Planning and Environment List


Use this form to notify VCAT that you have decided to grant a permit and have issues a Notice of Decision (NOD) to objectors.

Responsible Authority
Planning Officer
Planning Application Number
Address of Land
Cost of the Development
Permit Applicant’s Name
Permit Applicant’s Address
Date NOD Issued
Date NOD Posted

Please list all objectors and referral authorities to the permit in the table below or provide as an attachment.

Referral Authorities

How to lodge this form:

Please email your completed form to using the subject line ‘NOD:[Address of Land]’.

How to check if applications for review have been lodged:

Each day, VCAT will list on its website any applications it has received in the previous 24 hours under section 82 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Vic). VCAT will no longer fax this information to councils. This information will remain online for 30 days.

The information is available here:

How to work out when objectors have to lodge application for review:

Objectors have 21 days to lodge an application for review with VCAT from the time the responsible authority gives notice to the objector of the Notice of Decision to grant a permit. Please note this is not 21 days from the date the notice is posted to the objector. Two additional business days must be added to this date before calculating the 21 days to allow time for the notice to reach objectors, as per section 141 of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998.

Example: If a NOD is posted on Monday 7 July 2014, and (as required) you allow two business days for it to reach an objector, they will have 21 days from Wednesday 9 July to lodge an application for review, ie. Up until 30 July. Note that the 21 days are normal calendar days and not business days only.



______Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal

55 King Street Melbourne VIC 3000Website 1300 01 8228

GPO Box 5408 Melbourne VIC (1300 01 VCAT)

Ausdoc DX 210576 Melbourne