ISD 2170, Agriculture Room
July 1, 2014 4:30 PM
Present for all or part of the session were: T. DeGeest, L. Kajer, J Hofer, D. Bestland, B. Schmitt, (constituting a quorum), K. Lindgren, M. Lord, M. Schmidt, and C. Trout Absent: C. Hadfield
Lindgren called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm
Hofer moved with a second from Schmitt to accept the June 2, 2014 minutes. Motion carried.
1). Kajer reviewed the marketing information prepared by Lisa Jenkins. Kajer explained that the parade entry will be a combination marketing event for SMHS and Connections. To date there are 32 students registered for Connections for next year with a target set at thirty-five. That target could be expanded if students from outside the district are interested.
2). Hofer explained the forms that needed to be sent to the Secretary of State and Attorney General’s office to close Connections Charter School. All of the forms were sent on June 30, 2014.
3). Lindgren stated that he would follow up with the instructor from CLC about the work stations for the students.
4). Lord stated that she closed the checking account for Connections High School after she paid the dollar maintenance fee. She asked who would be her contact now that Boehland had resigned from the board.
5). Kajer moved that a committee be formed to investigate options for seniors who finish their state standards mid year. Schmitt seconded the motion and the motion carried. The committee will consist of: Kajer, Trout and Lindgren.
6) Lindgren gave an update on staffing for the next school year: Bestland – 1 hour, Kajer – 1 hour, Lindgren – 2 hours, Trout – 8 hours, Klefsaas – 2 hours, Houselog – 1 hour, Miller – 4 or 5 hours, 4 days/week. Mrs. Palmer will also be needed to help develop Lit packets for the seniors. The Lit standards have changed at Avalon (our mentor school) which means Connections may be changing Lit standards for younger students. C. Trout will speak to Miller and Palmer about their assignments at Connections.
7). Kajer showed the changes that are being considered by the ISD 2170 board for the student handbook. Any changes adopted by that board will be automatically changed in the Connections students’ handbook. However, she wanted the group to discuss options for detention. Starting a peer mediation group could be a future goal but for the present time, other options need to be considered. It was decided to go with a restricted lunch for students who break rules. One day a week could be determined as the day for the “restricted lunches”. The technical tutor would be in charge of the students at that time and could log comp hours for those days. A substitute could then be hired once a full day has been logged. M. Lord said she could put that into the budget.
8). The board accepted S. Boehland’s resignation with regrets. Her expertise will be missed, as there is still a need for someone to provide assistance to Lord on budgeting issues that concern Perkins and for the completion of the Project Based School Application. It was recommended that M. Schmitz approach Boehland about her willingness to assist with those projects as a consultant. M. Lord said there is $2000 in the budget for that service. There also needs to be a conversation with M. Schmidt about his role as principal of Connections. In the future, the board may want to consider having a lead teacher position.
Kajer moved with a second from Bestland to have C. Trout fill Boehland’s remaining term on the board. Trout’s term will end in 2016.
9). M. Schmitz talked about the request for a middle school student to skip 8th grade and enroll in Connections. The ISD 2170 board denied the request and stated the student’s parents must demonstrate that the student has met the requirements of the 8th grade before the student can enroll as a 9th grader. The Connections board supported the decision of the ISD 2170 Board.
Lindgren adjourned the meeting at 5:45 PM with a motion by Hofer and a second by DeGeest. Motion carried. The next board meeting will be held on August 5, 2014.