June 2008 Volume 6, Number 6

In watching the evening news I could not help feeling so troubled and anxious over news events being played up. Within a period of one week, major calamities hit our neighboring Asian countries Myanmar by a cyclone killing hundreds of thousands and China by an earthquake which up to this writing continues to claim thousands of lives because of the after shocks. Locally, the bank massacre in Cabuyao, Laguna and another massacre in a quiet rural town in Calamba of the same province which were flashed on TV the same Monday night (which happens to be my day off) left me feeling so disturbed over much evil in the world. A church member came up to me after worship service last Sunday, May 25 teary eyed saying how she was spared from that bank massacre in Cabuyao. She could have been included in it had they not eaten first before entering the bank which was their company’s regular bank transactions schedule. Yes, she was thankful for escaping death but was grieving over the staff of that bank whom she knows and have been intimate with being their depository bank.

On top of all these deaths over calamities and crimes, there are also news coverage on unabated increases in oil, fare and other prime commodities. Rise in the number of cases of dengue which is a mosquito-borne disease brought by unhygienic surroundings that could actually be prevented. These are indeed depressing stories, more so if you are the one caught in it. How would you feel if you were one of those who survived in the earthquake and cyclone yet without any loved one left to rebuild life with? How would you bear the pain of losing in death people close to you who were killed innocently in a bank holdup? The pain is surely indescribable that no words could fully express it. But thanks be to God that we have the Holy Spirit to cry out “Abba, Father!” for us. The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans wrote, “And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness…the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words…” (Romans 8:26ff) This cry results from a wounded spirit that comes along with the process of sanctification, the work of the Holy Spirit making us become more and more like Christ. It is not an easy process. Who says that to follow God in Jesus Christ is a happy moment? “God,” as one writer said, “is not working to make us happy but to fulfill His purpose.”[1]

The Holy Spirit sanctifying us, then, means God purifying and refining us like silver in order to fit us into His divine purpose of making known God’s great love for all. I like the story of the silversmith[*] in his shop answering the questions of a woman who came to watch him at work, being in search of the meaning of Malachi 3:3, “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.” She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest and curiosity about the process of refining silver.
As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest so as to burn away all the impurities. The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: 'He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.' She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined. The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.
The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, “How do you know when the silver is fully refined?” He smiled at her and answered, 'Oh, that's easy, “when I see my image in it.”
I believe we are in a time when God is holding us in the middle of the fire where the flame is at the hottest. Not without a purpose! But to bring out God’s image in us. Truly when we pray, “Come, Holy Spirit, sanctify us!” brace yourself then for a painful process. The greatest assurance though is that God won’t have His eyes off us. God will watch over us and walk us through in all these. Be not dismayed!

Highlights of Accomplishment in SCCD’s Church Life and Ministry

For the Term EY 2006-2008

Under the Pastoral Guidance of

Pastor Leng Lubang[*]


1.  Moved to the new sanctuary on July 30, 2006 when it was dedicated during SCCD’s 80th Founding Anniversary.

2.  Revitalization of Praise and Worship on Sunday worship gatherings with the CYF leading and Tambourine Dance Group of both youth and children that were formed. This was under the able leadership and guidance of Pastor Grace Fe Inocentes who was installed as Intern Pastor of SCCD in 2007.

3.  Revival of Jesus’ Kids Choir now singing as a Children’s Choir every 2nd Sunday of the month in their choir gown.

4.  Average worship attendance has significantly increased from 170 in 2005 to 190 this year.

5.  Incorporation of Least Coin Offering in Sunday Worship as symbolic prayer for peace and reconciliation.

6.  New faces continue to be tapped as worship leaders.

Christian Education and Nurture

1.  Increase in attendance of Sunday school children with Outreach Kids in Simborio and Mary Cris regularly fetched on Sundays.

2.  Gradual development of Sunday school facilities customized for children

3.  Participation of teachers in LCSMC training workshops

4.  Leadership of Board of Christian Education in Special Events of the church

5.  Official formation and recognition of the Christian Young Adults Fellowship as a Church Recognized Organization (CROs) alongside CWA, UCM and CYF.

6.  Regularity of Monthly Joint Fellowships of CROs and active participation in the Conference activiries.

Membership Growth and Development

1.  Received formally a total of 32 new members into the church fold during the past two Ecclesiastical years through the offering of Discovery/Membership Class at least three times a year.

2.  Baptized and received a total of 21 young people in the past two years through conducting a 10 week Communicants’ Class each first quarter of the year

3.  Increased attendance in the weekday meetings in church such as Wednesday Prayer Service and Thursday Bible Study indicating a growing interest in community prayer and study of the Bible.

Christian Witness and Service (Mission and Outreach)

1.  Gathered an average of 245 children in the past two summer VCS conducting this in at least four sites, church, Daang NIA, Mary Cris and Simborio.

2.  Undertook a 6-month long Supplemental Feeding Program in Simborio catering to 30 malnourished children ages 3-6 from November 2006 to May 2007. This project is in partnership with Kabisig ng Kalahi and Mead Johnson Nutritionals.

3.  Initiated a Livelihood Project in Simborio similar to credit cooperative after organizing the women in this economically disadvantaged community.

4.  Sustained the local mission partnership relationship with UCCP Tignoan, monitoring closely the livelihood project funded by AAEC (Asian American Ecumenical Church) in New Jersey, a sister church of SCCD.

5.  Served as conduit between AAEC and their mission projects in the Philippines such as Bukidnon Annual Conference Carabao Dispersal Project and Calamity Rehabilitation project in UCCP St. Bernard, So. Leyte.

6.  Conceptualization of Scholarship Program for indigent children and youth in elementary, high school and college with some initial recipients from Simborio Outreach, Daang NIA and youth members in church.

7.  Return of the members of Belvedere Outreach to their original church fold, UCCP Paradahan, thus, dissolving the said Outreach in October 2006 triggered by the destruction of the make shift hut used for worship hit by Typhoon Milenyo

Christian Stewardship and Resource Development

1.  Generating a total of about P8M as of April 2008 for the church building project improving the structure significantly since its occupancy in July 2006. Works completed within the period include box culvert in the church frontage, tiling of floors, finishing/painting of Conference Room and Ground Floor offices, ceiling works of central section main sanctuary, fencing works at the frontage, repair of old fences.

2.  Launching of Project Nehemiah 3-5, “Sagip-Bambang”, “Share a Square Meter Tile” and “Ceiling Works 300” generating funds for the finishing touches of the church building and box culvert of church frontage now being utilized as parking space.

3.  Completion and occupancy of the Disciples Learning Academy school building 2nd floor and west side rooms.

4.  Raising of about P230,000.00 in the BTFT (Building Thru Five Thousand) fund campaign as of May 28 for the continuation of school building construction.

5.  Settlement of the levy re church lot court case by the other party who lost in the said case amounting to P146,000.00 now being paid monthly beginning January of this year until December 2008.

6.  Setting up of five church accounts for specific expenses namely Mission Fund, Scholarship Fund, Church Workers Benefit Fund, Project Nehemiah (Church Building) Fund and General Fund. This makes accounting clearer and easier to channel funds purposively.

7.  Properties, equipment, fixtures acquired by purchase and donations are now being systematically recorded to be reflected in SCCD’s assets. Pews were made to order now totaling to 14.

8.  Setting up of “Jayson’s Plea” Benevolence Fund in February 2007 as an outgrowth of a tragic death of a 7-year old boy in Simborio because of non-medical care due to poverty. This fund was initiated by a balikbayan church member who builds it up by sending monthly support to SCCD for two-fold purpose: benevolence (medical and emergency assistance) and livelihood project. Regular remittance of this family goes to the Mission Fund

Involvement in Wider Judicatories/ International Community

1.  Hosting of LCSMC activities namely CWS Consultation Meeting in August 2007, CWA Monthly Fellowship in October 2007 and TEP in February 2008

2.  Welcoming the chairperson of the ICFLC Ms. Jill King during worship service

3.  Hosting the Shields Family in their visit to the Philippines in March-April 2008 forging strongly the mission partnership ties between SCCD and UCC Holmdel in New Jersey, USA.

4.  Sending out Pastor Leng Lubang to international gatherings bringing the story of SCCD to WCC community and other churches in the United States as well as in Bangkok, Thailand during 2007

/ Lectionary for June 2008
Pentecost Theme:
The Holy Spirit
Sanctifying Us”
1 – Communion Sunday / “The Holy Spirit Bringing Past, Present and Future Together”
OT: Joel 2:28-32/NT: John 16:5-16
Preacher: Pastor Leng Lubang/CYAF Choir
8 - Freedom Sunday / “The Holy Spirit Winning Our Battles”
OT: Judges 3:7-11/NT:Ephesians 6:10-18
Preacher: Pastor Ronnel Hernandez/
UCM Choir
15 - Fathers’ Day / “The Holy Spirit Crying Abba Father for Us”
OT:Genesis 37:23-36;NT:Galatians 3:26-4:7
Preacher: Pastor Leng Lubang/
Jesus Kids’ Choir
Moments with Children: Sis. Myrna Espejo
22 / “The Holy Spirit Controlling Our Minds”
OT: Isaiah 42:1-9/NT: Romans 8:5-8
Preacher: Pastor Ronnel Hernandez/
CYF Choir
Testimony: Keilyn Fauni
29 / “The Holy Spirit Bearing Fruit in Us”
OT: Psalm 92:1-15/NT: Acts 7:54-60
Preacher: Pastor Leng Lubang/
Jesus Kids’ Choir

An Energizing CYF Evaluation/Planning Retreat

by Anjell Samonte

An overnight retreat was held last May 20-21, 2008 at the Villela Farm in Silang, Cavite. The retreat’s theme was “Kabataang Bahagi ng Sambahayan ng Dios” (Youth Being Part of the Household of God)” with the theme verse taken from Jeremiah 1: 7-8.

The retreat was facilitated by Pastor. Leng Lubang and Sis. Wilma Pelagio all through Worship and Fellowship time. The first day was loaded with Bible study and worship while the second and final day was spent on planning for the whole ecclesiastical year 2008-2009 facilitated by Sis. Miriam Gerero, Board of Christian Education Chairperson.

As participant in the said retreat I was very much satisfied with it and I can probably say that this is the best retreat I’ve been so far. I learned a lot and bonded a lot with my co-youth. The best thing about this retreat is the time spent studying about the Bible and deepening intimacy with God blended with fun. I appreciated the participation and cooperation of everyone who danced and sang along during praise and worship time. I preferred much of that time.

We were so blessed that during the night it never rained and it was only the following day in the planning session that it poured heavily. In the planning workshop, the group was divided into three – Christian Education and Nurture, Christian Witness and Service, and Christian Stewardship. I realized that although the planning session was just meant to be sketchy, there was no time for jokes because we were instructed to think hard and strategize the best way we could. Especially for the part of CEN group, I think they would all agree that it was brain squeezing. Good for us, everyone is ready to give a hand.

We went home at 5pm a little less than tired but still energized with a prayer that our will and Christ’s desire may be seized in God’s light where all good and perfect gifts come from.

Sunday worship Attendance Report
Month / 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / Ave.
April / 196 / 173 / 169 / 178 / 178
March / 190 / 172 / 185 / 176 / 180
Health Section / EATING FRUITS…
Crucial Knowledge[2]

We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It's not so easy as you think. It's important to know how and when to eat. What is the correct way of eating fruits?