School of Computer Science
Course Title: Fundamentals of Computer Systems / Date: 10/30/03
Course Number: COP-3402
Number of Credits: 3
Subject Area: Computer Systems / Subject Area Coordinator:
Nagarajan Prabakar
Catalog Description:
Overview of computer systems organization. Data representation. Machine and assembly language programming.
Textbook: Introduction to Computing Systems, 2nd Edition
Yale N. Patt, Sanjay J. Patel
McGraw-Hill (ISBN: 0072467509)
Prerequisites Courses: COP-2210 or equivalent
Corequisites Courses: MAD 2104

Type: Required

Prerequisites Topics:

·  High level programming language constructs

·  Function call/return

·  Parameters of a function(method)

Course Outcomes:

1.  Master the representations of numeric and character data

2.  Master the implementation of some basic combinational circuits, registers and memories

3.  Be familiar with the data path of a simple von Neumann architecture and its relation to the instruction execution cycle

4.  Master simple machine and assembly language programming

5.  Master the implementation of high-level language constructs in lower levels: selection, iteration, function call/return

School of Computer Science


Fundamentals of Computer Systems


Topic / Number of Lecture Hours / Outcome
·  Machine level representation
o  Numeric data representation
o  Signed & unsigned representation
o  Fixed- and floating-point systems
o  Integer arithmetic
o  Boolean operations / 8 / 1
·  Digital logic
o  Fundamental building blocks (logic gates, combinational circuits)
o  Von Neumann model
o  Instruction execution cycle / 8 / 2,3
·  Assembly level machine organization
o  Instruction sets and types
o  Assembly language programming
o  Addressing modes
o  Subroutines and system routines
o  I/O and interrupts
o  Bit level manipulation
o  Assembly process and linking / 14 / 4,5
·  Introduction to architecture
o  Hierarchy of virtual machines
o  Interpretation and translation
o  Simple machine architecture / 8 / 3

School of Computer Science


Fundamentals of Computer Systems

Course Outcomes Emphasized in Laboratory Projects / Assignments

Outcome / Number of Weeks
1 / Data representation
Outcome: 1 / 1
2 / Digital circuit design
Outcomes: 2 / 2
3 / Architecture concepts
Outcomes: 3 / 2
4 / Machine language programming
Outcomes: 4 / 2
5 / Assembly language programming
Outcomes: 5 / 2
6 / Assembly language programming
Outcomes: 5 / 2

Oral and Written Communication:

No significant coverage

Social and Ethical Implications of Computing Topics

No significant coverage

School of Computer Science


Fundamentals of Computer Systems

Approximate number of credit hours devoted to fundamental CS topics
Topic / Core Hours / Advanced Hours
Software Design:
Computer Organization and Architecture: / 2.0
Data Structures:
Concepts of Programming Languages: / 1.0

Theoretical Contents

Topic / Class time
Boolean algebra / 1.0

Problem Analysis Experiences

Implementation of high level programming language constructs in low level languages

Solution Design Experiences

1. / Digital circuit design
2. / Assembly language programming

School of Computer Science


Fundamentals of Computer Systems

The Coverage of Knowledge Units within Computer Science Body of Knowledge[1]

Knowledge Unit / Topic / Lecture Hours
PL2 / Virtual machine, hierarchy of virtual machines, intermediate languages / 8
AR1 / History of computer architecture, fundamental logic circuits, gate delays / 8
AR2 / Bits, bytes, and words, numeric data representation, fixed- and floating-point systems, signed and twos-complement representations, nonnumeric data (character codes, graphical data), representation of records and arrays / 8
AR3 / von Neumann machine, control unit; instruction fetch, decode, and execution,
instruction sets and types (data manipulation, control, I/O), assembly/machine language programming, instruction formats, addressing modes, subroutine call and return mechanisms, I/O and interrupts / 14


[1]See for a description of Computer Science Knowledge units