NAME ______PERIOD ______

The Stranger

Study Questions

Part 2: Chapter 5

  1. How is Meursault’s tone in this chapter different than in the previous ones?
  1. Why does Meursault – who slept 18 hours a day before the trial – now sleep so little?
  1. How do you explain Meursault’s wish for life and freedom if he believes that “everybody knows life isn’t worth living” (page 114)?
  1. What is Meursault’s main reason for not wanting to see the chaplain?
  1. The chaplain and Meursault view the murder of the Arab differently. Explain the difference.
  1. The chaplain – who offers ‘the stranger’ a way out of his isolation – is the biggest challenge so far to Meursault’s resolute honesty. Why?
  1. Do you think most prisoners on Death Row would take the chaplain up on his offer of forgiveness and eternal life? Explain your response.
  1. How do you interpret the last sentence of the novel: “I had only to wish that there be a large crowd of spectators the day of my execution and that they greet me with cries of hate”?
  1. Ultimately, why do you think Meursault shot the Arab?
  1. At the end of the novel, Meursault refuses to change or pretend to change his religious beliefs. Do you think he is a hero for remaining steadfast in his beliefs – whether you agree with those beliefs or not? Explain your answer.
  1. What does Meursault love? Use quotes from the novel to support your answer.

The Stranger Dialectical Journal

Part 2: Chapter 5

Reference to the Text -
In the space below, copy direct quotations, key words, details, and/or summaries from the text that stand out to you. Make sure to include the page number in parentheses. / Your Response or Interpretation -
Write a response to the quote. Your response should include these three parts:
1. Context - What’s happening at this point in the passage?
2. Analyze - What does the quote mean/symbolize within the story as a whole? What are the connections?
3. Significance - Why does it stand out to you? Your reaction. Make connections.

Summary -Write a short summary of your observations above and explain the main idea or theme of the passage.