In this document you will find the following information about AB 1430 - The Diabetic Bill ANA\C Sponsored
- Information about the issues concerning the bill
- A list of members of the Assembly Business and Professions Committee
- A form letter to support you in writing you own letter.
URGENT!Calls or Emails (or both) needed for AB 1430
It is important for those of you that have any relationship with your assemblymember, to call their office or email them ASAP. If you know a Republican member it is especially important they hear from you. The Republican analysis came up to oppose and we need to change their minds!
IF you do not know your member there is a link on the ANA\C webpage to find out!
The CSNO-sponsored bill AB 1430 will be heard in the Business and Professions Committee on Tuesday, May 12th. This bill would require thatany medication that is administered to a pupil who is required to take, during the regular schoolday, medication prescribed for him or her by a physician or surgeon be administered by a licensed nurse in compliance with the Nursing Practice Act.
AB 1430 also does not modify existing law which allows the followingpersons to administer insulin in California's public school:
1. Self administration, with authorization of the student's licensed health care provider and parent/guardian;
2. School nurse or school physician employed by the LEA;
3. Appropriately licensed school employee (i.e., a registered nurse or a licensed vocational nurse) who is supervised by a school physician, school nurse, or other appropriate individual;
4. Contracted registered nurse or licensed vocational nurse from a private agency or registry, or by contract with a public health nurse employed by the local county health department;
5. Parent/guardian who so elects;
6. Parent/guardian designee, if parent/guardian so elects, who shall be a volunteer who is not an employee of the LEA (This provision is defined as gratuitous nursing and does not violate Section 2727(a) of the NPA
because there is no compensation for the administration of a medication.);
7. Unlicensed voluntary school employee with appropriate training, BUT ONLY IN EMERGENCIES as defined by Section 2727(d) of the Business and Professions Code (epidemics or public disasters).
Finally, AB 1430 specifically states that it is not intended to prohibitan individual from rendering emergency medical aid pursuant to Section 49414 or 49414.5.
Assembly Business and Professions Committee
Conway, Connie Room 2174 /Fax 916 319 2134
Emmerson, Bill (Vice Chair) Room 4158 /Fax 916 319 2163
Eng, Mike Room 4140 /Fax 916 319 2149
Hayashi, Mary (Chair) Room 3013 /Fax 916 319 2118
Hernandez, E Room 4112 /Fax 916 319 2157
Nava, Pedro Room 2148 /Fax 916 319 2135
Niello, Roger Room 6027 /Fax 916 319 2105
Perez, John Room 3160 /Fax 916 319 2146
Price, Curren Room 2179 /Fax 916 319 2151
Ruskin, Ira Room 3123 /Fax 916 319 2121
Smyth, Cameron Room 4098 /Fax 916 319 2138
[Insert date]
The Honorable [insert name of committee member],
Assembly Business and Professions
State Capitol, Room [insert room number]
Fax: [insert fax number]
Re: AB 1430 (Swanson) - SUPPORT
Dear Assembly Member [insert last name of the committee member],
I am writing to express my strong support for AB 1430. This bill simply reiterates language from another section of California law - the Business and Professions Code - and places it into the Education Code. Over the years, educators and parents have been unaware of language in the Business and Professions Code, and its application to the school site.
Many unfortunate and sometimes unlawful decisions have been made over theyears by school district boards and administrators, simply because they have not been aware of or understood the implications of any Code besides the Education Code.
AB 1430 Swanson does not change state law, nor should it cause anychanges other than preventing or stopping school districts from breaking statelaw and providing unsafe and substandard care to the students in California.
This legislation will continue to allow any pupil who is required to take, during the regular school day, medication prescribed for him or her by a physician and surgeon, to be "assisted" by the school nurse as well as additional designated school personnel, such as unlicensed teachers, aides, and secretaries in accordance with current Education Code Section 42423.
It clearly differentiates the difference between "assist" and "administer" with regard to giving medications in the school setting using the definition of "administer" already in state law, in Business and Professions Codesection 4016, which states: "Administer" means the direct application of a drug or device to the body of a patient or research subject by injection, inhalation, ingestion, or other means.
And I am very pleased that AB 1430 will further ensure the safety of thousands of California students with complex chronic health conditions, such as diabetes and seizures, because this bill would require that any
medication that is "administered" to a pupil who is required to take, during the regular school day, medication prescribed for him or her by a physician or surgeon, be administered only by a licensed nurse in compliance with the California Nursing Practice Act. In addition, AB 1430 will not prohibit any individual (licensed or unlicensed) from rendering emergency medical aid pursuant to Ed. Code Sections 49414 and 49414.5, or under Business and Professions Code 2727.
There has been much confusion and ignorance over many years, with regard to giving medications in the school setting. Unfortunately, more childrenin California's schools are requiring more and more medications. This legislation will finally clarify who can legally perform each task in accordance with the California Nurse Practice Act, thus safeguarding all students who must receive medication each and every day at school.
[insert name, title, credentials]
[insert contact information]
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