Літня школа з питань розвитку туризму в сільській місцевості Карпатського регіону

______Rural TourismSchool

Dear applicants!

DuringtheRural TourismSchool (October 14-21, 2012), organized intheframeworkofthe project “Harmonization of Tourism Development in Rural Areas of the Carpathian Region”, with the support of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013,thatis implemented bythe Association of Economic Development of Ivano-Frankivsk in partnership with the Department of External Economic Relations and Tourism of Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration, Development Centre for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Maramures and Carpathian Foundation – Ukraine,training will be delivered by leading tourism experts in Ukraine and Romania, reviewing the best practices in the sphere of tourism, exchanging the experience and ideas on tourism development of rural areas of the Carpathian region.

Topicsof training modules:

  • regulatory and legal framework for tourist activities;
  • peculiarities of marketing and promoting a tourist destination;
  • developing and sellingof local tourist products;
  • exchange of experience and ideas about management of tourism business in the Carpathian village;
  • existingtourist objectsin the Carpathianvillage.

Note:Participation in the Rural Tourism School is required throughout the period of training modules. Participants are provided with appropriate educational materials.

Applicant Questionnaire

І. Information about privatE guesthouses

1. / Name of private guesthouse:______
2. / Name ofperson/participant:______
3. / Address:
Region:______zip code______ / Telephone: ______
District: ______ / Fax: ______
Locality: ______ / E-mail: ______
Street / house: ______ / Internet-site: ______
Name of owners:______

ІІ. Participationin the rural tourismSchool

4. / The trainingon what issueswould you liketoget?
5. / What measureswould youlike toimplementfor the development ofyour communityinthe sphere oftourism?
6. / Whatsupportdo you needto implement theseideas?
7. / Will you participate in the Rural Tourism School on October 14-21, 2012?
□Yes / □No
8. / In the work of which NGOs / associations are you participatingin the sphere of rural tourism development?

The questionnaire shouldbe submittedby October 1, 2012 onaddress:

For Ukrainian participants:
, or
Association of Economic Development of Ivano-Frankivsk
St. Dnistrovska, 26
Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018
Ukraine / For Romanian participants:
Development Centre for Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Maramures
No 9/16, Traian Bd, 430211 Baia Mare,

Проект «Гармонізація розвитку туризму в сільській місцевості Карпатського регіону»