Yicheng Tu

215-09, Nimitz Drive, West Lafayette, IN 47906

Tel: (765) 496-4388 (H) (765) 494-5005 (O)


A summer research position in the area(s) of database systems, distributed systems, or peer-to-peer networks.

Ph.D., Computer Science, Purdue University

Emphasis: Multimedia/Streaming data management systems, distributed systems

Expected: August 2005

Certificate of Applied Management Principles (mini-MBA), Purdue University

Date: May 2004

M.S., Computer Science, Purdue University

Date: May 2003 GPA: 3.84/4.0

M.S., Horticulture, Purdue University

Thesis: Endogenous Gibberellins in Developing Apple Seeds in Relation to Alternate Bearing

Date: December 2000 GPA: 3.90/4.0

B.A., Horticulture, Beijing Agricultural University

Thesis: On Critical Period of Flower Bud Induction in ‘Fuji’ Apple.

Date: July 1993 GPA: 4.57/5.0


Research Assistant, CS Department, Purdue University, 9/2001- present,

Project 1: Quality of Service Control in Emerging Data Management Systems.

Design, analysis, and implementation of QoS control frameworks for multimedia DBMS and streaming data management systems. Research resulted in top conference (EDBT 04) publication.

Project 2: VDBMS: A Video DBMS with Content-based Retrieval Capabilities.

Tertiary storage support of active video data and relevant pre-fetching/caching algorithms. Research resulted in top journal (ACM Multimedia Systems) and conference (ICDE 02) publications.

Project 3: Towards Cost-effective Media Streaming: A Peer-to-peer Approach.

Mathematical analysis of a peer-to-peer media streaming service; P2P streaming protocol design and evaluation. Results published in MMCN 04.


Summer Intern, R&D division, Micro Data Bases, Inc., 5/2001 - 8/2001,

Project: Fiji - Supporting large objects in DBMS

Extensive core DBMS development and performance evaluation.

Co-founder and Manager, Hunan Wilson Consultants, Ltd., Changsha, China, 12/1993 – 7/1997


1. Y. Tu, S. Prabhakar, A. Elmagarmid and R. Sion. QuaSAQ: An Approach to Enabling End-to-End QoS for Multimedia Databases. To appear in Proc. Intl. Conf. on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) 2004.

2. Y. Tu, J. Sun and S. Prabhakar. Performance Analysis of A Hybrid Media Streaming System. In Proc. ACM/SPIE Conf. on Multimedia Computing and Networking (MMCN) 2004, pp. 69-82

3. W. Aref, A. Catlin, A. Elmagarmid, J. Fan,M. Hammad,I. Ilyas, M. Marzouk,S. Prabhakar, Y. Tu andX. Zhu. VDBMS: A Testbed Facility for Research in Video Database Benchmarking. To appear in ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal.

4. W. Aref,A. Catlin,A. Elmagarmid,J. Fan, M. Hammad, I. Ilyas, M. Marzouk, S. Prabhakar,Y. Tu and X. Zhu. VDBMS: A Testbed Facility for Research in Video Database Benchmarking. In Proc. Intl. Conf. on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS) 2003, pp. 160-166.

5. W. Aref,A. Elmagarmid, J. Fan,J. Guo,M. Hammad,I. Ilyas, M. Marzouk,S. Prabhakar, A. Rezgui, A. Teoh, E. Terzi, Y. Tu, A. Vakali, X. Zhu. A Distributed Database Server for Continuous Media. In Proc. Intl. Conf. on Data Engineering (ICDE) 2002, pp. 490-491.


1.  To Control A Database: Automatic Quality Adaptation in Data Stream Management Systems.

2.  Quality-Aware Replication of Multimedia Data.

3.  Adaptive Stream Filters for Entity-Based Queries with Non-Value Tolerance.


- Knowledge Projection - A Knowledge-Based Dynamic Maintenance System for the Navy.

Significantly contributed in design and development of HPKB, an interactive tool for preventative and corrective maintenance of naval ships. Environment and skills required: Java, J2EE, XML DB, XSL.

- Minibase – A Relational DBMS

Implemented components including SQL parser, buffer management, indices, relational operators, and query optimizer using C++.

- The XINU Operating System

Implementation of core OS components in C.

- An IPv4 Router

Design and coding of various network protocols ranging from the IP layer to the application layer in C.

- A Compiler for the TIGER programming language

Implemented consecutive phases (from lexical analysis to register allocation) of a compiler using Java.


1. Member of the computer science honorary society Upsilon Pi Epsilon;

2.  Student member of ACM, IEEE.

3.  Reviewer for Multimedia Tools and Applications and external reviewer for ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems, ACM Multimedia Conference, ICDE, and ICDCS.

4.  Served on the Graduate Student Body (GSB) in CS Department and the Purdue University Chinese Students and Scholars Association (PUCSSA).

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