Annual Training Report (ATR) 2006/7 Template

Submission Date:

30 June 2007



Role of the Workplace Skills Plan and Annual Training Report in the NSDS

The NSDS and the Public and Private Sectors

Legal Mandate for the Private Sector

Criteria for Mandatory Grant Payments

Instructions for Completing the ATR

Completing the ATR template

Submission dates and signatures

Mandatory Grant Claim Form

Implementation Grant Forms

B1Educational Profile

B2Provincial Profile

B3Current Employment Profile

Skills Priorities (See Section G)

C3Training Interventions Implemented

C3 c:Internships

Section F:Authorisation Form


Section G: Guidelines and Definitions


Submission Guidelines

Approval Requirements and Explanatory Notes

Definitions of Occupational Groups


Role of the Workplace Skills Plan and Annual Training Report in the NSDS

The Context for the Workplace Skills Plan

The vision of the current National Skills Development Strategy 2005-2010 (NSDS II) is:

Skills for Sustainable Growth, Development and Equity

The mission statement of NSDS II:

The National Skills Development Strategy contributes to sustainable development of skills growth, development and equity of skills development institutions by aligning their work and resources to the skills needs for effective delivery and implementation.

NSDS II aims to enhance and encourage people development through skills at three levels: i.e. national, sector and at organisational.

The NSDS and the Public and Private Sectors

NSDS II applies equally to, and impacts on, both the private and public sectors, but serves slightly different purposes in each sector.

In the private sector, the strategy has a macro aim of supporting growth, enhancing global competitiveness and spurring employment equity. At enterprise level, it is all about people, productivity and profit: People, in that it supports personal development and career opportunities; productivity, in that people development is linked to enterprise strategy and builds a smarter human resource base; and profit, in that increased productivity leads to growth.

In the public sector, South Africa has adopted a human resource strategy that seeks to maximise people development, management and empowerment through quality skills development to accelerate transformation and service delivery that will benefit the people of South Africa. Government’s determination to deploy a developmental state in support of national growth and quality of life and its medium-term programme of action both critically depend on the quality of service and thus of people in the public service. All Government departments, public entities and parastatals are accountable for their own implementation of the skills component of the programme of action.

Legal Mandate forthe Private Sector

Private sector employers (with some limited exceptions) are required in terms of section 3 of the Skills Development Levies Act to pay a levy of one per cent (1%) of remuneration to their relevant SETA.

The Skills Development Act of 1998 (section 10) introduced the Workplace Skills Plans (WSP) as an important instrument in South Africa's skills development strategy. The purpose of the WSP is to describe employers' plans for the training and development of employees in the forthcoming year, based on the analysis of business requirements and the skills needs of current staff. It describes the skills priorities, the education and training programmes that are required to meet and deliver those priorities, as well as the staff who will be targeted for training, indicating the race, gender and disability status of these beneficiaries.

The purpose of the Annual Training Report (ATR) is to report on the delivery of the planned training at the end of the WSP implementation period.

The requirements for the submission of WSPs and ATRs by private sector employers are described in the Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) Grant Regulations regarding monies received by a SETA and related matters (Notice No. R. 713, dated 18 July 2005), and in Success Indicator 2.1 of the NSDS (2005-2010). In the case of private sector employers, the submission of the WSP to the SETA is central to the process of SETA payments of mandatory grants.

NSDS II encourages a close link between the WSP and ATR: “From 2006 the WSP will be judged by an additional criterion, i.e. a report on the performance against the previous year’s WSP (NSDS II Lever 2.1 under Success Indicator 2.1).”

Criteria for Mandatory Grant Payments

Employers who meet the following criteria will qualify for SETA mandatory grants for the submission of WSPs and ATRs:

2.1The employer has registered with the Commissioner of SARS for payment of the skills levy as prescribed in section 5 of the Skills Levies Act.

2.2The employer has submitted a WSP and an ATR in the format prescribed in the latest SETA Grant Regulations.

2.3The employer has submitted a WSP and an ATR within the timeframes prescribed in the latest SETA Grant Regulations.

2.4The employer has submitted a WSP and an ATR that conforms to any other requirements as prescribed in the latest SETA Grant Regulations.

2.5The employer has submitted an ATR that describes performance in respect of the implementation of training.

SETAs may request additional information in WSPs and ATRs to gather information that is relevant to specific sectors.

Instructions for Completing the ATR

Completing the ATR template

Consult the comprehensive guidelines in Section G that describe the information that is required under each section of the ATR.

Submission dates and signatures

In order to qualify for mandatory grants, WSP/ATR must be submitted by 30 June each year, and the WSP of newly registered entities must be submitted within 6 months of establishment.

SETAs will accept WSPs/ATRs submitted after this date, but employers will not be entitled to mandatory grants for late submissions, unless by special arrangement.

Authorisation Forms must be submitted, with the original signatures, to the skills development division of the relevant SETA by hand, post or fax by 30 June of each year.

Mandatory Grant Claim Form

The purpose of the Grant Claim form is to facilitate smoother and faster payments. A Grant Claim form will be made available on the Isett Seta website and can be downloaded from the website under the following section: SSP→Wsp/Atr Templates→Mandatory Grant Claim Form, and also available on the SDF Dashboard. It must then be completed and attached to EMP 201 forms of the corresponding claim period. The claim form, together with the required attachments, must then be submitted directly to the Isett Seta Finance Department, as per the instructions printed on the Claim Form.

Implementation Grant Forms

B1Educational Profile

Qualification Description / Number of Employees
Below Grade9/Std 7/ABET 4
Grade9/Std 7/ABET 4
Grade 12/Matric/NQF 4
Post Matric Certificate/Diploma/NQF 5
First Degree/Higher Diploma/NQF 6
Post Graduate Qualification/NQF 7 or higher

B2Provincial Profile

Province / Number of Employees
Eastern Cape
Free State
Northern Cape
North West
Western Cape


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B3Current Employment Profile

Do not include employees for whom you do not pay SDL. Ensure that the number of staff reported in form B3 matches the total reported in B1and B2. People with disabilities get classified and counted as either male or female.They should also be counted separately again under the “Disabled” column.

Occupational Group / African / Coloured / Indian/Asian / White / Total
Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled
Legislators, Senior Officials, Managers & Owner Managers / Board Members
Executive Managers
Senior Managers
Technicians & Associated Professionals
Clerks & Administrative Workers
Service & Sales Workers
Plant & Machine Operators & Assemblers
Labourers & Elementary Occupations

Skills Priorities (See Section G)

Field or Function / Skills Area / Training Intervention / Level of planned education and training / SAQA Registered?
NQF1 / NQF2 / NQF3 / NQF4 / NQF5 / NQF6 / NQF7 / NQF8 / Yes / No

C3Training Interventions Implemented

The tables below indicate beneficiaries that participated in learning interventions. Please indicate the number of beneficiaries who received training and NOT the number of programmes run during the course of the year. Count each planned recipient of training once only. No double-counting of employees should occur. The total number of beneficiaries indicated in all the tables below will typically be a percentage of your entire workforce and is unlikely to exceed that number.

C3 a:Learnerships for 18.1 Learners

Learners in the 18.1 category are currently employed.

Occupation / NQF Level / Learnership Title / Budget / Number of beneficiaries per population group
African / Coloured / Indian/Asian / White / Total
Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled
Technicians & Associated Professionals
Clerks & Administrative Workers
Service & Sales Workers
Assemblers and Plant & Machine Operators
C3 b:Learnerships for 18.2 Learners

Learners in the 18.2 category are not currently employed.

Occupation / NQF Level / Learner-ship Title / Budget / Number of beneficiaries per population group
African / Coloured / Indian/Asian / White / Total
Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled
Technicians & Associated Professionals
Clerks & Administrative Workers
Service & Sales Workers
Assemblers and Plant & Machine Operators

C3 c:Internships

Internships are only applicable to learners that are provided with experiential training after completion of their diplomas and/or degrees.

Occupation / Isett Seta Sponsored? Y/N / Training Budget / Number of beneficiaries per population group
African / Coloured / Indian/Asian / White / Total
Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled
Technicians & Associated Professionals
Clerks & Administrative Workers
Service & Sales Workers
Assemblers and Plant & Machine Operators
Labourers & Elementary Occupations
C3 d:Skills Programmes

Skills Programmes are accredited training programmes that result in at least one credit on the NQF. Specifically excludes End User Computer Training like Word-processing.

Occupation / Train-ing Budget / Number of beneficiaries per population group
African / Coloured / Indian/Asian / White / Total
Male / Female / Dis-abled / Male / Female / Dis-abled / Male / Female / Dis-abled / Male / Female / Dis-abled / Male / Female / Dis-abled
Legislators, Senior Officials, Managers & Owner Managers / Board Members
Executive Managers
Senior Managers
Technicians & Associated Professionals
Clerks & Administrative Workers
Service & Sales Workers
Assemblers and Plant & Machine Operators
Labourers & Elementary Occupations
C3 e:Short Courses

Short Courses may include ANY structured training that is not yet NQF aligned but transfer necessary skills to learners. Specifically excludes Basic End User Computer Training like Word-processing.

Occupation / Train-ing Budget / Number of beneficiaries per population group
African / Coloured / Indian/Asian / White / Total
Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled
Legislators, Senior Officials, Managers & Owner Managers / Board Members
Executive Managers
Senior Managers
Technicians & Associated Professionals
Clerks & Administrative Workers
Service & Sales Workers
Assemblers and Plant & Machine Operators
Labourers & Elementary Occupations
C3 f:ABET/ End User Computer Training
Occupation / Train-ing Budget / Number of beneficiaries per population group
African / Coloured / Indian/Asian / White / Total
Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled
Legislators, Senior Officials, Managers & Owner Managers / Board Members
Executive Managers
Senior Managers
Technicians & Associated Professionals
Clerks & Administrative Workers
Service & Sales Workers
Assemblers and Plant & Machine Operators
Labourers & Elementary Occupations
C3 g:Bursaries
Occupation / Course Title / Skills Descri-ption / Train-ing Budget / Number of beneficiaries per population group
African / Coloured / Indian/Asian / White / Total
Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled / Male / Fe-male / Dis-abled
Legislators, Senior Officials, Managers & Owner Managers / Board Members
Executive Managers
Senior Managers
Technicians & Associated Professionals
Clerks & Administrative Workers
Service & Sales Workers
Assemblers and Plant & Machine Operators
Labourers & Elementary Occupations
Unemployed Learners

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Section F:Authorisation Form


Company Name:
Linked Companies (if applicable):
Linked L-Numbers (if applicable):
Name of Authorised Signatory:
ID Number:
Position in organization :( e.g. CEO, MD, CFO, etc.):
Name of SDF:
ID Number:
We, (print name)……………………………………………………………….………. the Authorised Signatory, and
(print name)……………………………………………………….……………………..……. the duly appointed Skills Development Facilitator (SDF), warrant that we are duly authorised to bind the above mentioned company and declare that this application for a Annual Training Report 2006/07 and Workplace Skills Plan 2007/08 Grant in respect of the same, is a true reflection of the Skills Development Status of this organization and that the information/statements it contains are correct. We understand that Isett Seta may independently verify the information. We also understand that it is an offence in terms of section 33(b) of the Act to knowingly furnish any false information and that doing so may constitute fraud and be subject to the full penalty of the law. This organisation is up-to-date with Skills Development Levy payments to SARS. This also serves as proof that consultation has occurred between employer and employees regarding the content of this Skills Development Grant Claim. The Authorised Signatory further authorises Isett Seta to pay any amounts which may accrue to the Company/Entity into the Company’s/Entity’s account with the bank reflected below. The Company/Entity understands that the credit transfers, which it has authorised, will be processed by computer through a system known as the “ACB ELECTRONIC TRANSFER SERVICES”. The Company/Entity also understands that no additional advice of payment will be printed on the Company’s/Entity’s bank statement or any accompanying voucher. The Company/Entity may cancel this authority by giving thirty (30) days written notice to this effect, such notice to be sent by prepaid registered post.
Signature of Authorised Signatory: / Date:
Signature of SDF: / Date:
On behalf of the Employer Representative on the Training Committee:
Name of Authorised Signatory:
Position in Organisation:
Signature / Date:
On behalf of the Employee Representative on the Training Committee:
Name of Authorised Signatory:
Position in Organisation:
Signature / Date
Please complete this section in full even if you have submitted banking details before. Please note that banking details are only required for the purpose of a refund.
Name of Bank / Branch
Type of account / Branch code
Account number
Attach at least one of the following to confirm banking details:
  • copy of cheque
  • original cancelled cheque
  • letter from the bank confirming the details

For your Skills Development Grant to be approved, AUTHORISATION FORMS are to be faxed to Ms E Netshituni at : 0866 143 669

Original Copies should be sent to:

Isett Seta

SSP Department

PO Box 5585



Should you have any queries or require assistance please feel free to contact us at: 011 207-2600.

Section G: Guidelines and Definitions

This Template is designed to meet the requirements of the Skills Development Act and the Skills Development Levies Act, together with the Regulations published in the Government Gazette of 18 July 2005, Regulation No. R 713, Gazette No 27801 Vol. 481.The grant application contains a training plan for the financial year (2007/08) and a training report for the financial year (2006/07). Should the submission be acceptable to the Seta, the mandatory grant of 50% of Skills Development Levies paid to SARS during the 2007/8 financial year will be paid to the employer. Should any aspect of the grant application not meet all the criteria, the Seta reserves the right to query this application.

The WSP is used by ISETT to:

  • determine imbalances in the supply of, and demand for, skilled labour;
  • support the National Skills Development Strategy that must be demand-led and sensitive to the labour market needs
  • the disbursement of levy funds to eligible employers, through the Levy Grant System


Employers are assured that all information received will be treated with the highest regard for confidentiality. Information received in the grant applications are aggregated for the purposes of research and planning.

Submission Guidelines

  • If the employer does not claim a mandatory grant by the deadline date, the Seta must transfer the employer’s unclaimed mandatory grant funds to the discretionary fund.
  • In terms of the relevant regulations, requests for extensions and late grant submissions may be entertained by the Seta. The penalty for submitting mandatory grant applications late is losing the grant in full. The only exception to this is where a mandatory grant application is submitted within 6 months of registration in the case of an employer who has registered for the first time in terms of section 5(1) of the Skills Development Levies (SDL) Act.
  • The WSP and ATR must be completed correctly and submitted in the required format.
  • The WSP and ATR must be submitted to Isett Seta by no later than 30 JUNE 2007 in terms of the Department of Labour’s national deadline.
  • Retain a copy of the grant application for your own record.

Approval Requirements and Explanatory Notes

A1: Organisation Details
  • All the information must be updated or verified and confirmed before proceeding to A2.
  • Companies with more than 49 employees must submit the names and full contact details, including e-mail addresses, of no less than 3 Company Officials at Senior Level.
  • Companies with less than 50 employees must submit the names and full contact details, including e-mail addresses, at least 1 Company Official at Senior Level.
A2: SDF Details
  • All the information must be updated or verified and confirmed before proceeding.
B1: Educational Profile
  • The numbers reported must correspond with the Employment Profile.
B2: Provincial Profile
  • All the information must be updated or verified and confirmed before proceeding.
B3: Current Employment Profile
  • All the information must be updated or verified and confirmed before proceeding.
  • CURRENT EMPLOYMENT PROFILE is defined as the total workforce in respect of whom skills development levies have been paid (or are eligible to be paid) to South African Revenue Services (SARS). Please include all permanent staff including, partners, directors and learners. Do not include other employees for whom you do not pay SDL e.g. temporary workers.
  • Enter your organisation’s employment profile as at 1 April 2007.
  • When completing this table, refer to the Definitions of Occupational Groups provided lower down. Further information may be obtained from the Department of Labour website:
  • For purposes of completing the DISABLED column, disabled persons are in the first instance categorized along population group and gender lines, and then again as disabled.
  • They are counted when reporting against gender and are specified again, but not counted, in the disabled column. The Employment Equity Act of 1998 defines people with disabilities as “people who have a long-term or recurring physical or mental impairment that substantially limits their prospects of entry into or advancement in employment”. Physical impairments include hearing and visual impairments, paralysis, amputations and problems with internal organs. Mental impairment includes clinically defined mental and emotional illnesses and learning disabilities.
C1: Training Budget
  • The total amount planned for training (WSP) or spent on training (ATR), is required in this field.
  • A whole range of cost factors may arise, whether the costs are actually incurred by the applicant or by an external consultant or provider (both public and private) contracted for the purpose of training staff. These cost factors may include:
  • training the trainers, payment of lecturers, facilitators and permanent training staff;
  • costs of running, or hire of, training facilities;
  • tuition or course fees, registration/accreditation/examination costs;
  • per hour cost to company for using supervisory/operational staff as mentors or part-time lecturers;
  • travelling, accommodation and subsistence cost specifically for the training of learners. Costs related to such exercises as seminars and conferences are excluded.
  • The total expenditure must not reflect:
  • the salaries paid to learners for the time these learners spent on education and training;
  • lost person workdays (leave for learners) and temporary replacement staff costs (or wages of learners);
  • fixed building or equipment costs
  • Costs related to such exercises as seminars and conferences are excluded.
C2/D2: Skills Priorities
  • All the information must be updated or verified and confirmed before proceeding.
  • Use the following categorisations of Field or Function, Skills Area, and Training Intervention: