The Constitution of the Nu Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity

Last Updated April 11th, 2016


We, the Brothers of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity Nu Chapter at The Ohio State University, having bonded together in order to foster among us a life-long bond of brotherhood, devotion, and loyalty; to inspire high standards of honor, scholarship, and service; to prolong as Alumni our association with The Ohio State University, do ordain and establish this constitution for the Nu Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau.

Article I

This Chapter shall be known as the Nu Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity at The Ohio State University.

Article II


Section 1: Non-Discrimination Clause

No male student enrolled as an undergraduate at The Ohio State University shall be denied membership in this organization solely on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.

Section 2: Eligibility

A.  Any male student of good moral character who is enrolled full time at The Ohio State University shall be eligible for membership in the Nu Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau.

B.  Eligibility for honorary and adjunct membership shall be at the discretion of the Supreme Council of Zeta Beta Tau.

Section 3: Recruitment

All recruiting shall be under the supervision of the Recruitment Committee.

Section 4: Bid Extension

A.  To receive a bid, the recruit must attain a positive 80% vote of members voting on that particular recruit.

B.  A primary legacy of Zeta Beta Tau, or a legacy of the Nu Chapter/Colony, must attain a positive 50.1% vote of members voting on that particular recruit.

C.  The recruitment committee, with a minimum of four members, can overturn any bid extension decision with a unanimous vote from the whole committee.

D.  The Chapter President may establish a time limit for the acceptance of a bid after it has been given not to exceed one week and to be no less than five hours.

Section 5: Membership

A.  To become a member of the Nu Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau, the prospective member must have been voted on by the chapter in accordance with Article II, Section 4, receive a bid from the Fraternity, and be initiated using the Fraternity’s initiation ceremony.

Section 6: Active Membership

A.  Brothers that fulfill the following requirements shall be defined as active members of the Nu Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau and shall be entitled to privileges as outlined by the national organization of Zeta Beta Tau, including voting rights.

i.  Members must be in good standing with The Ohio State University who have been duly initiated into the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity.

ii.  Persons who are contributing their moral, physical, and financial support to the perpetuation of the Nu Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau.

B.  A member is considered to be in “good standing” if he is current on all bills and not on probation, or suspended by the University, Chapter, or Fraternity.

C.  A member shall transition from active membership to alumni status only if the member leaves The Ohio State University and the Nu Chapter in good standing.

Section 7: Suspension of Membership

A.  A brother may have his membership suspended in the following ways.

i.  By a majority vote of the Standards board.

ii.  By a 75% vote of all brother present at a regularly scheduled chapter meeting.

Section 8: Reinstatement of Membership

A.  A suspended brother may petition the Standards board to have his status restored to Active.

B.  Suspension shall be lifted as a result of any of the following ways:

i.  By a majority vote of the Standards Board.

ii.  By a 75% vote of all members present at a regularly scheduled chapter meeting.

Section 9: Expulsion

  1. A member may be expelled for cause or for any conduct prejudicial to the Fraternity, or any of its members, or for financial delinquency, or for refusal to accept all the responsibilities of membership.
  2. A member may be expelled only after specific charges have been referred against him to the Standards Board or the Executive Board.
  3. The member complained of shall be notified by the Standards Board of the meeting called to hear such charges.
  4. At this meeting, evidence shall be heard on behalf of both sides and both parties may call witnesses.
  5. The Executive Board shall report its finding with its recommendation thereon to the Chapter in a regular or special meeting.
  6. A member is expelled following a vote of at least 50.1% of active members following an SBRV or BRV.
  7. A BRV shall be called following the recommendation by the Standards Board and is approved by a 6/7 vote in favor of the BRV of the Executive Board.
  8. Upon chapter expulsion, notification must be sent to Zeta Beta Tau Incorporated Headquarters.
  9. The President reserves the right to remove any member for violating brotherhood standards.

Article III

Chapter Officers

Section 1: Elected Officers

A.  The elected Executive Board officers of this chapter shall consist of the following positions:

i.  President

ii.  Vice-President of Internal Affairs

iii.  Vice-President of External Affairs

iv.  Treasurer

v.  Brotherhood Development Director

vi.  Recruitment Chair

vii.  Secretary

B.  The chapter will elect all members of the Standards Board including the Chief Justice and all representatives.

Article IV


Section 1: Term Length

A.  Elected officers shall serve a term of approximately one year beginning when the elected officer is sworn into office and ending when the new officer is sworn in.

Section 2: Officer Qualifications

A.  Only members in “good standing” with both The Ohio State University and the Nu Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau are eligible to run for office.

Section 3: Offices Held

A.  No person shall be allowed to hold more than one elected office at a time within the Fraternity.

Section 4: Oath of Office:

A.  Before assuming office, each officer shall make an oath in the following form:

i.  “I do solemnly swear that I shall faithfully execute the duties of the office of _____ of the Nu Chapter of the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, and that I shall, to the best of my ability, observe, protect, and maintain the rules, traditions, and history of the Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, so help me God.” (The phrase “so help me god” is an optional phrase, at the discretion of the elected officer)

B.  The President, any past President, any National Officer, or Advisor may administer the Oath of Office.

Section 5: Vacant Office

A.  Should any elected office become vacant for any reason whatsoever, it shall be filled by a special election.

i.  The office of the President shall be filled by a special election between the two vice presidents.

ii.  If a brother holding an elected position is elected into a vacant position, his previous position is vacated.

iii.  Nominations for a special election regarding the newly vacant elected position will be taken immediately after the previous officer takes his new position.

B.  All Brothers shall be notified of the impending special election immediately following the vacation of office.

Section 6: Recall

A.  Violation of this Constitution, incompetence, misuse of office, neglect of duties, or any other deficiencies shall be sufficient justification for recall of any officer.

B.  The President and/or Secretary must call a recall election if:

i.  At least 1/3 of the active members sign a petition demanding the recall of an officer.

1.  Said petition must state the reason said recall is being sought.

ii.  Recommended by the Standards Board.

C.  Upon receiving the recall petition, the President and/or Secretary shall notify the officer whose recall is being sought that he is facing recall.

D.  The officer facing recall shall be immediately suspended from his office and duties pending the recall election.

E.  The President shall appoint another brother to fulfill the duties sought

i.  In the case that the President faces recall, the Internal Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President until the recall election takes place.

F.  All active Brothers who are eligible to vote will be entitled to vote at said recall election.

Article V

Standards Board

Section 1: Standards Board Members

A.  The Standards Board shall consist of the Chief Justice and four representatives.

Section 2: All members of the Judicial Board must maintain the status of Brother in Good Standing at all times while on the committee.

Section 3: The duties of the Standards Board are:

A.  To act as the judicial body in any dispute, disagreement, breach of contract or conduct, infractions of the Constitutions or bylaws, and in any anti-fraternal acts committed against Zeta Beta Tau by any member.

B.  To initiate or receive charges calling for the expulsion of a member.

Article VI

Standing Committees

Section 1: The standing committees of the chapter shall be as follows:

A.  Standards Board

B.  Academics

C.  Alumni & Parents Relations

D.  Athletics

E.  Philanthropy

F.  Ritual

G.  Social

H.  Webmaster

I.  Risk Management

J.  Housing

K.  Heritage

L.  Recruitment

M.  Provost

Section 2: Committee Membership

A.  The chairmen of the committee, in conjunction with the President, will approve committee membership.

Section 3: Ad Hoc Committees

A.  Ad Hoc committees may be created and its members appointed by the Executive Board when deemed necessary.

B.  All Ad Hoc Committees must be created with a specific goal.

C.  When that goal has been completed or is no longer relevant the committee shall be dissolved.

Section 4: Executive Board

A.  The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Internal Vice-President, External Vice-President, Treasurer, Brotherhood Development Director, Recruitment Chairman, and Secretary.

Section 5: Internal Audit Committee

A.  The Internal Audit Committee shall be responsible for the overall financial stability of the Zeta Beta Tau Nu Chapter. It should assist the Treasurer in the creation of the annual budget, and the development and enforcement of the Zeta Beta Tau Nu Chapter financial policies.

B.  The following Officers will serve as members of the Internal Audit Committee:

i.  Treasurer

ii.  Assistant Treasurer

iii.  President

iv.  Sergeant At Arms

v.  Chief Justice

C.  A past treasurer may serve as an adviser to the Internal Audit Committee.

Article VII


Section 1:

  1. All members must pay his dues to the Treasurer by the second chapter meeting of each term.
  2. Each new member must pay his bills to the Treasurer within two weeks after his first chapter meeting.
  3. If a member is not able to meet the deadlines as stated above, he should make financial arrangements with the Treasurer.
  4. When a member makes financial arrangements, said member must sign a promissory.
  5. Failure to pay or sign a promissory note shall lead to the immediate commencement of Chapter expulsion proceedings after the two-week period has expired.

Section 2:

  1. Any other debts incurred during the quarter are payable two weeks following the date incurred.
  2. If a debt is not paid in a timely fashion, a service charge to be determined fraternity shall be incurred until said debt is paid in full.

Article VIII

Constitutional Review

Section 1:

A.  The constitution shall be reviewed under the supervision of the Executive Board yearly.

Article IX


Section 1:

  1. Amendments to this Chapter Constitution must be proposed in writing and must be presented to the Executive Board before being brought before the chapter. They shall discuss and form a recommendation for the chapter.
  2. The amendments must be brought before the Chapter at least one meeting prior to the meeting at which the vote of the amendment is held.
  3. All amendments to the constitution shall take effect immediately unless otherwise noted.
  4. The amendment must be approved by two-thirds of the members present at the meeting.

The By-Laws of the Nu Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity

Last Updated April 11th, 2016

Article I: Elections

Section 1: Time of Year

A.  Elections for Executive Board and Standards Board officers will occur at the first and third Chapter meeting held in the month of November respectively.

B.  The elected officers shall be sworn in at the first Chapter meeting held in the month of February.

C.  The President must receive nominations at least 14 days prior to the day of the election.

D.  Once a nomination is received and before the election occurs, the nominee must meet with the outgoing officer for the position for which he is nominated.

i.  At this meeting, the outgoing officer should outline all duties and obligations and answer any questions about his position.

Section 2: Term

A.  Elected officers shall serve a term of approximately one year beginning when the elected officer is sworn into office and ending when the new officer is sworn in.

B.  No member may hold more than one elected office at the same time within the fraternity.

Section 3: Officer Qualifications

A.  Only members in “good standing” with both The Ohio State University and the Nu Chapter of Zeta Beta Tau are eligible to run for office.

Section 4: Election Order

A.  The offices for Executive Board shall be elected in the following order:

i.  President

ii.  Vice President of Internal Affairs

iii.  Vice President of External Affairs

iv.  Treasurer

v.  Brotherhood Development Director

vi.  Recruitment Chairman

vii.  Secretary

B.  The offices for Standards Board shall be elected according to the Nu Chapter By-laws Article 3, Section 1.

Section 5: Election Procedures

A.  All elections shall be held by secret ballot unless there is a unanimous call for voice vote.

B.  Only members in “good standing” as seen by the Fraternity shall be eligible to vote for the officers of the chapter.

C.  The duties of the office will be read before each election.

D.  Each candidate will present without the presence of the other candidates.

E.  The ranking officer will determine the order of the presentations.

F.  Presentations

i.  Time:

1.  Each candidate for the presidency is allowed no more than 5 minutes to present himself.