(LdLNov 2006)
- Circle your answer: (1)
Meals from the Kiddies menu may be ordered by any person who is… 13 years and younger / 12 years and younger / 14 years and younger / 10 years and younger.
2. Fill in the missing words:
Our Kiddies favourite dessert, Chicco the Clown, is made the following way:
Ice-cream (1) is placed in a silver bowl. An ice-cream cone(1) is used for the hat. Use 2 astros(1) for the eyes, a cherry(1) for the nose, a jelly bean(1) for the mouth and marshmallow halves(1) for the ears.
To decorate the hat, place three blobs of cream(1) on the hat, then top with three astros(1) and sprinkled with houndreds and thousands.(1)
This dessert is served on a serviette(1) on a side plate (1), with a teaspoon.(1)
3. List the weights or portion size of the following kiddies meals: (7)
Kids Spur Chicken Burger / 135gKids Cheese Beef Burger / 160g
Kids Steak / 200g
Kids Viennas / 2 viennas
Chicken Drumsticks / 2 drum sticks
Chicken Nuggets / E nuggets
Kid’s Fish Fingers / 3 fish fingers
4. The Astronomic Supa-Bowl Surprise and the Supa Creamy Crispa Cruncha are two very similar desserts.
Both desserts are ice-cream served in a silver bowl. Both are topped with Mini Astros. The difference between them lies in the second topping they get.
a. What is the other topping (apart from the Mini Astros) that goes onto the Astronomic
Supa-Bowl Surprise? Large Astros(1)
b. What is the other topping (apart from the Mini Astros) that goes onto the Supa Creamy
Crispa Cruncha? Chocolate Crunchie(1)
5. Draw lines between the following columns to link the beverage to the questions asked when that particular beverage is ordered. (5)
Soda float “Would you like Apple, White Grape, Secrets of the
Valley or Litchi?”
Milkshake “Would you like Appleberry, Rasberry or Original
Lipton Ice Tea “Would you like Chocolate, Strawberry, Caramel,
Bananba, Lime or Flaky Choc?”
Oros “Would you like Lemon, Peach or Mango?”
Ceres Fruit Juices “Would you like Coke, Cream Soda, Fanta or
6. For which two desserts do you ask the question: “Would you like to have your dessert with Cream or Ice-cream?”
Astronomic Waffle Whizz(1)
Crispy Crunch Waffle (1)
7. Name the three Kiddies meals that are served with a bone-plate, a wet-wipe and a serviette?
Kid’s Ribs(1)
Kid’s Chicken (1)
Chicken Drumsticks (1)
8. Circle your answer: All kiddies meals are served with a Butter knife / Steak knife / Fish knife. (1)
9. True or False?
a. Tomato sauce is the pre-drop for all kiddies meals? True (1)
b. Kids may choose between Chips or Vegetables, but may also have a baked potato, rice or onion
rings if they ask for it. True (1)
c. All children’s steaks are cooked Med-Well, therefore you do not have to ask them how they
would like to have their steaks prepared. False (1)
d. The kids can choose between a Chicken & Cheese OR Cheese & Tomato pizza. False (1)
e. As the Waitron, you may offer extra fillings (for the toasties) or extra toppings (for the
pizzas), as long as you confirm that the parents agree. True (1)
10. Which two questions will you ask a child if he/she orders a Kid’s Spur Burger?
Beef or Chicken? (1)
Grilled or Crumbed? (1)
p1______+ p2 ______= ______/40
Percentage: ______/ 40 x 100 = ______% (TOTAL SCORE)