The Preston Lakes HOA held its Annual Meeting on November 11, 2010. The Agenda and brief recap is outlined below if you were unable to attend.

The Agenda was as follows:


Proof of Notice of Meeting

Review of 2009 Annual Meeting Minutes

Financial Review

Report of Committees

Election of Board of Directors

New Business – Discussion with Trish Eller, Town of Prosper Code Compliance Officer

Discussion with Michael Bulla, Town of Prosper Capital Improvements Project Manager


Shelly Van Blarcum opened the meeting thanked everyone for attending and went over the new format of the meeting and reviewed 2009 minutes.

Paula Correll reviewed the Financials and outlined some areas of improvement from a financial perspective for the community, i.e. cost of water for the park area, re-evaluating landscaping bids, etc.

Rutledge Gordon reviewed areas of Maintenance and General Administrative issues for the community in the past year, i.e. Trees in the Park, the Pond Area, the general Park Plan update, etc.

Shelly Van Blarcum reviewed the notes from the various committees and then called for the Election of new Board Members:

Candidates this year were: Bruce Carlin, Paula Correll, Shelly Van Blarcum, and Dave Turley was nominated from the floor by Bruce Carlin:

The new Officers elected are:

Shelly Van Blarcum – President

Dave Turley – Vice President

Paula Correll – Secretary/Treasurer

Trish Eller from the Town spoke to the group regarding various issues that pertain to the Community including but not limited to: The area between the storage facility and the homeowners on Grapevine, The Integrity Car Care facility, issues regarding parking within the Town and new proposed ordinances.

Michael Bulla spoke to the group regarding Prosper Trail Widening, Fencing along Prosper Trail, the proposed Park on Bridgeport, widening of Preston Rd., issues with the train crossing and other topics.

Shelly Van Blarcum requested a show of hands from the group as to their approval for the new format and the homeowners concurred that they approved.

The meeting was then adjourned.