Second Grade News

Week of April 3rd – 7th , 2017

It’s Terra Nova week!

The first few hours of each morning will be spent testing. Even though each day’s tests won’t take 2 hours, the school has the two hours designated as “test time” so the hallways remain quiet. For our class, I am beginning our testing around 9 and giving a brain/snack break between test sections. The children have done GREAT so far. I am proud of them!!

Language Arts/Reading: Book clubs shared posters they made reflecting the idioms used in the Amelia Bedelia book they had read together. The children are now enjoying a variety of Amelia Bedelia books and will have an opportunity to write about their favorite.

Spelling: There will not be a spelling list until after spring break .

Religion: We Listen to God’s Word is this week’s chapter. This chapter focuses on the Liturgy of the Word. In preparation for First Holy Communion, we are focusing on the different parts of the mass. Last week’s chapter was about the first part – the Introductory Rites. The Liturgy of the Word is the second part. We are making a mass booklet to help us remember the different parts of the mass. Hopefully, the children will start to recognize “the parts” when they attend mass.

Social Studies: Through a video the children learned interesting facts about the Native Americans of the Northwest Coast, including information about the Salmon Run, potlatches, and the use of totem poles. We have two fun activities to do in commemoration of the tribes we learned about. After that, the Native Americans of the Southwest will be discussed.

Math: Besides practicing for the Terra Novas, we will continue to learning about graphs. The children have learned to make and used bar graphs and line plots to answer questions.

Odds and Ends

·  Thank you, thank you, thank you to those of you who sent in snacks for this week. The children were thrilled to have a special treat this morning. Because of our late lunch (1:00), please send in a regular snack with your child. They will have the special snack during the Terra Nova break and then eat their own snack later in the morning.

·  Although there isn’t any assigned homework this week, the children’s outline for their Wax Museum presentation is due this FRIDAY.

·  Report cards are due to come home on Friday. Remember, each marking period stands on its own when it comes to grades. You may notice some fluctuation, but please don’t become alarmed. If I am concerned about a decline in grades, I certainly will let you know.

·  This month’s dress-down day will be on Friday, April 28th.

·  Please be sure your child goes to bed early this week and eats a healthy breakfast in the morning.

Enjoy your week!!


Mrs. Huck