Ch. 6 Religion WebQuest Activity AP HuG – Mr. Varley

The Global Religious Landscape

Directions: Go to the LPS website ( In the LPS search bar (Keyword/Profile/Search) on the right hand side of the page enter in ‘RHPH’. It will ask you if you would like to leave the LPS webpage, click ‘Continue to Link’. You will be doing a webquest on religions throughout the globe. Just in case the jump code doesn’t work, here is the web address: . This will be due Tuesday, November 19th. You can write your answers on a separate piece of paper, in a word document, or share it with me in google docs.


1.  What type of map is directly under the heading ‘The Global Religious Landscape’?

Answer the questions as you read.

2.  How many religious adherents are there throughout the world? What do you think this says about human beings and religion?

3.  According to the reading/pie chart, what are the top three religions and their percentage of the global population?

4.  How many people have no religious affiliation? Do you think this number will grow or decline in the future? Why?

5.  What religions are heavily concentrated in the Asia-Pacific region?

6.  Look at the ‘Majority Religion, by Country’ choropleth map. List three observations that you notice about this map.

7.  Which religious group has the lowest median age? Why do you think this is?

8.  Go to the “Roadmap to the Report’ section. Choose one of the religions below it and click on the corresponding link (i.e. Christians or Muslims or …).

a.  Look at the proportional map and list the areas of the world where that religion is located from highest to lowest

b.  List one interesting fact that you read about or one question that you have after reading and looking at the charts.

Ch. 6 Religion WebQuest Activity AP HuG – Mr. Varley

The Global Religious Landscape

Directions: Go to the LPS website ( In the LPS search bar (Keyword/Profile/Search) on the right hand side of the page enter in ‘RHPH’. It will ask you if you would like to leave the LPS webpage, click ‘Continue to Link’. You will be doing a webquest on religions throughout the globe. Just in case the jump code doesn’t work, here is the web address: . This will be due Tuesday, November 19th. You can write your answers on a separate piece of paper, in a word document, or share it with me in google docs.


1.  What type of map is directly under the heading ‘The Global Religious Landscape’?

Answer the questions as you read.

2.  How many religious adherents are there throughout the world? What do you think this says about human beings and religion?

3.  According to the reading/pie chart, what are the top three religions and their percentage of the global population?

4.  How many people have no religious affiliation? Do you think this number will grow or decline in the future? Why?

5.  What religions are heavily concentrated in the Asia-Pacific region?

6.  Look at the ‘Majority Religion, by Country’ choropleth map. List three observations that you notice about this map.

7.  Which religious group has the lowest median age? Why do you think this is?

8.  Go to the “Roadmap to the Report’ section. Choose one of the religions below it and click on the corresponding link (i.e. Christians or Muslims or …).

a.  Look at the proportional map and list the areas of the world where that religion is located from highest to lowest

b.  List one interesting fact that you read about or one question that you have after reading and looking at the charts.