Francis A. Mc Barnette has an academic background in business management, quantitative economics, international relations and development. He has worked for over fifteen years in the foreign service of Trinidad and Tobago and has also served in the United Nations System (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) and the Organization of American States (OAS). He has a strong personal and professional commitment to forging partnerships and teamwork and he brings the best in discipline and rigour to the changing and continuing challenges of economic development.

Francis A. McBarnette has served his country as a diplomat and economic and financial specialist for nearly ten (10) years at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. During that period he represented Trinidad and Tobago on United Nations bodies in New York, Geneva and Vienna on issues of economic and social development, technical cooperation, transnational corporations, science and technology and the Law of the Seas.

In 1988, Francis A. McBarnette was reassigned to Trinidad and Tobago and served as the Desk Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the United Nations. He attended, during that period, all regular sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations and was the representative of Trinidad and Tobago to the Fifth Committee (Budgetary and Administrative Matters). He was also the representative to the Committee for Programme and Coordination (CPC), a quasi-expert body of the United Nations.

In 1992, Mr. McBarnette was approached by the General Secretariat of the Organization of American and invited to accept a senior position in its field network. Since 1992, Mr. McBarnette has serviced as Country Representative for the OAS in Grenada and Barbados and has been successful in facilitating the execution of numerous projects and activities funded by the Organization. These projects have treated with issues of sustainable tourism, strategic planning, governance, rural development, institutional strengthening and capacity building and the environment. He has also served as a member of several OAS Election Observation Missions in the Caribbean.

In sum, Francis A. McBarnette has been fortunate to have a wide range of experiences and the opportunity to work at the national, regional and international level. His experiences have allowed him to acquire a deep appreciation, passion and abiding understanding of the challenges and prospects of Developing States, particularly those in the Caribbean Region.