NEADC Board Meeting Minutes / Wednesday9/6//17
6:30 PM
Location: Zuma’s, Boston
Attendees: Uma Mirani, Greg Hunger, Dan Sprague,Joy Marzolf,
Beth Nerney, Bob Munson, Maura Keane, Brooks MacArthur
Not Attending: Julia Cichowski, Steven Whitford, Catherine Chan-Tse
  1. Upcoming Speakers
  • Mike O’Neill
  • October- Amy Fleischer –
  • November EPA Diver program Phil Colarusso
  • December – Member Share
  1. Next Officer meeting 10/4 at Zumas
  1. Uma to email the Aquarium front desk sheet about the club – she has asked everyone to review and update by the next board meeting
  1. 9/17 is the Bay State Council Treasure Hunt – Maura and Brooks to attend
  1. Since we can’t locate the banner Uma found a place to order a new one – 3x8 at $45 per banner.
  • Maura made a motion to order 2 banners. Dan 2nd the motions. No one opposed. Motion carried
  1. Maura brought up ordering business cards (will put labels on back with individual information). Maura to check the cost at VisatPrint
  1. Tropical Fish Rescue
  2. Catherine to follow up with Uma for an update on the food
  3. Brooks, Dan, Uma, Beth, Greg, Maura and Joy will be attending
  4. If you have old political signs we could use them for the event
  5. Arrival is 9am for set up
  6. Maura to check with Tom to see if he can do the seining
  7. Maura made a motion to buy 20 new nets. Bob 2nd the motion. All in favor. No one opposed. Motion carried.
  8. Brooks volunteered to get animals for the touch tank
  9. Decision to no use raffle prizes at Tropical but to give out to the alternate for the GOT dive
  10. Dan to see if Rick is attending
  11. Dan asked for people to help with clean up on Sunday – Beth and Uma volunteered
  12. Uma to order thank you cake for Rick
  13. Uma to reach out to Living Earth to see if they will be attending
  1. Boat Dive Position open- need someone to nominate him at the next general
  1. Ballot for November elections
  2. President – Uma
  3. Vice President - Greg
  4. Program Director – Joy
  5. Webmaster – Steve
  6. Treasurer – Julia or Rick
  7. Boat Dive – Brooks
  8. Secretary – Beth
  9. Environmental – Dan or Maura
  10. Newsletter – Catherine
  11. Open positions – Membership, Shoredive
Meeting Adjourned at 8:30 pm