Aspire Canterbury providers network meeting

notes and contact details – 9th April 2014 - ‘WORKABILITY’

The theme of this month’s meeting was ‘Workability and facilitated by Jill McChesney – Disability Services Co ordinator, Aspire Canterbury. A number of people from agencies in CHCH attended and it was great to hear that individual agencies liaise and network closely with other organization in their endeavors to support job seekers.


Four participants gave a more in depth description of their organisations work

  • Des Wesley – Vision Employment – E:

Vision Employment (VE) works with people with any disability and are contracted to work with 50 people per annum. Currently there is a waiting list for their services. VE assist people putting together CV’s and promote clients to potential employers in the ChCH area. One point Des mentioned is that one of the difficulties experienced by clients is that jobs available linked to the rebuild require people to have a drivers license as work sites can vary and this is limiting for people they support. Des provided leaflets and more detailed information sheets on their services. Trish Hunter came along to the meeting with Des – she works for Vison employments and SAMS – Standards and Monitoring Service (

  • Ali Brown – Catapult – E:

Catapult work with disabled and other non disabled/vulnerable people. They have recently gained a new contract from WINZ _ workability assessment. WorkAbility assessment for WINZ and undertake a wide range of assessments to determine a persons ability. They provide

a range of services and liaise with other work support organisations.

  • Michelle Sharp – Kilmarnock Enterprises – E:

The organisations focus is on employment for people with disabilities and they try to help anyone who needs a helping hand. They currently have 85 workers and are looking at developing a work placement programme where people can gain experience to equip them for open employment.

  • Richard Buchanan – Enabling Good Lives – E:

Richard explained about the EGL initiative and explained it was looking at how things can be done differently for disabled people – pulling funding together so that individuals have a personal budget to use as they wish.

Other attendees

  • Paula – MHERC – E:

Paula mentioned that MHERC are now located at 116 Marshlands Road where they have a large meeting room available for hire. Paula mentioned their education programme and highlighted the Free Compliments initiative.

  • Bronnie Alexander – MS & PD Society
  • Ben – Workbridge – Ben was new to his role and this was his first network meeting
  • Barb Gaeth – Workbridge – E:

Barb mentioned that currently they do have a waiting list and that, like others, they link in with other organization in respect of work opportunities for their clients.

  • Olivia – is a CPIT student and also is involved with People First
  • Trish Donaldson – Work & Income – she is the health and disability contact at Work & Income
  • Fiona Frew – Work and Income – support to people with ill health and Disability in the workforce
  • Anna-Lee McLeod – Epilepsy NZ – ANZ provide offer support and education.
  • Marie– Representative of Disabled Persons Assembly – Marie mentioned it was the DPA’s 30th anniversary this year.
  • Victoria Walters – Deaf Aoteroa NZ – – Victoria highlighted national sign language week and support for deaf impaired people in the workplace.

Many thanks to everyone who spared time to attend the meeting and share information with the group.

The next network meeting will be on Wednesday 11th June 2014.