Our Fourth Grade Classroom Gazette


Week of September 12-15

What We Have Learned!

In our reading workshop one of our mentor texts included Chicken Sundayby Patty Polaccoand OxcartMan by Donald Hall. Chicken Sunday was about some good friends named Winston, Stewart, Miss Eula and Patricia. They noticed Miss Eula liking a special hat in Mr. Kodinski’s hat shop. So they had to earn more money to buy the hat. When they went to the hat store three kids were egging the shop. Mr. Kodinski thought it was Winnie, Stewart and Patricia egging the shop. He got very upset with them. Winnie, Stewart and Patricia wanted to paint decorated eggs for Mr. K to help him see it was not them who threw eggs at his store. He then shared tea with them and learned they were telling the truth about who egged his store. They became friends and Mr. K bought a hat for them to give to Miss Eula.

We summarized this mentor text in our reading response journals this week. Summarizing is when you shrink the text down to just the important events that took place in the story. When we summarize we mention characters, setting, plot/problem and resolution of a fiction text.

In writing we continue working on our personal narrative. We have written our bold beginning using many of the beginning strategies we learned about last week. began brainstorming topics for a personal narrative writing with a partner.

In Math we are learning about front end rounding and close to rounding. We played a rounding game with partners and completed an exit slip on rounding.

In Science we completed another team building activity called Saving Harry. We had to build a structure to help fuzzy Harry have the best perch in our classroom. We used cupcake liners, pipe cleaners, foil, tape and two index cards to make the tallest perch for Harry. Kyle’s Island 1 completed the best structure for Harry. We also began our first science unit which is on weather. We learned the earth water supply is 97% salty ocean water, 2 % frozen fresh water and usable fresh water only 1 %.

In social studies we completed an assignment on longitude and latitude. We also read about the American landscape consisting of different plains. We live in the Central Plains region of the Midwest. The other plains areas are called Coastal Plains, Great Plains, and Interior Plains,

Student of the Week

Our Student of the Week next week will be Dylan Burroughs


September 20 dine to Donate at Carlock

September 28 Late Start

September 30 Progress Reports

P.S. From Mrs. Hanley

Have a wonderful week-end with your children!