The Maine Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management (DVEM) wishes to procure architectural/engineering services for the implementation of the BUILDER Sustainment Management System (BUILDER SMS) for its Maine Army National Guard (MEARNG) facilities located throughout the State of Maine.

The scope of this project includes, but is not limited to the inventory, inspection, and analysis of building systems, and corresponding data entry into BUILDER SMS of approximately 100 buildings totaling 1.5 Million square feet, located in 20 locations across the State of Maine.

Responses to this RFQ should demonstrate successful completion of BUILDER SMS implementation for other Defense Department or Government organizations.

The initial contract award is for the first year or base year (2017/2018) with an option of 4 additional years depending upon owner satisfaction with AE performance and future funding availability. The initial goal is to complete 20% of MEARNG facilities per year, completing all facilities by the close of September 2021. Higher than 20 % in future years may be required in order to make up for lost time inFiscal Year 2017.

Interested firms should submit five paper copies and one electronic copy of a Letter of Interest with a Statement of Qualifications which includes the firm’s:

  1. (60%) Qualifications to undertake this services contract;

1.(10%) List of projects that demonstrate facility inventory and inspection capabilities completed by proposed team members;

2.(15%) List of completed BUILDER implementation projects;

3.(35%) Profiles of key personnel who will be involved in the project;

  1. Project managers must have demonstrated experience with facility inventory/inspection, assessment and associated data collection and entry to BUILDER SMS.
  2. Assistant project managers must be able to assume the same responsibility as project managers and have the same demonstrated experience.
  3. Inspectors must have demonstrated experience performing facility inventory and condition assessment related to his/her specific discipline area and be familiar with ASTM Uniformat inventory structure.
  4. Data managers/data clerks must have demonstrated experience with the management of all the inspector’s inventory and assessment data.
  1. (5%) Statement of current workload and ability to absorb this project;
  2. (15%) Maine/local business participation;
  3. (10%) List of business references other than those listed above, including contact information;
  4. (10%) Description of general approach to planning and executing this project.

The paper copy of the Letter of Interest and Statement of Qualifications should be sent to Colonel Richard R. Darveau, P.E., Deputy CFMO, Camp Keyes-BLDG 8, 194 Winthrop Street, Augusta, Maine 04333- 0033 so as to be received not later than 10:00 AM on21 August 2017. The electronic copy of the Letter of Interest and Statement of Qualifications should be sent as an attachment to an email addressed to and o as to meet the deadline noted above.

Firms responding will be screened and interviewed on the basis of qualifications only weighted per the percentages listed above. Interviews for the top 3 firms will be held on 30-31 August 2107 at the same address as above. Project fees and specific services for this project will not be discussed at the interview. Specific program information will not be available before the screening of qualification packages. The selection committee will rank all firms and negotiate fees with the highest ranked firm.

RFQ Information Sheet for BUILDER SMS Contract