Six Pack Meeting

January 12, 2006

President’s Conference Room


Dr. Audre Levy / LASC President / Tom Lynch / DMJM/JGM, APM
Mary Gallagher / LASCActing VP Administration / Xavier Ortiz / DMJM/JGM, ACM
Leige Henderson / LASC VP Academic Affairs / Ed Bilezikjian / CCG, Director
Jose Robledo / LASC VP Student Services / George Snead / CCG, Asst. Director
Doug Campbell / LASC Plant Facilities / Gustavo Ripalda / CCG, Project Mgr.
Roshni Thomas / DMJM/JGM, APM
Brian Spencer / DMJM/JGM, APM

1.0 Infrastructure Meeting Update

Dr. Levy brief the team on the 01/11/06 Infrastructure Meeting.

  • HarborCollege will be building a new 14,000 sf ChildDevelopmentCenter and has a price tag of $9,000,000. The Harbor College CDC building has an average cost of $642.00/sf. The CDC building here at Southwest has an average cost of $507.00/sf
  • TradeTechCollege has a Theater Arts building renovation for $2,000,000.

2.0 New DSA Submittal Process Dated 9/27/2005

Dr. Levy distributed a copy of the new DSA Submittal Procedures which are intended to assist the Design Consultant (AOR) in the submission of complete documents into the Division of the State Architect (DSA) and in turn receive a prompt review period by DSA. Based on the new process followed by the AOR, DSA will commit to returning the design documents on the specific date(s).

All the campuses in the LACCD have been experiencing problems with the DSA process. Dr. Levy requested the CPM to find ways to expedite the design process so as to submit drawings as quickly as possible for DSA review and follow the new DSA Submittal Process.

Dr. Levy requested CCG to establish guidelines for change orders by providing a list of the type of changes that would fall into the scope for processing change orders on a project.

3.0 New Bond Proposal

Dr Levy informed the team that there is an initiative in the District to go after a new Bond that would help finish all the work from the A & AA Bond Program and provide for additional projects that never got included in the bond work.

Dr. Levy asked the Team to identify projects not currently funded and new projects to bring with their respective Construction Budgets. This List will be relayed to the District to be included in the new Bond. The team identified the following projects and the following construction budgets.

Project NameConstruction CostProject Cost

  • Pool Cover$6,000,000$9,240,000
  • Arts + Humanities Building$14,000,000$21,560,000
  • Student Services (2ndBlng)$20,000,000$30,800,000
  • Cox – 4the Floor Modernization$6,000,000$9,240,000
  • Additional Land Acquisition$3,000,000$4,620,000
  • East Parking Structure$12,000,000$18,480,000
  • Fields + Courts$4,000,000$6,160,000
  • Central Plant$6,000,000$9,240,000
  • Wind Turbines/Electricity$6,000,000$9,240,000
  • Campus-Wide Infrastructure$5,000,000$7,700,000
  • Campus-Wide Landscaping$3,000,000$4,620,000
  • Total$81,000,000 $133,980,000

The CPM Projects that to complete the work here in Southwest it would take $134 Million if the projects were to start immediately. To this figure the CPM recommends that escalation be added at 6.5% for every year after 2006.

4.0 StudentServicesEducationCenter (SSEC)

The new SSEC building has been turned over to the College and occupies the facility. Dr. Levy asked about the warranties in the new SSEC building. The CPM indicated that the warranty period was one year.

Dr. Levy expressed dissatisfaction with the white tile that was specified for the new SSEC, and requested that this color tile be banned from all future buildings here on campus.

The brushed Stainless Steel in the elevator cabs has been vandalized. Dr. Levy requested that a different finish be specified for any stainless steel to be installed in the future on campus.

Dr. Levy asked if all the furniture had been order for the new SSEC. Jose Robledo stated that a large order still is needed to be placed. Dr. Levy asked if the order could be broken into multiple orders. Dr. Levy would like to have the tables for the first floor ordered immediately. The tables should be in placed before the accreditation committee visits the campus on March 20th to 23rd.

Jose Robledo expressed some discontent with the current FF + E bulk purchasing program. He feels that the number of choices is insufficient and the quality of the product could be better.

Dr. Levy asked Plant Facilities to be more proactive during the User Group Meetings and identify any maintenance problems that they might foresee in the future. Doug Campbell was asked to prepare a list of Lessons Learned from the SSEC. In the list, Doug should identify all the maintenance problems that have been encountered with the new building as well as all the maintenance problems that they are currently facing. This list will be shared with all the Design Consultants working wit LASC.

5.0 Design Build

Dr. Levy explained that the Design Build Process should not be delayed under any circumstances. The magnitude and importance of the process has to be conveyed to all the team members. Everyone has to contribute to make sure that the process marches forward and stays on schedule.

Ed Bilezikjian reviewed the Design-Build process and Schedule handout.

  • It was requested the Item 3 also include “Preparation of the Proposal”. As it currently reads it is not clear and it could be understood that the only activity taking place is the touring of the campus.
  • It was requested that Item 4 be removed
  • Dr. Levy requested that the committee members are brief on the presentation procedure and be allowed to see the submittals on 3/24/06.
  • It was agreed that each Design Build Team be given two hours to make their presentation.
  • Dr. Levy stated that she will be inviting other Presidents to the Design Build Presentations on the 28th, and 29th. Immediate after the last presentation, the College Review Committee will score the Proposals on 3/29/06.
  • It was agreed that the presentation to the Infrastructure committee be as brief as possible. Pictures of the winning submittal should be presented to the IC. Additionally it was also suggested that this be the only agenda Item for the day. The CPM will contact Larry Eisenberg on this matter.

Dr. Levy asked Jose Robledo to inform the Facilities Planning Committee Members of urgency of keeping the Design Build Process on schedule. This message will be convey to the F.P.C. Members during the next their meeting.

6.0 Northeast Quadrant

CCG informed the College that Package 2 will start construction next Tuesday 01/17/06. Dr.

Levy expressed some concerns on the phasing of Package 3. During the construction of this phase Parking Lot A will be under construction and the entry from Imperial Hwy to the College will be unusable. Dr. Levy requested that a detail Construction Phasing Plan be worked out by the CPM in collaboration with the College. The Construction Phasing Plan has to be included as part of the Bid Documents in order to guarantee that work will be as expected by the College.

7.0 Bungalows Demolition Project

The next group of Bungalows that will be demolished include 540, 910, 912, 920, 923, 960, 963, 970, and 973. The abatement will take place during the last week in February and the demolition will be during the 1st week in March.

The asset Management Company has identifiedsome valuable kitchen equipment that will be sold.

The power in these bungalows has been disconnected per Plant Facilities.. DMJM Safety officer on campus will red Tag the buildings as unusable to avoid anyone entering buildings with no utilities.

8.0 Miscellaneous Items

Mary Gallagher requested that the contractors doing work in the College be more careful with the clean-up once they finish a task. One of the subcontractors in the SSEC left grease on the floor and she almost fell.

Leige Henderson asked when the screen for the roof-top HVAC equipment in the new SSEC was going to be ready. CPM informed the college that the screen was going to be done under a separate contract and that the funds were going to be coming from the Errors and Omissions A/E Policy. The exact day for the beginning and completion of this project has not been determined yet.

The College informed the CPM that there was going to be a National Theater and Speech Convention on Campus between March 28th and March 30th. It was determined that this event was not going to create any conflict with the Design Build Firms Presentation schedule during the same days.

Doug Campbell informed the College that the Bookstore is almost completed and that it will be finished on schedule on March 1st. George Snead informed the College that the move could be handled and paid by with Prop A funds. Mary Gallagher will coordinate this effort with Mr. Snead.

The CPM will meet with Woodcliff Corp./General Contractor of the ChildDevelopmentCenter under construction to have him provide a Project Sign for the project. The CPM will follow up with Woodcliff.

The Campus Drinking Fountains Replacement Project, which is a State Maintenance Project, is approximately 85% complete. The heater & Boiler Replacement Project is still in DSA and is not approved. The CPM does not wish to take over this State Funded/Bond Funded project, since the State funds will lapse by the end of March 2006. The College should contact David Sadro for a status of the DSA review and expected approval. Jose Robledo will e-mail David.

Doug Campbell will prepare a list of the 2006 – 2007 Scheduled Maintenance Projects for review for the CPM to look at partial funding from the Prop A/AA Bond Program.

The Program Manager will review with Bruce Rosky on how the Prop A Projects can get reimbursed for the State Funds that have been approved.