LBJ Tape Reel 1, Side 1 (30:55)

Tape 1- Patch 1


1 - 86972 [Cabinet plane], Andrews [Air Force Base]. You are readable at this time, sir. Also be advised Two-Six-Thousand [2-6000 – Air Force One, aka “Angel”] (is) coming up on this frequency shortly. Request that you contact Andrews on One-Five, Sir.

2 - Okay, One-Five. Relay. Will be off Honolulu at seventeen oh-three estimated approximate windshift, 2-1-4-0-2-2.
3 - 86972, Roger, copy. Thank you much.

1 - Break, Command Post, Air Force One, 1725. Carswell.[Ft. Worth SAC AFB]

2 - Air Force One, understand. Airborne. One, seven, two, five (1725) Zulu [Military Greenwich Mean Time]. Do you have an ETA? [Estimated Time of Arrival] Over.
3 - Estimated 20 minutes, enroute. I’ll give you a log time in a couple of minutes.
4 - Roger, Air Force One. Command Post listening. Out.

1 - Pickup 1700 Zulu, weather please.
2 - Standby One, Air Force One, I have weather officer I can give it to you now, if you are ready to copy. Over.
3 - Okay, go ahead.
4 - 1700 Zulu weather, 6000 broken, 15 miles plus visibility, temperature – five-seven, ramp temperature, six-two, wind southwest ten, altimeter setting two-niner, decimal eight-seven. I just talked with the Ramp and they indicate it is clearing rather rapidly there.
5 - Roger. Copy, thank you, out.
6 - Weather out.
1 - Andrews, Air Force One, the Command Post List.
2 - Air Force One, Andrews, stand by.
3 - Command Post ?.
4 - This is Airman Gilmore (?) …

5 - … I have Air Force One for a patch.
6 - Standby please.
7 - Air Force One, Andrews Air Force Command Post on the line, go ahead sir.
8 - Roger, Command Post, Air Force One, our estimated time on the block, Dallas will be One, Seven, Four, Zero….(1740)…
9 - Roger. I understand. Seventeen forty on the block.Command Post (?)
10- Roger, Out.

1 - Air Force One, Andrews.
2 - Roger, Roger Command Post, please.
3 - Standby sir.
4 - Command Post.
5 - I have Air Force One for a patch.
6 - Bring him up.
7 - Standby.
8 - Air Force One, Andrews. Command Post on the line, give them a call, sir.
9 - Roger

10- Command Post.
11- Air Force One landed at 1738 Zulu.
12- Air Force One, understand. On the ground, seventeen thirty eight Zulu. Command Post listening.
13- Air Force One…..

1 - Andrews Two Six Thousand (2-6000) Delta

2 - 2-6000 Andrews Loud and clear.

3 - Roger, you are loud and clear, I will be monitoring this frequency.

4 - 2-6000 Andrews loud and clear. How do you read me now Larry?

5 - Roger. You are still loud and clear.

6 - …Okay we’ll be standing by.

1 – The White House Situation Room, priority one patch from 86972

2 - Stand by sir.

3 - Yes.

4 - I have Liberty on the line for a priority one patch.

5 – Roger

How do you want to patch, Richard(?)?

6 - Stand by, why not, Liberty, I’ll give you a call. Okay sir?


9 – Liberty? Liberty?

Only have six or eight (unintel.) … got 86972

10 - Situation Room?


1 - Air Force One?

2 - Liberty! Liberty?
3 - Roger, I have White House Situation Room, SAM 86972,....Over.
4 - (Static) ... signal...unintelligable…..

5 – SAM Eight Six Nine Seven Two do you read? Over.
6 - White House?
7 - White House on.
8 - Standby.

9 - White House, this is SAM 86972. How do you read? Over.

10- 86972, I read you loud and clear, loud and clear.
11- Roger, standby One, please, we have another phone patch going on with Sing Sing (CINAPAC) but we do have traffic for you, so hold on for one moment please.

12- Roger, Roger 86972.

1 - White House Situation Room, this is Wayside, do you read me, over?
2 - This is White House, this is White House. I read you loud and clear Wayside.
3 - Can you give me the latest information on President? Over.
4 - You want Situation Room? Is that a Roger?

5 - Repeat that transmission please?
6 - This is Crown, This is Crown. Do you want Situation Room?

7 - I want the Situation Room That’s affirmative.

8 - Roger, Roger getting them now.

9 - Stand by Please.
10- Wayside, Wayside, this is Crown. Situation Room is on. Go ahead.
11- Situation Room. This is Wayside, do you read me? Over.
12- This is the Situation Room. I read you. Go ahead.(Oliver Hallett)

13- [Salinger] - Give me all available information on President Over.

14- [Hallett] - All available information on President follows. Ah,…Connally…He and Governor Connally of Texas have been hit in the car in which they were riding. We do not know how (dropout), no information. Mister Bromley Smith is back here in the Situation Room now. We are getting our information over the tickers. Over.

15- [Salinger] - That is affirmative, affirmative. Please keep us advised on here - this plane on which Secretary of State, other cabinet ministers headed for Japan, turning around, returning to Honolulu, will arrive there approximately two hours.Over

16 [Hallett] – This is Wayside – understand those departing Honolulu are turning around and will be back there in about two hours. Is that correct? Over.

17- That’s Affirmative. Affirmative. Will need all information to decide whether some of this party should go directly to Dallas.Over.

18- This is Situation Room. Say again your last please?
19- Will need to be kept advised to determine whether some members of this party should go directly to Dallas? Over.
20- Roger, you wish information as to whether some members of that party should go to Dallas.
21- Affirmative. Affirmative.
22- Do you have anything else, Wayside?
23- Any other information you need to get ahold of us as rapidly as possible.
24- All right. The Associated Press is coming out now with a bulletin to the effect that they believe the President was hit in the head. That just came in. Over.

25- Roger. We will pass on any additional information we get from (?) to you.


26- Where are you Wayside?

27 - Wayside is off the line. This is the radio operator. We are returning to Honolulu and should be back to Honolulu in about two hours. Will be in the air for about two hours and in to Honolulu and you can contact us on the ground there later.

28- I understand. This is…..Hold, hold on the line there Wayside, we have some more information coming up.

29-…right back.



1- Ah, Wayside, Wayside, this is Situation Room. I read from the AP bulletin. Kennedy apparently shot in head, he fell face down on the backseat of his car. Blood was on his head. Mrs. Kennedy cried “Oh no,” and tried to hold up his head. Connally remained half seated slumped to the left. There was blood on his face and forehead. The President and Governor were rushed to Parkland Hospital near the Dallas Trade Mart where Kennedy was to have made a speech. Over

2 - I read that, over.
3 - This is Situation Room. I have nothing further for you now. I will contact you if we get more.

4 - Wayside, Roger and out


1 – I read you loud and clear.

2 - One thirty five (unintel) Secretary of State to Tokyo

3 - Roger, (unintel) this (unintel) put them on this frequency (unintel) stand by one, Andrews on two.

4 - Give them a call Andrews

5 - Affirmative Andrews.

6 - Roger we have the aircraft and passengers ….

7 – Roger, Eight Six Niner Seven Two, I do not know the frequency (unintel.) Liberty

8 - Two Six Thousand.

9 - Will you have WD give me a call please?

10- Two six thousand Andrews, roger - stand by one sir.


11- Hello?

12- (unintel) please?

13- (unintel) will you get me Secretary Rusk?

-  Hold on one, please.

(unintel – faint voices in background)

-  Give me nine seventy-two.

-  Stand by – we’re running the (?) State Department now – I’ll have John give you a - hold on, I’ll have John give you a call as soon as he’s done.

-  Roger, WTE one

15- Okay, hold on line.

16- Yes?

17- (unintel) for Mr. Rusk (unintel) State Department right now is talking to…..

18- Do you know if he’s talking to Mr. Ball by any chance?

19- State Dept. is talking to Mr. Ball at this time

20- Well look (unintel) let me talk to Ball.

21- Okay (unintel) Number one is trying to get them on (unintel)

22- I’ll wait.

23- Thank you

24- Okay, thank you.

1 – 2-6000, Andrews, I have the White House.

2 - Okay, thank you.

3 - And I want to keep this frequency open.
4 – Roger, the frequency has been saved

5 – (unintel)
6 - Roger.

7 - 86972 is good and readable. I have a party on that would like to talk to you. Stand by. (12:28)
8 - Standing by.
9 - Hello? 9-72, what is your name please?
10- Jackson.
11- Mister Jackson?
12- Yes.
13- Okay. Hold on line one.
14- 86972, 86972 I have a Mister Jackson, a Mister Jackson on. Would you give him a call, sir?

15- Mister Jackson, this is SAM 86972.How do you read me – over?
16- I read you very well 72. I would like to talk to Colonel Toomey or Colonel Holland please. Over.

17- Okay. Colonel Toomey is coming on right now,Stand by One please.

18 - Okay.
(11:35) [1130]

19- Roger. This is Colonel Toomey. Go ahead.
20- Colonel Toomey, this is Murray Jackson. The President of the United States has been shot and seriously wounded in Dallas, Texas. The President of the United States, John F. Kennedy has been shot and seriously wounded in Dallas, Texas. Governor Connally was also shot at the same time. Would you please get this message to Secretary of State Rusk, and I will stand by. Over.

21- Roger, Murray. We have already received the news. We have the UPI on. We have turned around. We are returning to Hawaii. We are estimating Hawaii in one hour and twenty minutes. We will be on the ground in Hawaii in one hour and twenty minutes and returning to Washington or Dallas. We have one other aircraft alerted to take part of the party to Dallas, and we are returning to Washington.Over. [1220]

22- Thank you very much Colonel Toomey. I will relay this to Mr. Ball right away. Over and out.
23- Okay, the secretary has talked with his office in Washington, I believe and also Pierre Salinger has been in contact with the White House from the aircraft. Over.
24-Okay thank you very much. Over and out


1 – 2-6000, Andrews. Go ahead sir.

2 - Loud and clear. A signal check please. 2-6000, I read you loud and clear, here also, sir. Standing by this frequency.
3 - Right. Thank you.

1 - Andrews sideband. Airman Gilmore.
2 - Roger. Are you in contact with the party coming back from Tokyo? Go ahead.
3 - Yes sir. We’re going through Liberty airwaves for that aircraft.

4 – Roger, can you connect me with Wayside?

5 - Standby One Six.
6 - Sir?
7 - Yes Sir?

8 - There’s Mister Jackson running a patch to that aircraft at this time, would you like to listen in or would you like me to break the patch sir?
9 - Ah, could I wait please?
10- Yes, sir, you can standby. You’re number two.


1 - 86972, Andrews.
2 - 86972.
3 - Roger, standby. I have another one.
4 - Who is this sir?
5 - This is the White House.
6 - Okay, standby please.
7 - 86972, 86972, Andrews, I have Crown on, will you give them a call sir please?

8 - This is 86972, go ahead.
9 - Roger, This is Crown, we wish a phone patch with Wayside.Go ahead.
10- Roger, standby for Wayside.

11- Crown.
12- Roger, go ahead please.

13- Crown this is Wayside. Go ahead. ‘

14- Go ahead please
15- Wayside? Wayside? This is Stranger. Do you read me? Over.
16- Stranger, this is Wayside. Go ahead.
17- Kilduff has asked that all cabinet members return to Washington immediately. Over.

18- We are en route, heading for Honolulu, where we have ah (unintel.) Washington. Over

19- Roger Roger, will they notify us of time of arrival and location. Over.

20-Situation (unintel) to Dallas. ……Over

21- Roger, Roger, we do not have any firm word from down there as to the exact status but I – (unintel.) Wayside, Situation Room has to have news, go ahead.

22- Wayside this is Stranger I’ll get that information (unintel), over.



1 - Wayside Standby for Situation Room. Yea.

2 - Go ahead Wayside.

3 - Wayside, this is Situation Room. I read you the latest bulletin. President Kennedy has been given blood transfusion today at Parkland Hospital in an effort to save his life after he and Governor John Connally of Texas were shot in an assassination attempt. Over the TV we have the information that the governor has been moved to the operating room. The president is still in the emergency room at Parkland Hospital....Do you read me so far? Over

4 - I read you loud and clear.
5 - Wayside. This is Situation Room. Are you getting the press coverage or do you want us to continue to relay it to you? Over.

6 – (unintel) keep informed. Over
(15:18) [1644]

1 - This is Situation Room. Roger. New subject. We will have information for you on whether to proceed to Dallas by the time you land at Honolulu. Over
2 - Affirmative affirmative, also….Secretary of State (unintel) straight to Dallas….Over.
3 - This is Situation Room. Will do. Get determination whether Secretary should also go to Dallas.
4 - Wayside. Out.Over.
5 - This is Situation Room. Out


1- Liberty?

2 - Go ahead.

3 - 86972 86972 Andrews.

4 – Andrews 972 Roger, You’re loud and clear, and would you give me the name of, ah, the real name of Stranger, please (unintel) from the White House