PRESENT: Marty Billings, Sue Henley, Karen Hurley, Wayne Johnson, Linda Lawson, Pat McKinley, Deb Robak, Uwe Sartori,

ABSENT: Chris Dohmen, Pat McKinley, Mark Thompson

GUESTS: Terry Ploski

CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order 6:434 pm

Terry Ploski was unanimously elected as a DS&L Committee Member; Linda will submit his name to the DGC for ratification...

E-Mail Actions: Chris Bartle resigned from DS&L Committee.

MEETING MINUTES: January 21, 2013 Meeting Minutes approved as corrected

TRIP LEADER CERTIFICATION: No additional applications submitted.

EVACUATION GUIDELINE TOOL UPDATE: Discussion of need for further testing of tool: Uwe & Linda to select 4 scenarios, add consistent assumptions on time, weather and send to committee members to assess. Discussion of testing of tool at WTS Instructor Education Night, WFA Instructors, use for Leader Gathering in April.

ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS: Accident #2013-NM013 – discussed with additional recommendations to be added regarding radio usage and training; Deb will provide Safety Discussion to School Director and Instructor. No further action determined necessary. Accident #A2013-A024 discussed with no further action determined necessary. Discussion of conflict of instructions between EAP and Emergency Card with phone with action to be taken by Linda to notify Brenda Porter of conflict of instructions.

ACTIVE LEADER/EMERITUS LEADER UPDATE: Sue Henley reported a DG leader who leads only Adventure Travel trips wants to be considered an Active DG Leader. Discussion ensued with Action to be taken by Sue to discuss issue with Steve Bonowski.

LEADER GATHERING: Karen Hurley reported potential dates to be April 16 - 17 in Golden. She was asked to check out availability of Belmar Public Library to hold in a more central location than Golden. POST MEETING NOTE: Belmar is not available; date selected April 17 at AMC. Pat McKinley & Wayne Johnson to speak on evacuation procedures & evacuation guideline tool.


2013 ACTION PLAN UPDATE: Completed and attached

NEXT MEETING DATE: March 18, 2013 – Wedge Room

Submitted by: Linda Lawson, February 20, 2013