Explanation of Notices

Created April 24, 2008

Classic Hold Notices

Phone Notices[1]


Unless the phone type for all phone numbers in the borrower’s record is set to noTC (for no telephone calls) the patron will receive phone notification.

When Are They Notified

Patrons are notified by phone one day after their hold arrives (assuming the patron hasn’t picked it up the same day the hold came in). If the patron has an email address listed, they will also receive an email on the same day that their hold arrives.


TM3, our automated phone system, occasionally has trouble delivering messages to certain voicemail/answering machine systems. If a patron complains that they have not been getting calls, verify that their information is correct and that no one else in the house received the message. If they still do not receive messages, see if another phone number can be used or if they are willing to try email notification.

Email Notices


In the borrower record, the phone types for every phone number listed must be set to noTC. In addition, next to Notice By, Email must be selected and a current email address entered. When entering email addresses, be very careful to enter the email address exactly as the patron gives it to you. An extra space or period will make the email address invalid.

When Are They Notified

In general, patrons will be notified within 5 hours of when their hold arrives. Email messages are sent out at 9:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 5:00 PM and 9:00 PM.


If patrons complain they are not receiving email notification, double check that all their information is entered correctly. Sometimes it’s difficult to determine if there is an extra space or period in the patron’s email address so you might try erasing the address completely and retyping it. If the patron’s information is correct, ask them to check that the messages are not inadvertently being delivered to their junk mail/spam/trash folders. Sometimes it helps if the patron adds our email address () to their address book or a “whitelist.”

Mail Notices[2]

Physical mail notices are not a recommended way for patrons to receive hold notification. There is a very good chance that the hold may expire before the patron is notified via mail.


In the borrower record, the phone types for every phone number listed must be set to noTC. In addition, next to Notice By, Standard must be selected and a physical address filled out.

When Are They Notified

Normally, notices are mailed the day after a hold arrives. However, if the hold arrives on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, a notice will not be sent till Monday.

Other Hold Notices

The following other types of hold notices are available for those with an email address listed in their borrower record.

Hold Reminder

Hold reminder notices are emailed to the patron if they have not picked up their hold within 2 days.

Hold Expired

Patrons will be emailed if their hold expires.

Pre-Notification and Overdue Lost Notices


Two Days Before an Item is Due

As long as a patron has an email address listed in their borrower record, they will be emailed a due date reminder 2 days before the item is due. This notice will be emailed out regardless of whether or not email is their primary form of notification.

First Overdue Notice

Two DaysAfter an Item is Overdue

If the patron has an email address in their borrower record, they will receive an email 2 days after an item becomes overdue reminding them to bring it back to the library. In addition, if the patron is setup for phone notification, they will also receive a phone message 2 days after an item becomes overdue.

Four Days After an Item is Overdue

If a patron does not have email or phone notification, a letter will be generated 4 days after the item became overdue. However, if this letter is generated on either Saturday or Sunday, it will not be sent until Technical Services runs notices on Monday.

Final Overdue Notice

Phone Notification

If a patron is set up for phone notification, they will receive their Final Overdue Notice 23 days after the item first becomes overdue. If they have an email address entered in their borrower record, they will also receive an email notice one day after the phone notice.

Email Notification

If a patron is set up for email notification, they will receive their Final Overdue Notice 23 days after the First Overdue Notice was sent.

Mail Notification

Normally, mail notices are sent out a letter 23 days after the First Overdue Notice was sent. However, if the notice is created on a Saturday or Sunday, it won’t be sent out till the following Monday. If the patron also has an email address entered in their borrower record, they will also receive an email notice one day after the mail notice was sent.

Lost/Missing Items

Change from Overdue to Lost

Items change from Overdue to Lost 23 days after the Final Overdue Notice has been generated. If overdue notices are not generated, items will never age from overdue to lost status.

Automatic Billing Notice

Within 4 days of an item being changed to lost status, the patron is sent a bill. If they are set up for email notification, the bill is emailed to them. Otherwise, a letter is printed to mail to the patron. Our telephone messaging system does not do billing notices so anyone set up for telephone notices will receive a letter in the mail.

Change from Overdue to Missing (for Branch Libraries)

If a Lost item is not returned within 183 days, the item’s status will change from Lost to Item Missing. At this point, patrons can no longer return the item. The Lost block will remain on their record unless they pay for a replacement item, even if they return the original item.

Debt Collect

For information on how the Debt Collect process works, contact Dan Alcazar, LMS at Centennial Park Library.

[1] This information applies to those that use our automatic phone system.

[2] Technical Services runs the mail notices for all branch locations. However, if you are a member location, you must run your own notices. Even if you don’t normally send out notices, it’s important to at least generate them otherwise your items will never age from overdue to lost.