ACTION Items – WG-S Web Meeting #21:

Contents: Page 1 – List of all OPEN Action Items.

Page 4 – Open Comments/Notes from Draft Manual.

ACTION ITEM #16 – Secretary to forward next revision of Draft Manual to FSMP for consideration. (Done awaiting feedback in Q1/16 – to remain OPEN) CLOSED at Web Meeting #19

ACTION Item #28 – All member of WG-S to review the latest version of the draft manual and provide comments. The review should consider i) missing or incorrectly presented information and ii) the removal of redundant or duplicated information. (ON-GOING)

ACTION Item #32 – Regarding early implementations, i.e. in advance of ATN/IPS router availability, the Secretary to notify WG-I/SDS of this issue and to have it raised at the January WG-I meeting. (OPEN – JCAB (Shoichi) and others to investigate. Material on avionics could partly solve this problem. This will be discussed at at WG-S/9. (Secretary to provide note in Manual discussing suitable protection between Domains – once approved can be closed)

ACTION Item #38 (8-2) - All members to read Chapters 5 and 6 of the Statement of WP3.1 of WG-S/8. (OPEN – Secretary to post WPs 3 and 3.1 from WG-S/8 on web-site for next web meeting. ) (DONE – OPEN PENDING REVIEW at SDS/9) - This will be discussed at at WG-S/9.CLOSED

ACTION Item #39 (8-3): WiMAX Forum (Rich Hawkins) to provide working paper describing AeroMACS specific PKI material (e.g.; subscriber station certificates, etc.) by end of January. (OPEN- Brian will follow up the paper submission by Rich, for discussion at WG-S/9.) CLOSED

ACTION Item #40 (8-4) - Secretary and Brian to examine ICAO naming conventions for locations and States for compatibility. (OPEN- for discussion at WG-S/9.

ACTION Item #41 (8-5): Rafael Apaza and Brian Crowe work on draft material on siting based on the basic considerations and process along with a the results of an existing survey (most likely Hopkins Airport) to serve as a case study. This is to be submitted by early February. (OPEN Supercedes ACTION ITEMS 7 and 26, PENDING REVIEW at Web Meeting 18 or WG-S/9 – Case study on Hopkins airport still outstanding) (OPEN - for discussion at WG-S/9. FAA airport planning also will contribute material to WG-S/9. Bruce to review Harris material and submit anything worthwhile) CLOSED

ACTION Item #43: Domenico to propose text and picture for describing the distinction between IP used for applications and IP used for AeroMACS included in section – This will be discussed at WG-S/9. (OPEN – material should perhaps be considered by WG-I)

Note to Vaughn -Webex invitation should be sent to Domenico.Secretary to contact Domenico directly – failing a result on this, it will be referred totally to WG-I.

ACTION Item #44: Carlos and Nikos to check section and provide outcome to WG-S/9. (OPEN – Carlos to arrive on the second day) CLOSED pending confirmation by Secretary

ACTION Item #45: Bruce to review section 2.3.1 again and provide comments for WG-S/9. (OPEN – options related to WiMAX and not necessarily AeroMACS; RETURN TO THIS PRIOR TO MEETING CLOSE) CLOSED

ACTION Item #46: All to review this section 2.5.4 (especially based on Bruce’s comments) and make it consistent with the table 1 and table 3, which may result in changing both tables. This will be discussed at WG-S/9. (OPEN – pending review at WG-S/9 based on AR’s update to manual WP04)) CLOSED

ACTION Item #47: Aloke and Vaughn to identify mandatory parts included in section and to move them to chapter 3. This will be discussed at WG-S/9. (OPEN – pending review of Draft Manual as at Web Meeting 19)

ACTION Item #48: Aloke to review section with regard to “Fast Ranging” and provide outcome for the discussion at WG-S/9. (OPEN – to be considered during review of WP04)CLOSED

ACTION ITEM #49 (9-1): Brian Crowe to remove references to 64 QPSK with 5/6 FEC. From the material on siting. Done by your hard-working secretary – to be reviewed during web-meeting #19. CLOSED

ACTION ITEM #50 (9-2): Brian Crowe to remove material dealing with useful throughput (termed “goodput”) and high exposure levels from the material on siting. The source of this material is also to be identified. CLOSED – reference to exposure still needed.

ACTION ITEM #51 (9-3): Secretary to determine of equivalent ICAO provisions exist and substitute these in the new text. (refers to the sections and 2.10.2) : Secretary comment

ACTION ITEM #52 (9-4): Brian and Aloke to produce final version of material on System Management.

ACTION ITEM #53 (9-5): Rapporteur/Secretary to amend service flow tables to ensure consistency. (VOX and AOC2 being key examples) Members to review draft manual from Web Meeting 19 and provide feedback to secretary.

ACTION ITEM #54 (9-7): Secretary to amend tables in section dealing with Service Flows in accordance with para 4.6. Secretary Comment - AOC2 has become Default. Voice is not present in all tables ie: tables 2 and 3. Later tables ie: “Mapping IP QoS with AeroMACS Service Flows” and “Device Classes” can’t be modified easily – originals needed. CLOSED

ACTION ITEM #55 (9-8): Secretary to obtain FSMP comments on Section including the table. CLOSED

ACTION ITEM #56 (9-9): Aloke Roy to provide the DSCP bits for the new service flows to be included. Done by Bruce hence CLOSED – Secretary to complete.

ACTION ITEM #57 (9-10): Secretary to modify table as follows: i) move “emergency video” down and ii) show traffic priority as part of AeroMACS and not IPQOS.

ACTION ITME #58 (9-11): WG-S members to consider reclassification of Paragraphs/Section and provide to Secretary. Updated to refer to table given in WP01 from Web Meeting 19 - CLOSED

ACTION ITEM #59 (9-12): Secretary to re-vamp document based on advice received under Action Item 9-10. Prior to this the Secretary shall consult editorial to determine the correct methods.

ACTION ITEM #60 (9-13): Rapporteur, Secretary and Rich Hawkins to review definitions of these policies/entities given in Doc 9705 and make recommendations to WG-S.

ACTION ITEM #61 (9-14): Rapporteur to provide correct naming and syntax of OIDs. Submitted to Rich Hawkins – awaiting material from Rich Hawkins.

ACTION ITEM #62 (9-15): Rich Hawkins to re-cast the material in WPs 6, 5 and 5.1, to be suitable for inclusion in the AeroMACS Manual. If this is submitted prior to the end of the meeting it shall be included by the Secretary in MISC03- Material submitted to Web Meeting #20 to be reviewed by members (especially Bruce) and if satisfactory can be CLOSED.

ACTION ITEM #63: Bruce Eckstein to add note to table on allocation of DSCP values and forward this to the Secretary for consideration by WG-S and WG-I. Secretary to act on this.

ACTION ITEM #64: Secretary to replace table in the draft manual with that of WP01 (web meeting #19) and incorporate any feedback from WG-I/WG-S.

ACTION ITEM #65: Rich Hawkins to provide a more definite policy requirement as a result of BEE1 from WP02. Superceded by #66 – hence CLOSED

ACTION ITEM #66: WG-S members to review Section 6.2 of WG5.1 and provide comments to Secretary, who will later make this an appendix to the AeroMACS Manual. Material to be reviewed is now WP04 from Web Meeting #20

ACTION ITEM #67: Rich Hawkins to advise whether the high or low level is more stringent. WG-S then to decide on appropriate rating. CLOSED – as per WP04 at Web Meeting #20

ACTION ITEM #68: Bee6 to be struck from policy provisions included in manual. CLOSED superceded by #66

ACTION ITEM #69: Rich Hawkins to update the requirements leading to Bee7 and Bee8 to make the distinction between encryption and signature keys. CLOSED superceded by #66

ACTION ITEM #70: Rich Hawkins to re-write policy items which led to Bee9 and Bee10, to explain logic behind timing. CLOSED superceded by #66 – Secretary to provide text on major overhaul schedules of aircraft and ground refresh is dependent of safety requirements.

ACTION ITEM #71: Secretary to check that the language is consistent with ICAO Norms.

ACTION ITEM #72: Brian Crowe to include comments on GPS antennae.

ACTION ITEM #73: Brain Crowe to provide comments on redundant coverage.

ACTION ITEM #74: Secretary to add MOPS definition of CINR to manual.

ACTION ITEM #75: Brian Crowe to find reference to limits on exposure levels contained in section on siting.

ACTION ITEM #76: Brian Crowe and others to provide additional explanatory text in the case study of Hopkins Airport, Cleveland and to update the layout diagramme to show area coverage.

ACTION ITEM #77: Secretary to provide text in manual to show that each user domain had different security requirements.

ACTION ITEM #78: Secretary to re-organise Chapter 2 of Manual, so that practical considerations are dealt with in the front of the document while technical considerations are dealt with later.

ACTION ITEM #79: WG-S to review MASPS and Manual for differences and report to Armin Schlereth – PRIORITY TASK.

List of Open Action Items as at April 13, 2016

ACTION Item #28 – All member of WG-S to review the latest version of the draft manual and provide comments. The review should consider i) missing or incorrectly presented information and ii) the removal of redundant or duplicated information. (ON-GOING)

ACTION Item #40 (8-4) - Secretary and Brian to examine ICAO naming conventions for locations and States for compatibility. (OPEN- for discussion at WG-S/9) Nothing yet done at Web Meeting #20.

ACTION Item #43: Domenico to propose text and picture for describing the distinction between IP used for applications and IP used for AeroMACS included in section – This will be discussed at WG-S/9. (OPEN – material should perhaps be considered by WG-I)

Note to Vaughn -Webex invitation should be sent to Domenico. Secretary to contact Domenico directly – failing a result on this, it will be referred totally to WG-I. Domenico has been contacted.

ACTION Item #47: Aloke and Vaughn to identify mandatory parts included in section and to move them to chapter 3. This will be discussed at WG-S/9. (OPEN – pending review of Draft Manual as at Web Meeting 19)

ACTION ITEM #50 (9-2): Brian Crowe to remove material dealing with useful throughput (termed “goodput”) and high exposure levels from the material on siting. The source of this material is also to be identified. CLOSED – reference to exposure still needed. Reference to exposure provided – hence closure recommended.

ACTION ITEM #51 (9-3): Secretary to determine of equivalent ICAO provisions exist and substitute these in the new text. (refers to the sections and 2.10.2) : Secretary – still waiting on Aerodromes Panel Secretary to return to office.

ACTION ITEM #52 (9-4): Brian and Aloke to produce final version of material on System Management.

ACTION ITEM #53 (9-5): Rapporteur/Secretary to amend service flow tables to ensure consistency. (VOX and AOC2 being key examples) Members to review draft manual from Web Meeting 19 and provide feedback to secretary.

ACTION ITEM #57 (9-10): Secretary to modify table as follows: i) move “emergency video” down and ii) show traffic priority as part of AeroMACS and not IPQOS. Secretary – discussion needed at Web Meet 21.

ACTION ITEM #59 (9-12): Secretary to re-vamp document based on advice received under Action Item 9-10. Prior to this the Secretary shall consult editorial to determine the correct methods. Done – approval sought from Web Meeting 21 (approval in principle given at web meeting 20)

ACTION ITEM #60 (9-13): Rapporteur, Secretary and Rich Hawkins to review definitions of these policies/entities given in Doc 9705 and make recommendations to WG-S. Secretary – Rich to confirm

ACTION ITEM #63: Bruce Eckstein to add note to table on allocation of DSCP values and forward this to the Secretary for consideration by WG-S and WG-I. Done – material added to Tech Spec. approval from web meeting (especially Bruce) needed for closure. Definition of the term needed

ACTION ITEM #64: Secretary to replace table in the draft manual with that of WP01 (web meeting #19) and incorporate any feedback from WG-I/WG-S. (As above)

ACTION ITEM #66: WG-S members to review Section 6.2 of WG5.1 and provide comments to Secretary, who will later make this an appendix to the AeroMACS Manual. Material to be reviewed is now WP04 from Web Meeting #20. Superseded by Action Item 66, hence closure recommended.

ACTION ITEM #70: Rich Hawkins to re-write policy items which led to Bee9 and Bee10, to explain logic behind timing. CLOSED superseded by #66 – Secretary to provide text on major overhaul schedules of aircraft and ground refresh is dependent of safety requirements. Done notes added to tech spec. – approval from meeting sought.

ACTION ITEM #71: Secretary to check that the language is consistent with ICAO Norms.

ACTION ITEM #72: Brian Crowe to include comments on GPS antennae. Done (see Hence closure recommended.

ACTION ITEM #73: Brain Crowe to provide comments on redundant coverage. Done (see hence closure recommended.

ACTION ITEM #74: Secretary to add MOPS definition of CINR to manual. Done – more info may be needed.

ACTION ITEM #75: Brian Crowe to find reference to limits on exposure levels contained in section on siting. (See item #50 – done: approval by meeting needed)

ACTION ITEM #76: Brian Crowe and others to provide additional explanatory text in the case study of Hopkins Airport, Cleveland and to update the layout diagramme to show area coverage. Secretary – only thing needed is coverage diagramme, which all-knowing secretary knows exists.