Minutes of Huish CLP Full Heads Meeting

Tuesday, 14th March 2017, 9:15am at Huish Episcopi Academy

Present: AD, IC, LR, GI, JR, PS, JQ, GK & LW

Minutes of the meeting: / Action:
1 / Apologies were received from DN, WH & WD
2 / Minutes of the previous meeting 24/01/17 were considered an accurate recording and will be uploaded to the CLP website. / LW
3 / HTs & Govs Cheese and Wine evening feedback was very positive. The presentations were really good and HTs reported that their governors in attendance found the evening very interesting and learnt a lot about the work of the CLP and wished that more of their colleague governors had gone along.
It was agreed to defer the end of the Summer term update/celebrations to Autumn Term 17/18, after the annual conference, when next year’s Development Plan has been agreed and can be shared along with comparable data. / LW
4 / INSET day HTs feedback was that the moderation morning was very useful and teachers enjoyed and benefited from working with other schools.
The afternoon session was sadly let down by technical problems. The steering Group had suggested that to build on Emotion Coaching, demonstrating how to implement in schools and provide strategies, the CLP hold a centralised training day, paid from CLP funding bids. At this time it was agreed that SEMH should be a point of discussion for a Cross Phase SENCo group, to co-ordinate identification and strategies and decide on the best way forward. / LW & SENCos
5 / Peer Review updates:
The Levels AT and a Taunton colleague have carried out a Maths walk through. Comprising of data sharing, work scrutinises and learning walks. GI felt it was very useful to see what is going on in other schools, however, she had given a very broad agenda of ‘Maths’ and felt that it would have benefited the exercise had she given specific threads.
KEP, HH & KIA arranged a work scrutiny and discussed how they use Pupil Tracker, which was very good.
Hambridge had a recent meeting with SIP, John Jeffery, who considered their SEF to be too long at 2.5 pages, too descriptive.
PS advised that a recent OFSTED inspector considered theirs too long but he felt that it was important to provide 1.5 pages of contextual information.
JR’s recent OFSTED inspector’s opinion of HH’s 57 page document was good. It included the school’s development plan and cross reference ‘Good’ rating criteria. / All HTs
6 / Development Plan/CPPI
Sharing Excellence
Upon receipt of all schools completed and returned table of information for
Disadvantaged Pupils JR will produce a summary report for presentation at the next FHM16/05/17
IC raised concerns over the provision, or lack of it, for the more able pupils and service pupils. Generally, service grants are being allocated to the provision of ELSAs.
CPPI, English
A volunteer needed, replacing GI, to share the responsibility of English with JR – to be added to the next FHM agenda
Consider purchasing books to be read across the summer holiday - To be put on the agenda of the English meetings GI & JR – No update.
CPPI, Maths
Share issues in assessment at Autumn A historically so that transition project can address these issues – DT will take Maths data to next Maths meeting 8/2/17 – Update from AD: DT did not bring data due to Mastery replacing Levels we do not have the same dips, data is looking good at this moment.
Update on Cross Phase Maths day, objective to engage girls in Maths. LR & JQ have met with DT and produced the following program:
Monday 10th July 2017
9:15am til 3pm
2 Year 6 girls from each primary school, identified has having ability but lacking in confidence.
AM – Jo Cronin will facilitate a morning of fun activities, with Year 10 girls working alongside primary pupils.
PM – Maths in Context: Practical cooking facilitated by HEA’s DT Food staff.
Pupils are to bring their own lunch
LW will draft an invitation for schools to send to identified pupil’s parents.
LR & JQ reported that the CLP Calculation Policy is on its way providing a base layout this will include vocabulary and knowledge that we expect the children to know at the end of Year 6.
Following a primary Maths Leader’s attendance at Professor Ruth Merttens (of Hamilton Trust) Maths Mastery Training Session, it was requested that the CLP consider running an INSET twilight or training day facilitated by Ruth for all Maths Leaders. Possibly funded by CPPI. It was agreed to proceed with these plans, during a twilight session for maximising attendance. LW to organise and circulate information.
Transition – A key task on Development Plan is to develop a shared language in foundation subject.
AD to check whether or not this was accomplished during Cross Phase Curriculum meeting or whether this will need to be achieved by a HT attending each curriculum meeting.
It was suggested that the Cross Phase Curriculum meetings should be aimed at fewer identified subjects.
CPPI, Leadership
Develop HT year 6 mentoring programme for key vulnerable students with a supported hand over which summarises interventions put in to date – AD to discuss with LR, start to put in place – No update / All HTs
All HTs
7 / It was agreed to proceed with the creation of a Huish CLP SEN Identification Policy the CLP would enlist the services of Mark Long to create an outline of a policy which SENCOs then develop for their setting. / LW
8 / Sports Provision 17/18
The group thanked IC for thoroughly researching all the options available for continuing to provide the sporting program/opportunities following his retirement. IC’s proposal to proceed with Huish Leisure’s proposal at Gold Package level, as per Bid document accompanying these minutes was unanimously supported.
Total cost of £600 per school for 10 primary schools (M&O as 1)
For 2017/18 50% of the fee will be paid out of the CLP’s Games Association, leaving funds available for medals etc., schools will be invoiced for the remaining 50% balance
Some events, such as Cross Country and Cricket will continue to be run in-house as previous years. IC will send the activities diary for the year, those events highlighted in yellow will be run by Huish Leisure. / IC
9 / IC’s Steering Group Seat Successor
For The Levels AT continued representation on the Steering Group it was agreed to invite Heather Barraclough to take Iain’s seat following his retirement.
Since the meeting HB has accepted the position on the Steering Group.
10 / Public Speaking Competition
Monday, 22nd May from 4:30pm
LW to send information out to schools / All HTs
11 / Feedback from schools that have recently had an OFSTED inspection
Two schools have recently been inspected, with non-comparable experiences. Both HTs agreed that knowing what they know now they wouldn’t have worried so much about it and that no reference was made to their previous inspection’s targets.
Key areas/advice
·  Behaviour logs viewed
·  Be familiar and monitor your own systems for risk assessment and consider all possibilities
·  Inspector met with SLT and Govs, excluding HT. Questions raised referred to PP and Sports Premium spending/impact
12 / Conference 2017/17
Dates to be decided at next full heads meeting. / FHM 16/05/17
13 / A brief overview was provided along with circulation of leaflets on behalf of Jane Clark, ex teacher of KEP, who now provides Yoga classes for children.
Copy of leaflet attached with minutes. For further information contact Jane directly
Discussions arose over parental concerns regarding yoga and mindfulness. LW to request a copy of Mindfulness – FAQs from Josh Dyer to circulate to all schools. / LW
14 / CPPI update meeting Wednesday, 21st June at Dillington House from 8:45am ending with lunch.
As per condition of funding, all HTs are expected to attend.
AD will consider requirements for presentation and may contact HTs directly. Recent presentations available for use/updating
All HTs to inform LW as to whether or not they will be attending the meeting / All HTs
All HTs
15 / Date & Venue of next FHM
16th May, 9:15am at HEA Rearranged for 17th May, 9:15am at HEA / All HTs
16 / AOB
PS informed that the HAHT have provided an exemplary letter to parents to advise them of the financial situation that is affecting all schools. Upon receipt LW will forward to all HTs to personalise for individual school use if desired and will edit a version on CLP letterhead appropriate for a collective approach including the financial impact on Somerset schools.
Completed 15/03/17
AD advised that information provided during Schools Forum indicated that the National Funding Formula favoured smaller primary schools that weren’t subject to the same level of cuts under the Fairer Funding Formula.
AD announced that HEA’s outdoor pool will reopen over the summer period until 2nd July. Building work will commence in July and the new pool will open at Christmas.
LR will send schools a note containing information on how they can hire Long Sutton’s swimming pool.