World History & Geography Syllabus 2016-17
Course Objective:
Welcome to World History and Geography. In this history class, you will have the opportunity to study a plethora of cultures from approximately 1500 to the present. Historical development and its impact upon world cultures are central themes of World History. Historical emphasis is placed upon such areas as comparative political, economic, and social systems.
Contemporary emphasis is placed upon current crises, international relations, and the increasing interdependence of nations. Concepts stressed throughout the course are the same as those employed by all social scientists: critical thinking, analysis, and interpretation.
Materials Required:
1 A wide loose leaf binder, which will be your primary notebook. You should keep it well-organized, so that you have things at your fingertips.
2 3-holed college-lined [narrow-lined] loose leaf folders with the appropriate rule paper.
3 A yellow highlighter and at least two other colors.
4 Individual loose-leaf tabs/dividers.
A Key to Success:
The most important grading factor in this class is consistent effort. You are ultimately responsible for understanding all material. The amount of time required for homework for this class will vary
Class Rules:
1. Always give your best effort on all class activities and assignments.
2. Academic Freedom: All students have a right to their opinions, (however unpopular). How you support your opinions is a key to doing well in this class. Respect for the opinion of others is a class requirement.
3. Remember that your personal honor and integrity are a very important part of who you are as a person. Therefore, I expect that you will do all of your OWN work at all times.
4. Do not be late. Be inside the door when the bell rings, unless you have a legitimate excuse to be tardy.
5. I encourage you to approach me after class so that I can give you all of my attention. You also may email me [ so that I know that you have some concerns and or questions.
Formative Assessments: will make up 50% of a student’s final 9-week grade and will include any graded learning assessments used as a diagnostic assessment of student’s learning.
Summative Assessments; will make up 50% of a student’s final 9-week grade.These assessments are end-of-unit measures and major performance tasks.
Possible Formative(Process - checks for understanding) / Possible Summative
(Product - End of instruction)
· Short, informal quizzes
· Homework and practice work
· Classwork/word searches/x-word puzzles
· Drafts and rewrites
· Daily practice and warm-ups
· Small formative projects
· Reviews
· Progress checks
· Benchmark assessments
· Participation/notebook checks / · Large summative projects
· Final draft essays
· Major lab reports
· Summative presentations
· Portfolios
· Performance tasks
· Chapter tests
· 9-weeks exams
Grading Policy:
My grading system is very simple:
35% = Projects
30% = Tests
15% = Quizzes
20% = Class participation/work, Journal and flashcards, identification/essential questions
Rutherford County Scale:
100 – 93 = A
92 – 85 = B
84 – 75 = C
74 – 70 = D
69 – 00 = F
There will a possibility of extra credit every six weeks and I will consider dropping one of your lowest grades (I will decide which)
Late Policy:
In order to receive credit for all work, it must be submitted when it is due. I will deduct 10% off of the original grade you would have received for each of the days after the original due date. Exams missed due to absence will be taken within FIVE school days after you return
Tentative Course Outline:
First 9 Weeks / Geography SkillsRenaissance and Reformation - Review
Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment- Review
Age of Discovery - Review
Age of Absolutism- Review
Rise of Constitutionalism in England- Review
Second 9 Weeks / Geography Skills
French, American and Haitian Revolutions
Age of Napoleon
Industrial Revolution
Third 9 Weeks / Geography Skills
Nationalism in Asia, Africa, and Latin America
Nationalism in Europe
Age of Imperialism
World War I
Russian Revolution
Great Depression
Fourth 9 Weeks / Geography Skills
Interwar Years
World War II
Cold War
Post-Cold War World
Final Exam Review