Julyin the Sports Pavilion, Burton Lane, Wymeswold, starting at 7:00pm. All parishioners are welcome to attend.